- Tropical Storm Gamma forms from a regeneration of Tropical Depression 27, becoming the 24th named storm of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. (NHC)
- Conflict in Iraq:
- A series of Suicide bombings kill 74 Shia worshippers at two mosques in eastern Iraq while in Baghdad two car bombs destroy the blast wall protecting a hotel housing foreign journalists and kill eight Iraqis. (Ynetnews) (BBC)
- Two car bombs strike outside a Baghdad interior ministry building at the centre of a detainee abuse scandal. (BBC)
- The United States House of Representatives reject a Republican resolution offered by Duncan Hunter (R-California) "expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment of United States forces in Iraq be terminated immediately" by a vote of 403–3. Ohio Republican Jean Schmidt is forced by Democratic (and quiet Republican) protests to apologise to Pennsylvania Democrat John Murtha for quoting a Marine who said those wishing to "cut and run" from Iraq are called "cowards" The Marine she claimed to be quoting told he never said any such thing. (Associated Press)
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