-- This module implements Template:Alhatorah. Based on Template:Bibleverse
local p = {}
--possible book inputs, based on Chicago Manual
local book_aliases = {
['Bereshit'] = {'breishit', 'genesis', 'gen', 'gn'},
['Shemot'] = {'exodus', 'exod', 'ex'},
['Vayikra'] = {'leviticus', 'lev', 'lv'},
['Bemidbar'] = {'bamidbar', 'numbers', 'num', 'nm'},
['Devarim'] = {'deuteronomy', 'deut', 'dt'},
['Yehoshua'] = {'joshua', 'josh' , 'jo'},
['Shofetim'] = {'shoftim', 'judges', 'judg', 'jgs'},
['Shemuel I'] = {'shemueli', 'shemuel1', 'shmueli', 'shmuel1', 'shmueli', '1shmuel', 'ishmuel', '1sam', '1sm', 'isamuel'},
['Shemuel II'] = {'shemuelii', 'shemuel2', 'shmuelii', 'shmuel2', 'shmuelii','2shmuel', 'iishmuel', '2sam', '2sm', 'iisamuel'},
['Melakhim I'] = {'melachim1', 'melachimi', 'melakhim1', 'melakhimi', '1kings', 'imelachim', '1kgs','ikings'},
['Melakhim II'] = {'melachim2', 'melachimii', 'melakhim2', 'melakhimii', '2kings', 'iimelachim', '2kgs','iikings'},
['Yeshayahu'] = {'isaiah', 'isa', 'is'},
['Yirmeyahu'] = {'yirmiyahu', 'jeremiah', 'jer'},
['Yechezkel'] = {'ezekiel', 'ezek', 'ez'},
['Hoshea'] = {'hosea', 'hos'},
['Yoel'] = {'joel', 'jl'},
['Amos'] = {'amos', 'am'},
['Ovadyah'] = {'ovadiah', 'obadiah', 'obad', 'ob'},
['Yonah'] = {'jonah', 'jon'},
['Mikhah'] = {'michah', 'micah', 'mic', 'mi'},
['Nachum'] = {'nahum', 'nah', 'na'},
['Chavakkuk'] = {'habakkuk', 'hab', 'hb'},
['Zephanyah'] = {'tzefaniah', 'zephaniah', 'zeph', 'zep'},
['Chaggai'] = {'haggai', 'hag', 'hg'},
['Zekharyah'] = {'zechariah', 'zech', 'zec'},
['Malakhi'] = {'malachi', 'mal'},
['Tehillim'] = {'psalms', 'ps', 'pss', 'psalm'},
['Mishlei'] = {'proverbs', 'prov', 'prv'},
['Kohelet'] = {'ecclesiastes', 'eccles', 'eccl', 'qoheleth'},
['Shir HaShirim'] = {'shirhashirim', 'songofsolomon', 'songofsol', 'songofsongs', 'song', 'sg', 'canticles', 'canticleofcanticles'},
['Eikhah'] = {'lamentations', 'lam'},
['Rut'] = {'ruth', 'ru'},
['Esther'] = {'esther', 'est'},
['Iyyov'] = {'job', 'jb'},
['Daniel'] = {'daniel', 'dan', 'dn'},
['Divrei HaYamim I'] = {'divreihayamimi', 'divreihayamim1', 'ichronicles', '1chronicles', '1chron', '1chr'},
['Divrei HaYamim II'] = {'divreihayamimii', 'divreihayamim2', 'iichronicles', '2chronicles', '2chron', '2chr'},
['Ezra'] = {'ezra', 'ezr'},
['Nechemyah'] = {'nechemiah', 'nehemiah', 'neh'},
--these books only have one chapter, have to be handled differently
local no_chapters = {
['obadiah'] = true,
local function trimArg(text)
if type(text) == 'string' then
text = text:match('(%S.-)%s*$') --trimmed text or nil if empty
return text
local function valueExists(tbl, value)
for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
if value == v then
return true
return false
function p.main(frame)
local targs = frame:getParent().args
local args = {}
for _, param in ipairs({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'nobook'}) do
args[param] = trimArg(targs[param])
local input_book = ''
local ref = ''
local commentary = ''
local text = ''
local mainspace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespaces(0)
--analyze arguments
if args[1] == nil or args[2] == nil or tonumber(args[1]) ~= nil then
-- first argument is a numeric prefix and second is book name
input_book = trimArg((args[1] or '') .. ' ' .. (args[2] or '')) or ''
ref = args[3] or ''
commentary = args[4] or ''
text = args[5] or trimArg((input_book .. ' ' .. ref))
-- first argument is the whole book name
input_book = args[1] or ''
ref = args[2] or ''
commentary = args[3] or ''
text = args[4] or (input_book .. ' ' .. ref)
if args.nobook == 'yes' then
text = ref
--analyze book (for URL)
local book = input_book:gsub('%p', ''):gsub(' ', '_')
book_lower = mw.ustring.lower(book)
book_lower = book_lower:gsub('_', '')
local book_found = false
for full_book, aliases in pairs(book_aliases) do
if book_lower == mw.ustring.lower(full_book:gsub(' ', '_')) or valueExists(aliases, book_lower) then
book = full_book:gsub(' ', '_')
book_found = true
--analyze verse
local split_ref = mw.text.split(ref, '[-–—]') --split the ref into the part before and after the dash/hyphen
local s_ref = mw.text.split(split_ref[1], '%p') --any punctuation can be used to separate chapter from verse
local e_ref = split_ref[2] or split_ref[1]
e_ref = mw.text.split(e_ref, '%p')
for i, v in ipairs(s_ref) do s_ref[i] = v:gsub('%D', '') end --remove any non-numeric character (such as f)
for i, v in ipairs(e_ref) do e_ref[i] = v:gsub('%D', '') end
local s_chap, s_vers
local chapter_only = not s_ref[2]
if no_chapters[book] then
chapter_only = false
s_chap = 1
s_vers = s_ref[2] or s_ref[1] or 1 --verse 3 can be specified as "3" or "1:3"
s_chap = s_ref[1] or 1
s_vers = s_ref[2] or 1
--build URL
commentary = commentary:gsub(' ', '_') --must be outside URL command
local urlpat = 'https://mg.alhatorah.org/Dual/_commentary/_book/_schap._svers#m7e3n7'
local url = urlpat:gsub('_%l+', { --get the components into the url
_commentary = commentary,
_book = book,
_schap = s_chap,
_svers = s_vers,
--build text
text = text:gsub('-', '–') --change hyphens to en dashes (3:2-5 → 3:2–5)
text = commentary:gsub('_', ' ') .. ', ' .. text
local fulllink
fulllink = '[' .. url .. ' ' .. text .. ']'
if mainspace then
if not book_found then
table.insert(errors, '<span style="color:red">Template:Bibleverse with invalid book</span>[[Category:Pages with Bible book errors]]')
if version_num then
table.insert(errors, '[[Category:Pages with numeric Bible version references]]')
return fulllink --.. table.concat(errors)
return p
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