A magazine display in a shop in France in 2004

The following list of the magazines in the world by circulation is based upon the number of copies distributed, on average, for each issue.

Lists by continent and country

The following are lists of magazines from selected countries/regions, sorted by overall circulation:



Circulation according to Indian Readership Survey 2014[1]
Magazine 2014 2013
Vanitha (Malayalam) 2,829,000 2,762,000
Pratiyogita Darpan 1,687,000
India Today (English) 1,634,000 1,532,000
Akhand Jyoti 1,455,500 1,424,600
India Today (Hindi) 1,364,000 1,151,000
Mathrubhumi Arogya Masika (Malayalam) 1,327,000 1,129,000
Saras Salil 1,354,000 1,174,000
Samanya Gyan Darpan 1,309,000 1,094,000
Grih Shobha 1,057,000 979,000
Mathrubhumi Thozhil Vartha 974,000 928,000
Grihalakshmi (magazine) 873,000 1,012,000
Jagran Josh Plus 821,000 783,000


The following list presents the best-selling ten magazines in Japan from October 2014 to September 2015.[2]

Rank Name Circulation Founded Publisher
1 Weekly Shōnen Jump 2,449,792 1968 Shueisha
2 Weekly Shōnen Magazine 1,145,027 1959 Kodansha
3 CoroCoro Comic 1,014,167 1977 Shogakukan
4 Shūkan Bunshun 680,296 1959 Bungeishunju
5 Weekly Young Jump 576,250 1979 Shueisha
6 Ie no Hikari 569,359 1925 Ie no Hikari Association
7 Monthly Shonen Magazine 564,617 1964 Kodansha
8 Big Comic Original 547,167 1972 Shogakukan
9 Shukan Shincho 537,596 1956 Shinchosha
10 Ciao 526,667 1977 Shogakukan



The following list of French magazines is ranked according to their paid circulation from 2012 to 2013:[3]

Rank Name Circulation Publisher
1 TV Magazine 5,854,629 Groupe Le Figaro
2 Version Fémina 3,392,403 Hachette Filipacchi Médias
3 Télé Z 1,565,774 EPM 2000
4 Télé 7 Jours 1,420,417 Hachette Filipacchi Médias
5 Dossier Familial 1,165,839 Uni-Éditions
6 Télé Loisirs 1,065,412 Prisma Presse
7 Télé Star 1,065,099 Mondadori
8 TV Grandes Chaînes 1,063,747 Prisma Presse
9 Télé 2 Semaines 1,047,682 Prisma Presse
10 Notre Temps 905,434 Bayard Presse
11 Femme Actuelle 895,846 Prisma Presse
12 Pleine Vie 832,705 Mondadori
13 Famille et Education 783,745 Apel
14 Télérama 632,184 Le Monde
15 Paris Match 612,513 Hachette Filipacchi Médias
16 Télécable Sat Hebdo 602,959 Groupe Michel Hommell
17 Télé Poche 553,084 Mondadori
18 Viva 512,517 Coopérative d'Edition de la Vie Mutualiste
19 Le Nouvel Observateur 502,442 Groupe Perdriel
20 Le Particulier 463,318 Particulier et Finances Editions
21 Prima 460,578 Prisma Presse
22 Maxi 458,566 Bauer
23 Closer 446,049 Mondadori
24 Avantages 440,452 Groupe Marie Claire
25 L'Express 436,702 Roularta
26 Marie Claire 432,315 Groupe Marie Claire
27 Le Figaro Magazine 429,079 Groupe Le Figaro
28 Madame Figaro 422,851 Groupe Le Figaro
29 objectif et action Mutualistes 422,589 UTEM
30 Modes & Travaux 419,369 Mondadori
31 Le Point 407,877 Groupe Artémis
32 Public 406,849 Hachette Filipacchi Médias
33 France Dimanche 386,997 Hachette Filipacchi Médias
34 Elle 382,875 Hachette Filipacchi Médias
35 Voici 382,194 Prisma Presse
36 Cosmopolitan 379,660 Groupe Marie Claire
37 Glamour 362,107 Condé Nast
38 L'Ancien d'Algérie 358,860 Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants en Algérie, Maroc et Tunisie
39 Psychologies 338,174 Hachette Filipacchi Médias
40 Ici Paris 337,333 Hachette Filipacchi Médias
41 Le Chasseur français 334,797 Mondadori
42 L'Équipe Magazine 332,361 Éditions Philippe Amaury
43 Top Santé 331,158 Mondadori
44 Télé Magazine 324,286 Publications Grand Public
45 Capital 323,679 Prisma Presse
46 Détente Jardin 312,484 Uni-Éditions
47 Biba 312,150 Mondadori
48 Maison Créative 310,168 Uni-Éditions
49 Auto Plus 296,785 Editions MondadoriAxel Springer
50 Parents 286,307 Hachette Filipacchi Médias


The following list of German magazines is sorted by their circulation as of the third quarter (Q3) of 2012:[4]

Rank Name Circulation Publisher
1 ADAC Motorwelt 13,643,161 ADAC
2 tv14 2,426,694 Bauer
3 Metallzeitung 2,208,709 IG Metall
4 ver.di Publik 1,912,104 ver.di
5 TV Digital 1,775,422 Axel Springer
6 House and More (Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall) 1,625,110 Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt
7 VdK-Zeitung 1,395,948 Sozialverband VdK Deutschland
8 TV-Movie 1,367,567 Bauer
9 Hörzu 1,336,713 Axel Springer
10 TV Direkt 1,178,964 Gong Verlag
11 TV Spielfilm 1,165,985 Hubert Burda Media
12 auf einen Blick 1,139,022 Bauer
13 ASB Magazin 988,060 Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland
14 Bild der Frau 956,178 Axel Springer
15 Der Spiegel 951,656 SPIEGEL-Verlag
16 Freizeit Revue 907,371 Hubert Burda Media
17 Stern 851,745 Gruner + Jahr
18 Landlust 828,652 Landwirtschaftsverlag Munster
19 TV-Hören und Sehen 791,235 Bauer
20 Der Vermögensberater 740,106 Deutsche Vermögensberatung
21 Neue Post 701,884 Bauer
22 Reader's Digest 700,649 Reader's Digest Association
23 extratour 676,699 Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk
24 Kompakt 659,460 IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie
25 Brigitte 655,372 Gruner + Jahr
26 Bunte 634,780 Hubert Burda Media
27 TV pur 618,293 Bauer
28 nurTV 613,622 Gong Verlag
29 Focus 578,502 Hubert Burda Media
30 Funk Uhr 552,874 Axel Springer
31 DAV Panorama 542,477 German Alpine Club
32 ACE-Lenkrad 538,339 Auto Club Europa
33 Auto Bild 538,260 Axel Springer
34 Computer Bild 533,636 Axel Springer
35 Frau + Mutter 529,723 Katholische Frauengemeinschaft Deutschlands
36 Freundin 510,834 Hubert Burda Media
37 Freizeitwoche 502,992 Bauer
38 Glamour 487,488 Condé Nast
39 Fernsehwoche 484,294 Bauer
40 Tina 460,346 Bauer
41 InStyle 449,072 Hubert Burda Media
42 Sport Bild 443,592 Axel Springer
43 Freizeit Spass 422,836 Hubert Burda Media
44 Vorwärts 420,638 Social Democratic Party of Germany
45 Bravo 419,763 Bauer
46 Für Sie 426,248 Jahreszeiten Verlag
47 Joy 416,409 Marquard Media
48 TV Today 404,858 Hubert Burda Media
49 Mein schöner Garten 400,849 Hubert Burda Media
50 Auto, Motor und Sport 397,776 Motor Presse Stuttgart


The following list of Dutch magazines is ranked according to circulation figures:[5]

Rank Name Circulation Publisher
1 AutoPrimeurs 6,010,904 Topline Publishing
2 Kampioen 3,440,298 Royal Dutch Touring Club
3 Allerhande (Albert Heijn) 1,999,999 MediaPartners Group
4 Boodschappen 1,981,283 Superunie
5 SPOOR 1,276,782 Nederlandse Spoorwegen
6 Wathandig (Albert Heijn) 991,890 MediaPartners Group
7 Veronica 827,537 ProSiebenSat.1 Media
8 Vrouw 704,814 Mediahuis
9 Eigen Huis magazine 698,771 Eigen Huis
10 Film1 Sport1 Gids 572,620 Chello Benelux
11 Zorgbelang 512,876 Zorgbelang
12 Mooi 495,765 Etos
13 Villa d'Arte 467,854 Argo Media Groep
14 Libelle 433,293 Sanoma
15 Mikro Gids 378,448 Bindinc.
16 Het Volkskrant Magazine 351,562 DPG Media
17 ANBO Magazine 350,432 ANBO
18 Donald Duck 306,984 Sanoma
19 VARAgids 299,993 VARA
20 Mediazine 299,000 Media Markt Saturn
21 AVRObode (AVRO) 197,600 Senior Publications Nederland
22 PLUS Magazine 182,000 Riksbyggen (Bayard & Roularta)
23 GOLFjournaal 252,712 Sanoma
24 Margriet 245,583 Sanoma
25 Wij Jonge Ouders 159,200 Wegener
26 NCRV-gids 224,809 Bindinc.
27 Tennis Magazine 224,194 Springer Media
28 VPRO Gids 215,776 VPRO
29 Happinez 204,142 Happinez
30 PrimaOuders 197,437 EDG Media
31 Nestor 190,275 Unie KBO
32 Quest 185,668 Gruner + Jahr
33 Privé 182,016 Mediahuis
34 Linda 173,551 Sanoma
35 TV Krant 170,876 Hilversumse Media Compagnie
36 Flying Dutchman (KLM) 161,538 Hemels Publishers
37 De Zaak 155,001 Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers
38 Voetbal International 151,565 WPG Uitgevers
39 Glamour 148,314 Gruner + Jahr
40 Weekend 146,615 Audax Groep
41 TeleVizier 141,482 Bindinc.
42 KRO Magazine 133,559 Bindinc.
43 Elsevier 130,932 Reed Business
44 Visie 129,112 Evangelische Omroep
45 VT Wonen 124,766 Sanoma
46 TVFilm 124,701 Bindinc.
47 Nummer 1 120,465 Nummer 1
48 NL Landelijk 117,575 AKP Media
49 National Geographic 115,642 Gruner + Jahr
50 TKMST Magazine 114,350 TKMST Media


The following list of Portuguese newspaper, magazines and books as of 2020:[6]


The following list of Russian magazines is ranked according to circulation figures:

Rank Name Circulation Publisher
1 Cosmopolitan (folded) 980.000 Independent Media Sanoma Magazines
2 Glamour (folded) 730.000 Condé Nast Publications
3 Maxim (folded) 390.000 Hearst Shkulev Media
4 Psychologies 360.000 Hearst Shkulev Media
5 Hello! 350.000
6 Good Housekeeping (folded) 230.000 Independent Media Sanoma Magazines
7 National Geographic (folded) 230.000 Independent Media Sanoma Magazines
8 Elle (folded) 220.000 Hearst Shkulev Media
9 Haker [ru] (print publication folded) 220.000
10 Cosmopolitan Shopping (folded) 200.000 Independent Media Sanoma Magazines
11 Igromania (print publication folded) 180.000 Tehnomir
12 Men's Health (folded) 160.000 Independent Media Sanoma Magazines
13 Playboy (folded) 160.000 Burda
14 Vogue (folded) 150.000 Condé Nast Publications
15 L'Officiel (folded) 150.000
16 Elle Girl (folded) 140.000 Hearst Shkulev Media
17 XXL 140.000 IDR
18 Esquire (folded) 125.000 Independent Media Sanoma Magazines
19 Marie Claire 125.000 Hearst Shkulev Media
20 Harper's Bazaar (folded) 120.000 Independent Media Sanoma Magazines
21 Tatler (folded) 120.000 Condé Nast Publications
22 Forbes 120.000 Axel Springer Russia
23 OK! 120.000 Axel Springer Russia
24 InStyle (folded) 120.000
25 FHM 110.000 IDR
26 Rolling Stone (folded) 110.000 SPN Publishing
27 GQ (folded) 100.000 Condé Nast Publications
28 GQ Style (folded) 100.000 Condé Nast Publications
29 ComputerBild 100.000 Axel Springer Russia
30 Sportweek 100.000 Global Media Group
31 PC Igry 85.000 Gameland
32 Strana Igr 80.000 Gameland
33 Chip 70.000 Hubert Burda Media
34 Wedding 70.000 Global Media Group
35 AD / Architectural Digest (folded) 60.000 Condé Nast Publications
36 Russky Newsweek (folded)[7] 55.000 Axel Springer Russia
37 Navigator Igrovogo Mira 52.000 Navigator Publishing
38 Collezioni 50.000 Global Media Group


The following list of Spanish magazines are ranked according to circulation figures that are relevant as of 2010:[citation needed]

Rank Name Circulation[8] Publisher
1 Pronto 940,042 Publicaciones Heres
2 ¡Hola! 481,420 Hola
3 Diez Minutos 345,386 Hearst Magazines
4 Que Me Dices 261,877 Hearst Magazines
5 Cuore 230,923 Grupo Zeta
6 Glamour 226,040 Condé Nast
7 Lecturas 203,141 RBA Revistas
8 Saber Vivir 201,184 RBA Revistas
9 Telva 190,840 Unidad Editorial
10 Elle 184,155 Hearst Magazines
11 Semana 178,337 Semana
12 Woman 178,105 Grupo Zeta
13 National Geographic 176,905 RBA Revistas
14 Muy Interesante 175,329 G+J
15 Stylissimo 142,100 Stylissimo
16 Cosas de Casa 141,843 RBA Revistas
17 Lecturas Cocina Fácil 131,860 RBA Revistas
18 Cosmopolitan 128,313 G+J
19 Clara 127,744 RBA Revistas
20 El Mueble 127,695 RBA Revistas
21 Casa Diez 126,834 Hearst Magazines
22 Vogue 125,067 Condé Nast
23 Mía 113,726 G+J
24 AR La Revista de Ana Rosa Quintana 106,086 Hearst Magazines
25 InStyle 103,734 RBA Revistas
26 Quo 102,631 Hearst Magazines


The following list of Swedish magazines are ranked according to their circulation figures:[citation needed]

Rank Name Circulation[9] Publisher
1 Buffé 2,019,500 ICA
2 Coop Mersmak 945,000 Coop Sverige
3 IKEA Family Live 646,000 IKEA
4 Hem & Hyra 537,400 Hyresgästföreningens
5 Kommunalarbetaren 535,500 Swedish Municipal Workers' Union
6 Kollega 484,000 Unionen
7 Hemma i HSB 444,800 HSB
8 Dagens Arbete 442,600 IF Metall, GS & Pappers
9 Villaägaren 321,300 Villaägarnas Riksförbund
10 Svensk Golf 315,000 Egmont
11 PRO Pensionären 303,200 Swedish National Pensioners' Organisation
12 Stadium Magazine 287,500 Stadium
13 Lärarnas Tidning 228,700 Swedish Teachers' Union
14 Pedagogiska Magasinet 223,600 Swedish Teachers' Union
15 Röda Korsets Tidning – Henry 219,200 Swedish Red Cross
16 Studentliv 214,400 Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees
17 Allers 209,900 Aller Media
18 Veteranen 204,300 Swedish Pensioners' Association
19 Hemmets Journal 202,100 Egmont
20 Land 200,022 LRF Media (Federation of Swedish Farmers)
21 Hemmets Veckotidning 197,600 Aller Media
22 Öppet Hus 182,000 Riksbyggen
23 Live Life 169,800 Life Europe
24 Turist 160,700 Svenska Turistföreningen
25 SKTF-tidningen 159,200 Swedish Union of Local Government Officers
26 Icakuriren 158,100 Forma Magazines
27 Året Runt 155,600 Aller Media
28 Ny Teknik 155,500 Talentum
29 Svensk Damtidning 149,600 Aller Media
30 Handelsnytt 147,900 Swedish Commercial Employees' Union
31 SKPF HärΝ 149,600 Just Media
32 Båtliv 147,100 Swedish Yachting Association
33 Arbetsliv 143,900 Prevent (Swedish Enterprise, LO & PTK)
34 Svensk Jakt 141,900 Swedish Hunters Association
35 Svensk Jakt NYHETER 139,100 Swedish Hunters Association
36 Hänt Extra 129,500 Aller Media
37 Ingenjören 124,800 Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers
38 Land Lantbruk 118,700 LRF Media (Federation of Swedish Farmers)
39 Vi Bilägare 118,400 OK-förlaget
40 Allas 117,900 Aller Media
41 Motor 117,300 Motormännens Riksförbund
42 Illustrerad Vetenskap 116,000 Bonnier
43 Barn 115,700 Rädda Barnen
44 Byggnadsarbetaren 114,900 Swedish Building Workers' Union
45 Se & Hör 112,800 Aller Media
46 Vårdfokus 112,400 Swedish Association of Health Professionals
47 Maison Créative 112,000 Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
48 Chef 110,800 Chef Stockholm
49 Femina 104,100 Aller Media
50 Amelia 100,100 Bonnier

United Kingdom

The following list of 100 British magazines is ranked according to their circulation figures[10] that are relevant as of the second half of 2013:

Rank Name Circulation Publisher
1 National Trust Magazine 2,043,876[11] The National Trust
2 Asda Magazine 1,983,433[12] Publicis-Blueprint
3 Tesco Magazine 1,935,680[12] Cedar Communications Ltd (Omnicom Group)
4 TV Choice 1,374,813[13] Bauer
5 Morrisons Magazine 1,333,787[12] Result Customer Communications Ltd (Beau Lochs Ltd)
6 Tesco Real Food 1,215,000[12] Cedar Communications Ltd (Omnicom Group)
7 What's on TV 1,051,129[13] IPC Media
8 Radio Times 831,591[13] Immediate Media Company
9 Take a Break 696,507[14] Bauer
10 Waitrose Kitchen 659,271[12] John Brown Group
11 Nature's Home 598,243[15] Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
12 Pet People 554,848[15] Allianz Insurance Plc
13 ShortList 534,692[16] Shortlist Media Limited
14 John Lewis Edition 497,512[17] John Brown Group
15 Saga Magazine 488,074[18] Saga Group
16 Slimming World 458,517[12] Miles-Bramwell Executive Services Ltd
17 ASOS.com Magazine 449,860[17] ASOS.com
18 Stylist 435,975[17] Shortlist Media Limited
19 VIP Body Fitness 418,142[citation needed] VIP Body Fitness/MuscleGen UK
20 Glamour 415,258[17] Condé Nast Publications/Advance Publications
21 Good Housekeeping 414,542[17] Nat Mags/Hearst
22 Emma's Diary Pregnancy Guide 409,350[12] Lifecycle Marketing (Mother & Baby) Ltd
23 ROUND & About Magazine 393,400[14] Round & About Magazine
24 new! 378,311[14] Northern and Shell
25 The Garden 377,205[19] Royal Horticultural Society
26 Village Life 366,667[12] Center Parcs
27 The Caravan Club Magazine 361,144[20] The Caravan Club Ltd
28 Benhealth 360,572[15] Think Publishing
29 Woman & Home 340,239[17] IPC Media
30 English Heritage Members Magazine 338,714[11] Illustrated London News Ltd
31 Closer 337,190[14] Bauer
32 Chat 331,102[14] IPC Media
33 Time – EMEA (excluding BI/SA) 317,039[21] Time Magazines Europe
34 OK! 308,220[14] Northern and Shell
35 Woman's Weekly 307,357[14] IPC Media
36 Time Out 305,357[15] Time Out
37 Sport 304,184[16] UTV Media
38 BMW Magazine UK 291,911[20] Hoffmann und Campe Verlag/Corporate Publishing
39 Legion 289,931[18] John Brown Group
40 Hello! 288,331[17] ¡Hola!
41 Cosmopolitan 286,043[17] Nat Mags/Hearst
42 That's Life! 278,770[14] Bauer
43 Yours 271,025[17] Bauer
44 CSMA Club Magazine 270,741[20] Motoring & Leisure Services Ltd
45 BBC Good Food 268,844[12] Immediate Media Company
46 Star 261,796[14] Northern and Shell
47 Prima 260,734[17] Nat Mags/Hearst
48 Camping and Caravanning 260,634[20] Camping and Caravanning Club Ltd
49 ShortList Mode 260,615[16] Shortlist Media Limited
50 TVTimes 254,593[13] IPC Media
51 Woman 252,239[14] IPC Media
52 National Geographic 248,079[18] National Geographic Society
53 The Economist – Continental Europe Edition 245,783[22] The Economist Group
54 Heat 241,328[14] Bauer
55 The People's Friend 240,051[14] D. C. Thomson & Co.
56 Private Eye 231,073[23] Pressdram Ltd
57 Marie Claire 227,729[17] IPC Media
58 Woman's Own 226,116[14] IPC Media
59 The Economist – UK Edition 221,080[23] The Economist Group
60 Bella 215,360[14] Bauer
61 Men's Health 213,393[16] Nat Mags/Hearst
62 Women's Institute#WI Life 212,526[12] Women's Institute
63 Best 208,706[14] Nat Mags/Hearst
64 Sainsbury's Magazine 205,081[12] Seven Squared
65 All About Health Magazine 203,648[15] AAH Pharmaceuticals Ltd
66 Red 203,354[17] Nat Mags/Hearst
67 Vogue 201,077[17] Condé Nast Publications/Advance Publications
68 The Week 198,339[23] Dennis Publishing
69 BBC Gardeners' World 197,390[19] Immediate Media Company
70 NOW 196,726[14] IPC Media
71 Ideal Home 193,101[12] IPC Media
72 Country Living 190,004[12] Nat Mags/Hearst
73 Look 187,884[17] Evarn IPC Media
74 Reader's Digest 186,802[18] Better Capital
75 Scotland in Trust 186,400[11] Think Publishing
76 Odeon Magazine 186,330[15] Future Plus
77 Real People 186,100[14] Nat Mags/Hearst
78 Pick Me Up! 183,662[14] IPC Media
79 Take a Break Series 172,591[14] Bauer
80 Elle (UK) 172,079[17] Nat Mags/Hearst
81 Candis 163,890[17] Newhall Publications Ltd
82 Grazia 160,019[17] Bauer
83 TV & Satellite Week 155,779[13] IPC Media
84 The Economist – Asia Pacific Edition 151,130[24] The Economist Group
85 BBC Top Gear Magazine 150,884[20] Immediate Media Company
86 Inside Soap 147,294[13] Nat Mags/Hearst
87 InStyle UK 146,507[17] IPC Media
88 Empire 145,117[15] Bauer
89 Weightwatchers Magazine 142,835[12] River Publishing Ltd (The River Group)
90 The Christmas Magazine 137,555[12] Kelsey Publishing Ltd
91 Time – British Isles (BI) 130,114[23] Time Magazines Europe
92 GQ 127,040[16] Condé Nast Publications/Advance Publications
93 Harrods 124,957[17] Harrods Ltd
94 Your Home 122,896[12] Hubert Burda Media UK
95 Shooting and Conservation 122,582[25] The British Association for Shooting and Conservation
96 Homes & Gardens 122,230[12] IPC Media
97 House & Garden 120,008[12] Condé Nast Publications/Advance Publications
98 Healthy 119,343[12] River Publishing Ltd (The River Group)
99 House Beautiful 118,290[12] Nat Mags/Hearst
100 Scouting Magazine 116,707[15] The Scout Association

North America


The following list of Canadian magazines is sorted by their circulation totals, as of the first half of 2012, according to data from the Alliance for Audited Media (then the Audit Bureau of Circulations):[26]

Rank Name Circulation[27] Publisher
1 What's Cooking 1,523,454 Kraft Foods/Meredith Corporation
2 Reader's Digest 597,229 The Reader's Digest Association
3 Chatelaine 550,613 Rogers Communications
4 Canadian Living 511,817 Transcontinental
Maclean's 321,095 Rogers Communications
6 Canadian House & Home 248,158 House & Home Media
7 Style at Home 230,041 Transcontinental
8 Clean Eating 225,457 Robert Kennedy Publishing
9 Coup de Pouce 206,721 Transcontinental
10 Oxygen Women's Fitness 200,090 Robert Kennedy Publishing
11 Châtelaine 176,870 Rogers Communications
12 Canadian Geographic 168,046 Royal Canadian Geographical Society
13 Our Canada 164,656 The Reader's Digest Association
14 Financial Post Magazine 164,047 Postmedia Network
15 L'actualité 160,054 Rogers Communications
16 Today's Parent 160,035 Rogers Communications
17 Sélection du Reader's Digest 158,531 The Reader's Digest Association
18 Vervegirl 148,163 Youth Culture
19 LOU LOU 145,896 Rogers Communications
20 Fashion 141,760 St. Joseph Communications
21 Good Times 133,211 Transcontinental
22 Elle Canada 131,365 Transcontinental
23 Hello! 131,129 Rogers Communications
24 Today's Parent Baby & Toddler 131,000 Rogers Communications
25 MoneySense 130,106 Rogers Communications
26 Le Bel Age 129,719 Transcontinental
27 Flare 127,341 Rogers Communications
28 More 120,121 Transcontinental
29 Today's Parent Newborn 112,500 Rogers Communications
30 The Hockey News 104,519 Transcontinental
31 Immigrant Muse 10,000 Immigrant Muse Media Inc.

United States

The following list shows the 100 largest magazines in the United States by paid circulation as of 31 December 2023 based on data from the Alliance for Audited Media:[28]

Rank Name Circulation Publisher
1 AARP: The Magazine 22,417,330 AARP
2 AARP Bulletin 22,146,945 AARP
3 Costco Connection 15,422,408 Costco Wholesale
4 American Mainstreet 10,230,332 American MainStreet Publications
5 Better Homes and Gardens 3,039,359 Meredith Corporation
6 Southern Living 2,812,420 Meredith Corporation
7 People 2,540,107 Meredith Corporation
8 Reader's Digest 2,335,607 Trusted Media Brands
9 Real Simple 1,996,505 Meredith Corporation
10 Us Weekly 1,950,510 Wenner Media
11 Texas Co-op Power 1,908,101 Texas Electric Cooperatives
12 Golf Digest 1,653,482 Condé Nast
13 Good Housekeeping 1,624,800 Hearst
14 National Geographic 1,592,978 National Geographic Partners
15 The American Legion Magazine 1,498,466 American Legion
16 American Rifleman 1,436,954 National Rifle Association of America
17 Taste of Home 1,323,790 Trusted Media Brands
18 Food Network Magazine 1,311,273 Hearst
19 Smithsonian 1,258,570 Smithsonian Institution
20 Vogue 1,250,845 Condé Nast
21 The New Yorker 1,241,696 Condé Nast
22 Sports Illustrated 1,240,176 Meredith Corporation
23 Vanity Fair 1,239,473 Condé Nast
24 Golf Magazine 1,217,830 Meredith Corporation
25 HGTV Magazine 1,150,443 Hearst/Scripps Networks
26 Time 1,125,257 Marc Benioff
27 Allrecipes 1,115,951 Meredith Corporation
28 Elle 1,036,617 Hearst
29 Travel + Leisure 1,019,978 Meredith Corporation
30 Woman's Day 1,016,501 Hearst
31 Magnolia Journal 1,015,523 Magnolia Network
32 The Atlantic 1,003,751 Emerson Collective
33 Essence 962,125 Essence Communications
34 GQ 951,946 Condé Nast
35 Food & Wine 940,681 Meredith Corporation
36 Cosmopolitan 940,514 Hearst
37 TV Guide 860,244 NTVB Media
38 First for Women 850,608 A360media
39 Outside 835,654 Outside Inc.
40 Bon Appétit 829,222 Condé Nast
41 Architectural Digest 824,601 Condé Nast
42 Midwest Living 821,126 Meredith Corporation
43 The Family Handyman 806,689 Trusted Media Brands
44 Woman's World 800,848 Bauer Media Group
45 Women's Health 763,073 Hearst
46 Men's Health 760,015 Hearst
47 Star Magazine 750,102 A360media
48 Carolina Country 749,765 NC Electric Cooperatives
49 Harper's Bazaar 740,242 Hearst
50 American Hunter 740,019 National Rifle Association of America
51 Condé Nast Traveler 723,298 Condé Nast
52 The Tennessee Magazine 702,613 Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association
53 South Carolina Living 616,650 Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina, Inc.
54 Esquire 612,204 Hearst
55 Popular Mechanics 606,210 Hearst
56 Ducks Unlimited 586,282 Ducks Unlimited
57 Fortune (North America) 582,487 Meredith Corporation
58 National Geographic (Alternate) 574,520 National Geographic Partners
59 Country Living 571,708 Hearst
60 Experience Life 567,976 Life Time, Inc.
61 Shooting Illustrated 558,780 National Rifle Association of America
62 Economist (North America) 549,164 The Economist Group
63 Wired 541,614 Condé Nast
64 America's 1st Freedom 523,716 National Rifle Association of America
65 Car and Driver 519,890 Hearst
66 Forbes 514,184 Forbes
67 BoatUS 512,226 Boat Owners Association of The United States
68 Bassmaster 505,750 Bass Anglers Sportsman Society
69 Momentum Magazine 490,351
70 House Beautiful 489,628 Hearst
71 Elle Decor 481,941 Hearst
72 Kentucky Living 481,262 Kentucky Electric Cooperatives
73 Prevention 459,743 Hearst
74 Virage 455,956
75 Motor Trend 450,853 Motor Trend Group
76 W 450,747 W Media
77 Town and Country 449,569 Hearst
78 Arkansas Living 425,241 Arkansas Electric Cooperatives, Inc.
79 Rolling Stone 423,010 Wenner Media
80 Garden and Gun 413,311 Allée Group
81 Entrepreneur 396,005 Entrepreneur Media, Inc.
82 Wine Spectator 381,433 M. Shanken Communications
83 Harvard Business Review 375,964 Harvard Business Publishing
84 New York 374,416 Vox Media
85 Rotary 364,698 Rotary International
86 Oklahoma Living 356,743 Oklahoma's Electric Cooperatives
87 Kiplinger's Personal Finance 351,988 Kiplinger
88 IEEE Spectrum 348,968 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
89 Wine Enthusiast 337,296 Wine Enthusiast Companies
90 Brain and Life 329,867 American Academy of Neurology
91 The Week 323,947 Future plc
92 RV Magazine 322,748 Good Sam Enterprises
93 Indiana Connection 312,645 Indiana Electric Cooperatives
94 Ohio Cooperative Living 311,361 Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives
95 Inc. 305,147 Mansueto Ventures
96 Sports Illustrated Kids 304,762 Authentic Brands Group
97 Veranda 302,986 Hearst
98 Guns and Ammo 301,724 Kroenke Sports & Entertainment
99 National Parks 300,493 National Parks Conservation Association
100 Red Bulletin 300,444 Red Bull GmbH



The following list of Australian magazines have been sorted according to circulation data that is relevant as of December 2012:[29]

Rank 1 Name Circulation Founded Publisher
1 Australian Women's Weekly 470,331 1933 Are Media
2 Better Homes And Gardens 388,110 1979 Are Media
3 Woman's Day 350,495 1953 Are Media
4 New Idea 293,031 1902 Are Media
5 That's Life! 218,161 1994 Are Media
6 Reader's Digest 205,807 1946 Trusted Media Brands
7 Take 5 180,110 1998 Are Media
8 Super Food Ideas 163,292 NewsLifeMedia
9 TV Week 155,664 1957 Are Media
10 Who 126,124 1992 Are Media
11 Delicious 115,162 2001 NewsLifeMedia
12 Australian House & Garden 113,105 1948 Are Media
13 Recipes+ 110,027 2003 Are Media
14 Cosmopolitan 105,212 Are Media
15 NW 100,494 1993 Are Media
16 Donna Hay 97,033 2001 NewsLifeMedia
17 Women's Health 92,596 2005 Are Media
18 Marie Claire 90,519 1995 Are Media
19 Dolly 90,175 1970 Are Media
20 OK! 90,096 2004 Are Media
21 Famous 86,056 Are Media
22 Club Marine 85,004 Allianz
23 Family Circle 84,358 Are Media
24 Woolworths Good Taste 82,388 1996 NewsLifeMedia
25 Australian Geographic 82,339 1985 Are Media

New Zealand

This is a list of New Zealand magazines, ranked according to circulation figures:[citation needed]

Rank Name Circulation Founded Publisher
1 AA Directions 546,929 1991 New Zealand Automobile Association
2 Skywatch 523,029 1992 Sky
3 Habitat 201,184 2004 Resene Paints
4 TV Guide 142,350 1986 Stuff
5 Tots to Teens magazine 130,000 2002 Learn About NZ
6 New Zealand Woman's Day 106,589 1989 Are Media
7 Ingenio 90,793 2003 University of Auckland
8 NZ Farmer 84,505 1933 Stuff
9 AgTrader 82,632 1990 Stuff
10 New Zealand Woman's Weekly 82,040 1932 Are Media
11 Australian Women's Weekly 81,785 1987 Are Media
12 Rural News 80,327 1988 Rural News Group
13 The New Zealand Farmers Weekly 79,679 2003 NZX Agri
14 Your Pregnancy 69,433 1995 Bounty
15 New Zealand Listener 64,072 1939 Are Media
16 Reader's Digest 56,249 1950 Trusted Media Brands
17 Your Baby 55,016 2007 Bounty
18 Cuisine 53,655 1987 Slick & Sassy Media
19 Healthy Food Guide 50,328 2005 Healthy Life Media
20 NZ House & Garden 49,232 1994 Stuff
21 New Zealand Gardener 47,729 1944 Stuff
22 New Idea 46,040 1992 New Zealand Media and Entertainment
23 The Foodtown Magazine 47,127 2001 Progressive Enterprises
24 Next 43,954 1991 Are Media
25 Country-Wide Magazine 41,921 1978 NZX Agri
26 That's Life! 39,065 1997 New Zealand Media and Entertainment

See also


  1. ^ Indian Readership Survey Topline Findings 2014
  2. ^ "10 Most Printed Magazines in Japan, 2015". Hatena Blog. 22 February 2016. Retrieved 15 September 2016.
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  5. ^ Opvraagmodule. HOI Archived 4 September 2011 at the Wayback Machine
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  16. ^ a b c d e "PPA Combined Circulation Chart - Men's Lifestyle". Professional Publishers Association (PPA). February 2014. Retrieved 8 March 2014.
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  27. ^ Audit Bureau of Circulation Archived 2 November 2008 at the Wayback Machine
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