This page gives advanced instructions for users who wish to know how Portal:English football works and what each template does.
The majority of the Top section is the same across all Portal tabbed pages. The elements are as follows -
The {{browsebar}}
displays the main Portal categories, as per the Portal Manual of Style - this should appear at the top of each page.
The {{Sports portal browsebar}}
displays the child portals of Portal:Sports and games - this should appear at the bottom of the page.
{| width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="background:#f0fff0; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color: #ADDFAD; border-top:0;"
| valign="top" style="padding: 0; margin:0;" |
is the table style for the whole portal. Here the colours of the portal are defined. border-top:0;
ensures that there is no top border for the best tab display.
All content is either called from a static page or is displayed randomly from a pre-configured selection.
Static content elements take the form -
{{/box-header|The English football Portal|Portal:English football/Header|}}
{{Portal:English football/Header}}
is the template that controls the appearance of the top of each displayed box. Different colours can be set by editing Portal:English football/box-header. {{/box-footer}}
is the template that controls the appearance of the bottom of the box including any "read more" links. It can be edited at Portal:English football/box-footer.
Boxes are constructed as below -
{{/box-header| 1 | 2 }} {{ 3 }} {{/box-footer| 4 }}
Where -
- is the Title of the box as displayed on the portal
- is the name of the page users are sent to when clicking on edit, you can leave this out if you want but you must keep the pipe (|) or the template will break
- is the actual content to be displayed
- is a wikilink to an archive or a link in the form of [[Football in England|Read more..]]. Again, this can be left out but you must keep the pipe character.
One part of the portal that excludes these rules is the birthdays. These are updated from a daily queue found at that page, which should be filled in the near future.
Random content is displayed using Template:random portal component. This calls a random sub-article from a list and takes the form below -
{{Random portal component|max=25|seed=29|header=Selected article|subpage=Selected article}}
Where -
- max=25 - tells the component that the maximum amount of sub-pages to choose from is 25
- seed=29 - gives the component its value for randomness this should be different for every use of this template to stop it displaying the same articles together too often
- header= - the displayed box Title
- subpage= - the subpage where the list of articles is located
The template will automatically use the values from box-header and box-footer when it chooses new content.
When using any random element the following code should be added to a page -
<div style="text-align:center; margin:-7px; padding-bottom:12px;">{{purge|'''Show new selections'''}}</div>
This generates the following -
Clicking this link purges the pages cache and shows new random selections.
Columns are created with the following code -
<div class="portal-column-left-wide"> ...left column content... </div> <div class="portal-column-right-narrow"> ...right column content... </div>
The two values when added together should equal 99%, this is to keep the columns inside the main portal border. Column widths are important when considering viewers on screen resolutions of 800x600, 60% is the minimum column width that allows those users to view the Selected picture box without it breaking out of its border.
Anything after the final </div>
will display across the page and not in a column.
The bottom of the main portal page uses the following -
<div style="clear:both; width:100%"> {{portals}} <center><small>{{purge|''Purge page cache''}}</small></center> </div>
This is only necessary for the main page, other tabs only need {{portals}}
placed on them at the bottom as per the MoS.
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