Legend of nucleobases | |
Code | Nucleotide represented |
A | Adenine (A) |
C | Cytosine (C) |
G | Guanine (G) |
T | Thymine (T) |
N | A, C, G or T |
M | A or C |
R | A or G |
W | A or T |
Y | C or T |
S | C or G |
K | G or T |
H | A, C or T |
B | C, G or T |
V | A, C or G |
D | A, G or T |
This article contains a list of restriction enzymes whose names start with A and have a clearly defined cutting site.
The following information is given for each enzyme:
- Name of Restriction Enzyme: Accepted name of the molecule, according to the internationally adopted nomenclature,[1][2] and bibliographical references. Note: When alphabetizing, enzymes are first ordered alphabetically by the acronyms (everything before the roman numeral); then enzymes of a given acronym are ordered alphabetically by the roman numeral, treating the numeral as a number and not a string of letters. This helps keep the entries ordered hierarchically while also alphabetic.(Further reading: see the section "Nomenclature" in the article "Restriction enzyme".)
- PDB code: Code used to identify the structure of a protein in the PDB database of protein structures. The 3D atomic structure of a protein provides highly valuable information to understand the intimate details of its mechanism of action.[3][4]
- REBASE Number: Number used to identify restriction enzymes in the REBASE restriction enzyme database. This database includes important information about the enzyme such as Recognition sequence, source, and Isoschizomers, as well as other data, such as the commercial suppliers of the enzyme.
- Source: Organism that naturally produces the enzyme.
- Recognition sequence: Sequence of DNA recognized by the enzyme and to which it specifically binds.
- Cut: Displays the cut site and pattern and products of the cut. The recognition sequence and the cut site usually match, but sometimes the cut site can be dozens of nucleotides away from the recognition site.[5][6]
- Isoschizomers and neoschizomers: An isoschizomer is a restriction enzyme that recognizes the same sequence as another. A neoschizomer is a special type of isoschizomer that recognizes the same sequence as another, but cuts in a different manner. A maximum number of 8–10 most common isoschizomers are indicated for every enzyme but there may be many more. Neoschizomers are shown in bold and green color font (e.g.: BamHI). When "None as of [date]" is indicated, that means that there were no registered isoschizomers in the databases on that date with a clearly defined cutting site. Isoschizomers indicated in white font and grey background correspond to enzymes not listed in the current lists, as in this not listed enzyme: Abc123I
Whole list navigation
Restriction enzymes
Enzyme | PDB code | REBASE Number | Source | Recognition sequence | Cut | Isoschizomers |
AaaI | 1 | Acetobacter aceti | 5' CGGCCG 3' GCCGGC
5' ---C GGCCG--- 3' 3' ---GCCGG C--- 5'
BseX3I, BstZI, EagI, EclXI, Eco52I, SenPT16I, XmaIII | |
AagI | 4 | Achromobacter agile | 5' ATCGAT 3' TAGCTA
5' ---AT CGAT--- 3' 3' ---TAGC TA--- 5'
BanIII, BavCI, Bsa29I, BseCI, BspDI, Bsu15I, BsuTUI, ClaI | |
AanI | 15358 | Arthrobacter aurescens RFL2 | 5' TTATAA 3' AATATT
5' ---TTA TAA--- 3' 3' ---AAT ATT--- 5'
PsiI, Csp1BORF7380P | |
AarI[7] | 2892 | Arthrobacter aurescens SS2-322 | 5' CACCTGC 3' GTGGACG
5' ---CACCTGCN3N NNNN--- 3' 3' ---GTGGACGN3NNNNN --- 5'
PaqCI | |
AasI | 5465 | Arthrobacter aurescens RFL3 | 5' GACN6GTC 3' CTGN6CAG
5' ---GACNNNN NNGTC--- 3' 3' ---CTGNN NNNNCAG--- 5'
DrdI, DseDI | |
AatI[8] | 6 | Acetobacter aceti | 5' AGGCCT 3' TCCGGA
5' ---AGG CCT--- 3' 3' ---TCC GGA--- 5'
AspMI, Eco147I, Eco1524I, PceI, Pme55I, SarI, Sru30DI, SteI | |
AatII[8][9][10][11] | 7 | Acetobacter aceti | 5' GACGTC 3' CTGCAG
5' ---GACGT C--- 3' 3' ---C TGCAG--- 5'
Ssp5230I, ZraI | |
AauI | 3010 | Arthrobacter aurescens | 5' TGTACA 3' ACATGT
5' ---T GTACA--- 3' 3' ---ACATG T--- 5'
BsmRI, Bsp1407I, BsrGI, BstAUI, Ssp4800I, SspBI | |
AbaI | 3029 | Azospirillum brasilense UQ 1796 | 5' TGATCA 3' ACTAGT
5' ---T GATCA--- 3' 3' ---ACTAG T--- 5'
BclI, BsiQI, BspXII, BstT7I, FbaI, Ksp22I, ParI | |
AbeI | 3097 | Azotobacter beijerinckii Slo 54-028 | 5' CCTCAGC 3' GGAGTCG
5' ---CC TCAGC--- 3' 3' ---GGAGT CG--- 5'
BbvCI | |
AbrI | 8 | Azospirillum brasilense | 5' CTCGAG 3' GAGCTC
5' ---C TCGAG--- 3' 3' ---GAGCT C--- 5'
BluI, BspAAI, BssHI, EscI, PaeR7I, SciI, Sfr274I, Sol10179I, StrI, TliI | |
AbsI | 14594 | Arthrobacter sp. 7M06 | 5' CCTCGAGG 3' GGAGCTCC
5' ---CC TCGAGG--- 3' 3' ---GGAGCT CC--- 5'
None as of 4 Apr. 2019 | |
AccI[12][13][14][15] | 18 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus | 5' GTMKAC 3' CAKMTG
5' ---GT MKAC--- 3' 3' ---CAKM TG--- 5'
FblI, XmiI | |
AccII[12][16] | 19 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus | 5' CGCG 3' GCGC
5' ---CG CG--- 3' 3' ---GC GC--- 5'
Bsh1236I, Bsp50I, BstFNI, BstUI, MvnI, SelI, BceBI, BepI, Bpu95I | |
AccIII[17] | 20 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus | 5' TCCGGA 3' AGGCCT
5' ---T CCGGA--- 3' 3' ---AGGCC T--- 5'
Aor13HI, BbvAIII, BlfI, BseAI, BsiMI, BspEI, CauB3I, Kpn2I, MroI, PtaI | |
Acc16I | 2638 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 16 | 5' TGCGCA 3' ACGCGT
5' ---TGC GCA--- 3' 3' ---ACG CGT--- 5'
AosI, AviII, FdiII, FspI, MstI, NsbI, PamI, Pun14627I | |
Acc36I[18] | 4162 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 36 | 5' ACCTGC 3' TGGACG
5' ---ACCTGCN3N NNNN--- 3' 3' ---TGGACGN3NNNNN --- 5'
BfuAI, BspMI, BveI | |
Acc65I[19] | 14 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 65 | 5' GGTACC 3' CCATGG
5' ---G GTACC--- 3' 3' ---CCATG G--- 5'
AhaB8I, Asp718I, KpnI, SthI | |
Acc113I | 2665 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 113 | 5' AGTACT 3' TCATGA
5' ---AGT ACT--- 3' 3' ---TCA TGA--- 5'
AssI, BmcAI, Bpa34I, DpaI, Eco255I, RflFII, ScaI, ZrmI | |
AccB1I | 15 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus B1 | 5' GGYRCC 3' CCRYGG
5' ---G GYRCC--- 3' 3' ---CCRYG G--- 5'
BanI, BbvBI, BshNI, BspT107I, Eco64I, HgiCI, HgiHI, MspB4I | |
AccB2I | 2666 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus B2 | 5' RGCGCY 3' YCGCGR
5' ---RGCGC Y--- 3' 3' ---Y CGCGR--- 5'
BfoI, Bme142I, Bsp143II, BstH2I, HaeII, LpnI | |
AccB7I[20] | 16 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus B7 | 5' CCAN5TGG 3' GGTN5ACC
5' ---CCANNNN NTGG--- 3' 3' ---GGTN NNNNACC--- 5'
AcpII, Asp10HII, BasI, Esp1396I, PflBI, PflMI, Van91I | |
AccBSI[21] | 2733 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus BS | 5' CCGCTC 3' GGCGAG
5' ---CCG CTC--- 3' 3' ---GGC GAG--- 5'
BsrBI, BstD102I, Bst31NI, MbiI | |
AccEBI | 17 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus EBF 65/65 | 5' GGATCC 3' CCTAGG
5' ---G GATCC--- 3' 3' ---CCTAG G--- 5'
AsiI, BamHI, Bce751I, Bsp98I, BspAAIII, CelI, OkrAI, Uba4009I | |
AceI | 2571 | Anabaena cedrorum | 5' GCWGC 3' CGWCG
5' ---G CWGC--- 3' 3' ---CGWC G--- 5'
ApeKI, SuiI, Taq52I, TseI | |
AceII | 2570 | Anabaena cedrorum | 5' GCTAGC 3' CGATCG
5' ---GCTAG C--- 3' 3' ---C GATCG--- 5'
AsuNHI, BmtI, BspOI, , LlaG2I, NheI, PstNHI | |
AceIII | 2569 | Anabaena cedrorum | 5' CAGCTC 3' GTCGAG
5' ---CAGCTCN5N NNNN--- 3' 3' ---GTCGAGN5NNNNN --- 5'
— None as of May 2010 — | |
AciI[11][22] | 21 | Arthrobacter citreus | 5' CCGC 3' GGCG
5' ---C CGC--- 3' 3' ---GGC G--- 5'
SsiI | |
AclI[23] | 2181 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus M4 | 5' AACGTT 3' TTGCAA
5' ---AA CGTT--- 3' 3' ---TTGC AA--- 5'
Psp1406I | |
AclNI | 2667 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus N20 | 5' ACTAGT 3' TGATCA
5' ---A CTAGT--- 3' 3' ---TGATC A--- 5'
AhlI, BcuI, SpeI | |
AclWI | 2668 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus W2131 | 5' GGATC 3' CCTAG
5' ---GGATCN3N N--- 3' 3' ---CCTAGN3NN --- 5'
AlwI, BinI, BpuFI, BsrWI, BspPI, BstH9I, Bst31TI, EacI, Ral8I | |
AcoI | 11822 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus | 5' YGGCCR 3' RCCGGY
5' ---Y GGCCR--- 3' 3' ---RCCGG Y--- 5'
EaeI, Bfi89I, CfrI, EcoHK31I | |
AcpI | 22 | Acidiphilium cryptum 25H | 5' TTCGAA 3' AAGCTT
5' ---TT CGAA--- 3' 3' ---AAGC TT--- 5'
Asp10HI, Bpu14I, Bsp119I, BstBI, Csp45I, FspII, MlaI, NspV, SspRFI | |
AcpII | 23 | Acidiphilium cryptum 25H | 5' CCAN5TGG 3' GGTN5ACC
5' ---CCANNNN NTGG--- 3' 3' ---GGTN NNNNACC--- 5'
AccB7I, Asp10HII, BasI, Esp1396I, PflBI, PflMI, Van91I | |
AcrII | 25 | Anabaenopsis circularis | 5' GGTNACC 3' CCANTGG
5' ---G GTNACC--- 3' 3' ---CCANTG G--- 5'
AspAI, Bse64I, BseT9I, BstEII, BstPI, Eco91I, EcoO65I, PspEI | |
AcsI[24] | 2184 | Arthrobacter citreus 310 | 5' RAATTY 3' YTTAAR
5' ---R AATTY--- 3' 3' ---YTTAA R--- 5'
ApoI, CfaI, FsiI, XapI | |
AcuI | 5534 | Acinetobacter calcoaceticus | 5' CTGAAG 3' GACTTC
5' ---CTGAAGN13NNN --- 3' 3' ---GACTTCN13N NN--- 5'
BspKT5I, Eco57I | |
AcvI | 5359 | Aeromonas caviae | 5' CACGTG 3' GTGCAC
5' ---CAC GTG--- 3' 3' ---GTG CAC--- 5'
BbrPI, BcoAI, Eco72I, PmaCI, PmlI, PspCI | |
AcyI[25] | 31 | Anabaena cylindrica | 5' GRCGYC 3' CYGCRG
5' ---GR CGYC--- 3' 3' ---CYGC RG--- 5'
AhaII, AosII, BbiII, BsaHI, BstACI, Hin1I, HgiI, Hsp92I, Msp17I | |
AdeI | 2991 | Alcaligenes denitrificans Ss 3-028 | 5' CACNNNGTG 3' GTGNNNCAC
5' ---CACNNN GTG--- 3' 3' ---GTG NNNCAC--- 5'
BstIZ316I, DraIII | |
AeuI | 33 | Achromobacter eurydice | 5' CCWGG 3' GGWCC
5' ---CC WGG--- 3' 3' ---GGW CC--- 5'
AglI, AjnI, BseBI, BstNI, BstOI, Bst2UI, EcoRII, SleI, SspAI | |
AfaI[26] | 37 | Acidiphilium facilis 28H | 5' GTAC 3' CATG
5' ---GT AC--- 3' 3' ---CA TG--- 5'
Csp6I, CviQI, CviRII, HpyBI, PabI, PlaAII, RsaI, RsaNI | |
Afa16RI | 34 | Acidiphilium sp. 16R | 5' CGATCG 3' GCTAGC
5' ---CGAT CG--- 3' 3' ---GC TAGC--- 5'
Afa22MI, BspCI, EagBI, MvrI, NblI, Ple19I, PvuI, Psu161I, RshI, XorII | |
Afa22MI | 35 | Acidocella facilis | 5' CGATCG 3' GCTAGC
5' ---CGAT CG--- 3' 3' ---GC TAGC--- 5'
Afa16RI, BspCI, EagBI, ErhB9I, NblI, Ple19I, Psu161I, PvuI, RshI | |
AfeI[27] | 2669 | Alcaligenes faecalis T2774 | 5' AGCGCT 3' TCGCGA
5' ---AGC GCT--- 3' 3' ---TCG CGA--- 5'
AitI, Aor51H, Eco47III, FunI | |
AfiI | 10489 | Anoxybacillus flavithermus | 5' CCN7GG 3' GGN7CC
5' ---CCNNNNN NNGG--- 3' 3' ---GGNN NNNNNCC--- 5'
Bsc4I, BseLI, BslI, BflI, Bsc107I, BsiYI, Bst22I | |
AflI[28] | Anabaena flos-aquae | 5' GGWCC 3' CCWGG
5' ---G GWCC--- 3' 3' ---CCWG G--- 5'
Asp745I, BamNI, BcuAI, CauI, Csp68KI, DsaIV, Eco47I, SinI | ||
AflII[28][29][30] | 39 | Anabaena flos-aquae | 5' CTTAAG 3' GAATTC
5' ---C TTAAG--- 3' 3' ---GAATT C--- 5'
BfrI, BspTI, Bst98I, BstAFI, BstPZ740I, Esp4I, MspCI, Vha464I | |
AflIII[28][10] | 40 | Anabaena flos-aquae | 5' ACRYGT 3' TGYRCA
5' ---A CRYGT--- 3' 3' ---TGYRC A--- 5'
Asp90I | |
AgeI[11][31] | 42 | Agrobacterium gelatinovorum | 5' ACCGGT 3' TGGCCA
5' ---A CCGGT--- 3' 3' ---TGGCC A--- 5'
AsiAI, AsiGI, BshTI, CsiAI, CspAI, PinAI | |
AglI[32] | 6652 | Arthrobacter globiformis | 5' CCWGG 3' GGWCC
5' ---CC WGG--- 3' 3' ---GGW CC--- 5'
AeuI, Bse16I, Bse17I, Bse24I, BshGI, EcoRII, SleI, SniI, SslI | |
AgsI | Agrococcus sp. 25 | 5' TTSAA 3' AASTT
5' ---TTS AA--- 3' 5' ---AA STT--- 3'
None as of 4 May 2019 | ||
AhaI | 45 | Alteromonas haloplanktis B8 | 5' CCSGG 3' GGSCC
5' ---CC SGG--- 3' 3' ---GGS CC--- 5'
AseII, BcnI, BpuMI, CauII, Eco1831I, EcoHI, HgiS22I, NciI | |
AhaII | Aphanothece halophytica | 5' GRCGYC 3' CYGCRG
5' ---GR CGYC--- 3' 3' ---CYGC RG--- 5'
AcyI, AstWI, AsuIII, BsaHI, BstACI, Hin1I, HgiI, HgiDI, HgiHII, PamII | ||
AhaIII[14][29][30][33] | Aphanothece halophytica | 5' TTTAAA 3' AAATTT
5' ---TTT AAA--- 3' 3' ---AAA TTT--- 5'
DraI, PauAII, SruI | ||
AhaB8I | Aphanothece halophytica B8 | 5' GGTACC 3' CCATGG
5' ---G GTACC--- 3' 3' ---CCATG G--- 5'
Acc65I, Asp718I, KpnI, SthI | ||
AhdI[34][35] | Aeromonas hydrophila | 5' GACN5GTC 3' CTGN5CAG
5' ---GACNNN NNGTC--- 3' 3' ---CTGNN NNNCAG--- 5'
AspEI, BmeRI, BspOVI, DriI, Eam1105I, EclHKI, NruGI | ||
AhlI | 4838 | Alteromonas haloplanktis SP | 5' ACTAGT 3' TGATCA
5' ---A CTAGT--- 3' 3' ---TGATC A--- 5'
AclNI, BcuI, SpeI | |
AhyI | 49 | Aeromonas hydrophila | 5' CCCGGG 3' GGGCCC
5' ---C CCGGG--- 3' 3' ---GGGCC C--- 5'
Cfr9I, CfrJ4I, EaeAI, EclRI, PaeBI, SmaI, TspMI, XmaI, XmaCI | |
AitI | 54 | Aquaspirillum itersonii | 5' AGCGCT 3' TCGCGA
5' ---AGC GCT--- 3' 3' ---TCG CGA--- 5'
AfeI, Aor51H, Eco47III, FunI | |
AjiI | 10919 | Acinetobacter johnsonii RFL47 | 5' CACGTC 3' GTGCAG
5' ---CAC GTC--- 3' 3' ---GTG CAG--- 5'
BmgBI, BtrI | |
AjnI | 7185 | Acinetobacter johnsonii R2 | 5' CCWGG 3' GGWCC
5' --- CCWGG--- 3' 3' ---GGWCC --- 5'
AorI, ApaORI, ApyI, EcoRII, MvaI, Psp6I, PspGI, SleI, SspAI | |
AjoI | 2604 | Acinetobacter johnsonii 35 | 5' CTGCAG 3' GACGTC
5' ---CTGCA G--- 3' 3' ---G ACGTC--- 5'
ApiI, BloHII, BspMAI, CfrA4I, CfuII, PstI, SalPI, SflI, Srl5DI | |
AjuI | 7740 | Acinetobacter junii RFL46 | 5' GAAN7TTGG 3'CTTN7AACC
None as of 28 Oct. 2020 | |
AleI | 5791 | Aureobacterium liquefaciens | 5' CACN4GTG 3' GTGN4CAC
5' ---CACNN NNGTG--- 3' 3' ---GTGNN NNCAC--- 5'
OliI | |
AlfI | 6110 | Acinetobacter lwoffii BH 32 | 5' GCAN6TGC 3' CGTN6ACG
5' ---GCAN6TGCN9NNN --- 3' 3' ---CGTN6ACGN9N NN--- 5'
None as of May 2010 | |
AliI | Acetobacter liquefaciens | 5' GGATCC 3' CCTAGG
5' ---G GATCC--- 3' 3' ---CCTAG G--- 5'
AccEBI, BamHI, Bce751I, Bsp98I, BspAAIII, Nsp29132II, Pfl8I | ||
AliAJI | 59 | Acetobacter liquefaciens AJ 2881 | 5' CTGCAG 3' GACGTC
5' ---CTGCA G--- 3' 3' ---G ACGTC--- 5'
ApiI, Asp713I, BspMAI, CflI, CstI, MhaAI, PstI, SalPI, Sst12I, YenI | |
AloI[36][37] | 2812 | Acinetobacter lwoffii Ks 4-8 | 5' GAACN6TCC 3' CTTGN6AGG
5' ---GAACN6TCCN6NNNNNN --- 3' 3' ---CTTGN6AGGN6N NNNNN--- 5'
None as of May 2010 | |
AluI[12][14][38][39][40][41] | 61 | Arthrobacter luteus | 5' AGCT 3' TCGA
5' ---AG CT--- 3' 3' ---TC GA--- 5'
AluBI, MltI | |
AluBI | 16189 | Arthrobacter luteus B | 5' AGCT 3' TCGA
5' ---AG CT--- 3' 3' ---TC GA--- 5'
AluI, MltI | |
AlwI | 65 | Acinetobacter lwoffii | 5' GGATC 3' CCTAG
5' ---GGATCN3N N--- 3' 3' ---CCTAGN3NN --- 5'
AclWI, BinI, BspPI, BsrWI, BstH9I, BthII, Bth617I, EacI | |
Alw21I | Acinetobacter lwoffii RFL21 | 5' GWGCWC 3' CWCGWG
5' ---GWGCW C--- 3' 3' ---C WCGWG--- 5'
AspHI, Bbv12I, Bsh45I, BsiHKAI, Bsm6I, HgiAI, MspV281I | ||
Alw26I[42] | 63 | Acinetobacter lwoffii RFL26 | 5' GTCTC 3' CAGAG
5' ---GTCTCN NNNN--- 3' 3' ---CAGAGNNNNN --- 5'
BcoDI, BscQII, BsmAI, BsoMAI, BstMAI | |
Alw44I | Acinetobacter lwoffii RFL44 | 5' GTGCAC 3' CACGTG
5' ---G TGCAC--- 3' 3' ---CACGT G--- 5'
ApaLI, SnoI, VneI | ||
AlwNI[43] | Acinetobacter lwoffii N | 5' CAGNNNCTG 3' GTCNNNGAC
5' ---CAGNNN CTG--- 3' 3' ---GTC NNNGAC--- 5'
CaiI | ||
AlwXI | 67 | Acinetobacter lwoffii X | 5' GCAGC 3' CGTCG
5' ---GCAGCN7N NNNN--- 3' 3' ---CGTCGN7NNNNN --- 5'
BbvI, BseKI, BseXI, Bsp423I, Bst12I, Bst71I, BstV1I | |
Ama87I | Alteromonas macleodii 87 | 5' CYCGRG 3' GRGCYC
5' ---C YCGRG--- 3' 3' ---GRGCY C--- 5'
AquI, AvaI, BmeT110I, BsiHKCI, BsoBI, Eco88I, Nli3877I, NspSAI | ||
AmaCSI | 26714 | Arthrospira maxima CS-328 | 5' GCTCCA 3' CGAGGT
5' ---GCTCCAN8NNN --- 3' 3' ---CGAGGTN8N NN--- 5'
None as of 4 May 2018 | |
AocI | 74 | Anabaena sp. | 5' CCTNAGG 3' GGANTCC
5' ---CC TNAGG--- 3' 3' ---GGANT CC--- 5'
AyI, Bse21I, Bsu36I, Eco81I, Lmu60I, OaNI, MstII, SauI, SshAI | |
AocII | Anabaena sp. | 5' GDGCHC 3' CHCGDG
5' ---GDGCH C--- 3' 3' ---C HCGDG--- 5'
BmyI, BsoCI, Bsp1286I, BspLS2I, MhlI, NspII, SduI | ||
AorI | 77 | Acetobacter aceti orleanensis | 5' CCWGG 3' GGWCC
5' ---CC WGG--- 3' 3' ---GGW CC--- 5'
BseBI, BstNI, BstOI, Bst2UI, EcoRII, MvaI, Sth117I, Tai | |
Aor13HI[44] | Acidiphilium organovorum 13H | 5' TCCGGA 3' AGGCCT
5' ---T CCGGA--- 3' 3' ---AGGCC T--- 5'
AccIII, BbvAIII, BlfI, BseAI, BsiMI, BspEI, CauB3I, Kpn2I, MroI, PtaI | ||
Aor51HI[45] | 76 | Acidiphilium organovorum 51H | 5' AGCGCT 3' TCGCGA
5' ---AGC GCT--- 3' 3' ---TCG CGA--- 5'
AfeI, AitI, Eco47III, FunI | |
AosI | Anabaena oscillarioides | 5' TGCGCA 3' ACGCGT
5' ---TGC GCA--- 3' 3' ---ACG CGT--- 5'
Acc16I, AviII, FdiII, FspI, MstI, NsbI, PamI, Pun14627I | ||
AosII | Anabaena oscillarioides | 5' GRCGYC 3' CYGCRG
5' ---GR CGYC--- 3' 3' ---CYGC RG--- 5'
AcyI, AstWI, BbiII, BsaHI, BstACI, Hin1I, HgiI, HgiGI, Msp17I, PamII | ||
ApaI[11][30][46] | Acetobacter pasteurianus pasteurianus | 5' GGGCCC 3' CCCGGG
5' ---GGGCC C--- 3' 3' ---C CCGGG--- 5'
Bsp120I, PpeI, PspOMI | ||
ApaBI[47] | Acetobacter pasteurianus B | 5' GCAN5TGC 3' CGTN5ACG
5' ---GCANNNNN TGC--- 3' 3' ---CGT NNNNNACG--- 5'
BstAPI | ||
ApaCI | Acetobacter pasteurianus C | 5' GGATCC 3' CCTAGG
5' ---G GATCC--- 3' 3' ---CCTAG G--- 5'
AliI, BamHI, BnaI, Bsp4009I, BstI, NspSAIV, Pfl8I, SolI, SurI | ||
ApaLI[48][49] | Acetobacter pasteurianus | 5' GTGCAC 3' CACGTG
5' ---G TGCAC--- 3' 3' ---CACGT G--- 5'
Alw44I, SnoI, VneI | ||
ApaORI | 86 | Acetobacter pasteurianus | 5' CCWGG 3' GGWCC
5' ---CC WGG--- 3' 3' ---GGW CC--- 5'
AjnI, BstNI, BstOI, Bst1I, Bst2I, Fsp1604I, MvaI, Psp6I, PspGI | |
ApeKI[50] | Aeropyrum pernix K1 | 5' GCWGC 3' CGWCG
5' ---G CWGC--- 3' 3' ---CGWC G--- 5'
AceI, SuiI, Taq52I, TseI | ||
ApiI | 2315 | Arthrobacter picolinophilus | 5' CTGCAG 3' GACGTC
5' ---CTGCA G--- 3' 3' ---G ACGTC--- 5'
Asp713I, Bsp63I, CfrA4I, PaePI, Pfl21I, Psp23I, PstI, SflI, Sst12I | |
ApoI[51] | Arthrobacter protophormiae | 5' RAATTY 3' YTTAAR
5' ---R AATTY--- 3' 3' ---YTTAA R--- 5'
AcsI, CfaI, FsiI, XapI, EcoRI | ||
AplI | 25962 | Arthrospira platensis NIES-39 | 5' CTGCAG 3' GACGTC
5' ---CTGCA G--- 3' 3' ---G ACGTC--- 5'
See this site for a complete list. | |
ApyI | 93 | Arthrobacter pyridinolis | 5' CCWGG 3' GGWCC
5' ---CC WGG--- 3' 3' ---GGW CC--- 5'
BciBII, BptI, BseBI, BstNI, BstOI, Bst2UI, Bst38I, Bst100I, MvaI | |
ApyPI | 14756 | Arcanobacterium pyogenes | 5' ATCGAC 3' TAGCTG
5' ---ATCGACN17NNN --- 3' 3' ---TAGCTGN17N NN--- 5'
None as of 4 August 2019 | |
AquI | Agmenellum quadruplicatum PR-6 | 5' CYCGRG 3' GRGCYC
5' ---C YCGRG--- 3' 3' ---GRGCY C--- 5'
BcoI, BmeT110I, BsmAI, BsoMAI, BsoBI, BstSI, Eco27kI, OfoI | ||
AquII | 20238 | Agmenellum quadruplicatum PR-6 | 5' GCCGNAC 3' CGGCNTG
5' ---GCCGNACN17NNN --- 3' 3' ---CGGCNTGN17N NN--- 5'
None as of 4 August 2019 | |
AquIII | 20239 | Agmenellum quadruplicatum PR-6 | 5' GAGGAG 3' CTCCTC
5' ---GAGGAGN17NNN --- 3' 3' ---CTCCTCN17N NN--- 5'
BseRI | |
AquIV | 20240 | Agmenellum quadruplicatum PR-6 | 5' GRGGAAG 3' CYCCTTC
5' ---GRGGAAGN16NNN --- 3' 3' ---CYCCTTCN16N NN--- 5'
None as of 4/9/19 | |
ArsI | 19405 | Arthrobacter sp. NTS | 5' GACN6TTYG 3' CTGN6AARC
None as of Oct. 28 2020 | |
AscI[11][52] | Arthrobacter sp. | 5' GGCGCGCC 3' CCGCGCGG
5' ---GG CGCGCC--- 3' 3' ---CCGCGC GG--- 5'
PalAI, SgsI | ||
AseI[53] | 96 | Aquaspirillum serpens | 5' ATTAAT 3' TAATTA
5' ---AT TAAT--- 3' 3' ---TAAT TA--- 5'
AsnI, BpoAI, PshBI, Sru4DI, VspI | |
AseII[53] | 97 | Aquaspirillum serpens | 5' CCSGG 3' GGSCC
5' ---CC SGG--- 3' 3' ---GGS CC--- 5'
AhaI, AsuC2I, BcnI, CauII, EcoHI, HgiS22I, Kpn49kII, Mgl14481I, NciI | |
AsiI | Azotobacter sp. | 5' GGATCC 3' CCTAGG
5' ---G GATCC--- 3' 3' ---CCTAG G--- 5'
ApaCI, BamHI, BnaI, Bsp4009I, BstI, OkrAI, Pfl8I, SurI, Uba4009I | ||
AsiAI | 2853 | Arthrobacter sp. A7359 | 5' ACCGGT 3' TGGCCA
5' ---A CCGGT--- 3' 3' ---TGGCC A--- 5'
AgeI, AsiGI, BshTI, CsiAI, CspAI, PinAI | |
AsiGI | 10828 | Arthrobacter sp. G | 5' ACCGGT 3' TGGCCA
5' ---A CCGGT--- 3' 3' ---TGGCC A--- 5'
AgeI, AsiAI, BshTI, CsiAI, CspAI, PinAI | |
AsiSI | Arthrobacter sp. | 5' GCGATCGC 3' CGCTAGCG
5' ---GCGAT CGC--- 3' 3' ---CGC TAGCG--- 5'
RgaI, SfaAI, , SgfI | ||
Asi256I | 18472 | Arthrobacter sp. Ck256 | 5' GATC 3' CTAG
5' ---G ATC--- 3' 3' ---CTA G--- 5'
See this site for a complete list. | |
Asi372I | 15803 | Arthrobacter sp. Mn372 | 5' ATGCAT 3' TACGTA
5' ---ATGCA T--- 3' 3' ---T ACGTA--- 5'
Ppu10I, EcoT22I, Mph1103I, NsiI, Zsp2I, BfrBI, Csp68KIII, PinBI, SepI, SspD5II | |
AsnI[54] | 98 | Arthrobacter sp. N-CM | 5' ATTAAT 3' TAATTA
5' ---AT TAAT--- 3' 3' ---TAAT TA--- 5'
AseI, BpoAI, PshBI, Sru4DI, VspI | |
AspI[55] | Achromobacter sp. 699 | 5' GACNNNGTC 3' CTGNNNCAG
5' ---GACN NNGTC--- 3' 3' ---CTGNN NCAG--- 5'
AtsI, PflFI, PsyI, TelI, Tth111I | ||
Asp10HI | Acidiphilium sp. 10H | 5' TTCGAA 3' AAGCTT
5' ---TT CGAA--- 3' 3' ---AAGC TT--- 5'
AsuII, BspT104I, BstBI, CbiI, Csp68KII, PlaII, PpaAI, Ssp1I | ||
Asp10HII | 100 | Acidiphilium sp. 10H | 5' CCAN5TGG 3' GGTN5ACC
5' ---CCANNNN NTGG--- 3' 3' ---GGTN NNNNACC--- 5'
AccB7I, AcpII, BasI, Esp1396I, PflBI, PflMI, Van91I | |
Asp26HI | 111 | Acidiphilium sp. 26H | 5' GAATGC 3' CTTACG
5' ---GAATGCN --- 3' 3' ---CTTAC GN--- 5'
Asp27HI, Asp35HI, Asp36HI, BsaMI, BscCI, BsmI, PctI | |
Asp27HI | 112 | Acidiphilium sp. 27H | 5' GAATGC 3' CTTACG
5' ---GAATGCN --- 3' 3' ---CTTAC GN--- 5'
Asp35HI, Asp36HI, Asp40HI, BmaHI, BsaMI, BscCI, BsmI | |
Asp35HI | 117 | Acidiphilium sp. 35H | 5' GAATGC 3' CTTACG
5' ---GAATGCN --- 3' 3' ---CTTAC GN--- 5'
Asp36HI, Asp40HI, Asp50HI, BsaMI, BscCI, BsmI, Mva1269I | |
Asp36HI | 118 | Acidiphilium sp. 36H | 5' GAATGC 3' CTTACG
5' ---GAATGCN --- 3' 3' ---CTTAC GN--- 5'
Asp40HI, Asp50HI, BmaHI, BscCI, BsmI, Mva1269I, PctI | |
Asp40HI | 120 | Acidiphilium sp. 40H | 5' GAATGC 3' CTTACG
5' ---GAATGCN --- 3' 3' ---CTTAC GN--- 5'
Asp27HI, Asp36HI, Asp50HI, BsaMI, BscCI, BsmI, Mva1269I | |
Asp50HI | 122 | Acidiphilium sp. 50H | 5' GAATGC 3' CTTACG
5' ---GAATGCN --- 3' 3' ---CTTAC GN--- 5'
Asp26HI, Asp35HI, Asp36HI, BsaMI, BscCI, BsmI, Mva1269I | |
Asp700I[56] | Achromobacter sp. 700 | 5' GAAN4TTC 3' CTTN4AAG
5' ---GAANN NNTTC--- 3' 3' ---CTTNN NNAAG--- 5'
BbvAI, MroXI, PdmI, XmnI | ||
Asp713I | 131 | Achromobacter sp. 713 | 5' CTGCAG 3' GACGTC
5' ---CTGCA G--- 3' 3' ---G ACGTC--- 5'
AjoI, AliAJI, BloHII, CfrA4I, Ecl37kI, MhaAI, PstI, SflI, Srl5DI, YenI | |
Asp718I[57] | Achromobacter sp. 718 | 5' GGTACC 3' CCATGG
5' ---G GTACC--- 3' 3' ---CCATG G--- 5'
Acc65I, AhaB8I, KpnI, SthI | ||
Asp745I | Achromobacter sp. 745 | 5' GGWCC 3' CCWGG
5' ---G GWCC--- 3' 3' ---CCWG G--- 5'
Bme18I, BsrAI, CauI, Eco47I, ErpI, FdiI, SinI, VpaK11AI, VpaK11BI | ||
AspAI | Alcaligenes sp. | 5' GGTNACC 3' CCANTGG
5' ---G GTNACC--- 3' 3' ---CCANTG G--- 5'
AcrII, Bse64I, BseT10I, BstEII, BstPI, Eco91I, EcoO65I, PspEI | ||
AspA2I | 6959 | Arthrobacter sp. A2 | 5' CCTAGG 3' GGATCC
5' ---C CTAGG--- 3' 3' ---GGATC C--- 5'
AvrBII, AvrII, BlnI, BspA2I, XmaJI | |
AspEI[58] | Aureobacterium sp. | 5' GACN5GTC 3' CTGN5CAG
5' ---GACNNN NNGTC--- 3' 3' ---CTGNN NNNCAG--- 5'
AhdI, BmeRI, BspOVI, DriI, Eam1105I, EclHKI, NruGI | ||
AspHI[59] | Achromobacter sp. H | 5' GWGCWC 3' CWCGWG
5' ---GWGCW C--- 3' 3' ---C WCGWG--- 5'
Alw21I, Bbv12I, Bsh45I, BsiHKAI, Bsm6I, HgiAI, MspV281I | ||
AspLEI | Arthrobacter sp. LE3860 | 5' GCGC 3' CGCG
5' ---GCG C--- 3' 3' ---C GCG--- 5'
BspLAI, BstHHI, CfoI, FnuDIII, HhaI, Hin6I, HinP1I, HsoI, HspAI, SciNI | ||
AspMI | 2977 | Acinetobacter sp. M | 5' AGGCCT 3' TCCGGA
5' ---AGG CCT--- 3' 3' ---TCC GGA--- 5'
AatI, Eco147I, GdiI, PceI, SarI, Sru30DI, SseBI, SteI, StuI | |
AspMDI | Alcaligenes sp. MD1 | 5' GATC 3' CTAG
5' --- GATC--- 3' 3' ---CTAG --- 5'
BfuCI, Bsp143I, BstMBI, DpnII, Kzo9I, MboI, NdeII, Sau3AI | ||
AspNI | Anabaena sp. J3 | 5' GGNNCC 3' CCNNGG
5' ---GGN NCC--- 3' 3' ---CCN NGG--- 5'
BmiI, BscBI, BspLI, NlaIV, PspN4I | ||
AspS9I | Arthrobacter sp. S9 | 5' GGNCC 3' CCNGG
5' ---G GNCC--- 3' 3' ---CCNG G--- 5'
AsuI, AvcI, Bac36I, Bal228I, FmuI, NspIV, PspPI, Sau96I | ||
AssI | 4930 | Arthrobacter sp. | 5' AGTACT 3' TCATGA
5' ---AGT ACT--- 3' 3' ---TCA TGA--- 5'
Acc113I, BmcAI, Bpa34I, DpaI, Eco255I, RflFII, ScaI, ZrmI | |
AstWI | Anabaena sp. | 5' GRCGYC 3' CYGCRG
5' ---GR CGYC--- 3' 3' ---CYGC RG--- 5'
AcyI, AsuIII, BsaHI, BstACI, Hin1I, HgiI, HgiDI, HgiGI, Msp17I | ||
AsuI[60] | Anabaena subcylindrica | 5' GGNCC 3' CCNGG
5' ---G GNCC--- 3' 3' ---CCNG G--- 5'
AspS9I, AvcI, CcuI, Cfr13I, FmuI, MaeK81II, Nsp7121I, PspPI, UnbI | ||
AsuII[61] | Anabaena subcylindrica | 5' TTCGAA 3' AAGCTT
5' ---TT CGAA--- 3' 3' ---AAGC TT--- 5'
AcpI, Bpu14I, Bsp119I, BspT104I, Csp45I, FspII, LspI, NspV, SfuI | ||
AsuIII | Anabaena subcylindrica | 5' GRCGYC 3' CYGCRG
5' ---GR CGYC--- 3' 3' ---CYGC RG--- 5'
AcyI, AsuIII, BbiII, BsaHI, BstACI, Hin1I, HgiHII, Hsp92I, Msp17I | ||
AsuC2I | 2901 | Actinobacillus suis C2 | 5' CCSGG 3' GGSCC
5' ---CC SGG--- 3' 3' ---GGS CC--- 5'
AhaI, AseII, BcnI, Eco1831I, EcoHI, Kpn49kII, Mgl14481I, NciI | |
AsuHPI[62] | 2811 | Actinobacillus suis HP | 5' GGTGA 3' CCACT
5' ---GGTGAN6NN --- 3' 3' ---CCACTN6N N--- 5'
HphI, SspD5I | |
AsuNHI[62] | Actinobacillus suis NH | 5' GCTAGC 3' CGATCG
5' ---G CTAGC--- 3' 3' ---CGATC G--- 5'
AceII, BmtI, BspOI, LlaG2I, NheI, PstNHI | ||
AtsI | Aureobacterium testaceum 4842 | 5' GACNNNGTC 3' CTGNNNCAG
5' ---GACN NNGTC--- 3' 3' ---CTGNN NCAG--- 5'
AspI, PflFI, PsyI, TelI, Tth111I | ||
AvaI[14][63][64] | Anabaena variabilis | 5' CYCGRG 3' GRGCYC
5' ---C YCGRG--- 3' 3' ---GRGCY C--- 5'
AquI, Ama87I, BsiHKCI, BsoBI, BspLU4I, Eco88I, NspIII, PlaAI | ||
AvaII[12][14][41][63][64] | Anabaena variabilis | 5' GGWCC 3' CCWGG
5' ---G GWCC--- 3' 3' ---CCWG G--- 5'
Bme18I, Bme216I, BsrAI, Eco47I, Kzo49I, Psp03I, SmuEI, VpaK11AI | ||
AvcI | Actinomyces violaceoniger cristalomycini | 5' GGNCC 3' CCNGG
5' ---G GNCC--- 3' 3' ---CCNG G--- 5'
AspS9I, BshKI, BsiZI, Bsp1894I, BspBII, BspF4I, Bsu54I, Pde12I | ||
AviII | Anabaena variabillis (halle) | 5' TGCGCA 3' ACGCGT
5' ---TGC GCA--- 3' 3' ---ACG CGT--- 5'
Acc16I, AosI, FdiII, FspI, MstI, NsbI, PamI, Pun14627I | ||
AvrII[11][29] | 173 | Anabaena variabilis UW | 5' CCTAGG 3' GGATCC
5' ---C CTAGG--- 3' 3' ---GGATC C--- 5'
AspA2I, AvrBII, BlnI, BspA2I, XmaJI | |
AvrBII | 171 | Arthrobacter variabilis | 5' CCTAGG 3' GGATCC
5' ---C CTAGG--- 3' 3' ---GGATC C--- 5'
AspA2I, AvrII, BlnI, BspA2I, XmaJI | |
AxyI[65] | 174 | Acetobacter xylinus | 5' CCTNAGG 3' GGANTCC
5' ---CC TNAGG--- 3' 3' ---GGANT CC--- 5'
AocI, BliHKI, Bse21I, BspR7I, Bsu36I, CvnI, Eco81I, Lmu60I |
§ An HF version of this enzyme is available
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