{{color}} can be used to specify the foreground color of a span of text. Acceptable values are RGB hex codes, e.g. #C9E72A, or any of the web colors: red, blue, green, moccasin, darkorchid, etc. To set the background color of a span of text, use {{background color}}.
{{color|name of color or hex code of color|Text}}
For example:
{{color|red|Hello, world!}}
→ Hello, world!{{color|#00F000|Hello, world!}}
→ Hello, world!
If the second parameter is omitted, the color value is displayed as text:
→ #00F000{{color|red}}
→ red
Dark mode
This template does not function in dark mode. If you have a use case for color in your page, you should use an existing more-specific template (such as {{increase}} or {{xt}}).
{{Colored text}}
See also
- {{resize}}
- {{colored link}}
- {{background color}}
- {{font color}} – allows setting both text and background color
- {{coltit}} – colored table header cell
- {{overcoloured}} – when color is used in a way that hides information from color-blind people
TemplateData for Color
The color template can be used to add a span of text with any given text color
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Color | 1 | CSS name of color or hex code of color, e.g. 'red' or '#00F000'. | String | required |
Text | 2 | The string of text to be formatted in the desired color | String | suggested |
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