
Selamat Sultan (pronounced [səlamat sultan]) is the state anthem of Kelantan, Malaysia. Its melody was composed in 1927 by Allahyarham Mohamed bin Hamzah Saaid (1895–1971), the Goa-born Bandmaster of the Kelantan Police Band who was ordered to have an instrumental song played for the then-Sultan of Kelantan, Ismail.[1] Subsequently, the words were composed by Mahmood bin Hamzah (1893–1971), who was the State Secretary at that time.[citation needed]


Rumi script Jawi script IPA transcription[a] English translation

Lanjutkan usia Al-Sultan kami,
Sultan Kelantan raja ikrami,
Aman sentosa Tuhan sirami,
Kekal memerintah kami.

Kasih dan taat setia disembahkan,
Keriangan diucapkan,
Segala kebesaran Allah cucurkan,
Bertambah kemuliaan.

لنجوتکن اوسيا السلطان کامي⹁
سلطان کلنتن راج اکرامي⹁
امان سنتوسا توهن سيرمي⹁
ککل ممرينته کامي.

کاسيه دان طاعة ستيا دسمبهکن⹁
کرياڠن دأوچاڤکن⹁
سݢالا کبسرن الله چوچورکن⹁
برتامبه کمولياءن.

[landʒutkan usia alsultan kami]
[sultan kəˈlantan radʒa iʔrami]
[aman səntosa tuhan sirami]
[kəkal məmərintah kami]
[kasih dan taʔat sətia disəmbahkan]
[kəriaŋan diutʃapkan]
[səgala kəbəsaran allah ʃutʃurkan]
[bərtambah kəmuliaʔan]

Prolonged be the life of our Sultan,
The divine Sultan of Kelantan,
In peace with God's blessing,
Forever rule over us.

Love and loyalty we offer,
A wish of happiness we utter,
May God bless him with greatness,
And his glory increase.


  1. ^ Sheppard, Mubin (1983). Taman Saujana: Dance, Drama, Music, and Magic in Malaya, Long and Not-so-long Ago. International Book Service. p. 82. ISBN 978-967-950-000-4.


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