Middleware for games is a piece of software that is integrated into a game engine to handle some specialized aspect of it, such as physics, graphics or networking.
- Autodesk Gameware - from Autodesk, includes Scaleform GFx, Kynapse, Beast and HumanIK.
- Nvidia GameWorks - visual FX, physics, particle and fluid simulations.
- Simplygon - automated 3D content optimization for a variety of assets as vegetation, buildings, scene views etc.
- SpeedTree - vegetation programming and modelling software products.
- xaitment - customizable and modular game AI software for navigation mesh generation, pathfinding, character behavioral modeling and more.
AI: Pathfinding, collisions
- AiLive - a suite of game AI middleware.
- Kythera AI - complete AI toolset middleware.
- Mercuna - 3D navigation middleware.
- Havok AI - complete AI toolset middleware.
Full-motion video
- Bink Video - video file format, video compression tools and playback library from RAD Game Tools.
- CRI-Sofdec - created by CRI Middleware, it is highly used in Dreamcast games.
Online multiplayer
- DemonWare - created by Activision.
- Steamworks - used for Valve Corporation's Steam.
Physics & animation
- Cocos2D - 2D physics engine.
- Euphoria - 3D human animation engine created by NaturalMotion based on Dynamic Motion Synthesis.
- FaceFX - realistic facial animation engine created by OC3 Entertainment.
- Havok - 3D physics engine.
Real-time rendering
- trueSKY - real-time sky & weather renderer created by Simul Software.
- CRI-ADX - created by CRI Middleware, it is highly used in Dreamcast games.
- Miles Sound System - audio authoring tools and engine developed by RAD Game Tools.
- Wwise - audio engine and authoring tools from Audiokinetic.
- Gameface - UI middleware engine developed by Coherent Labs.
- Autodesk Scaleform GFx - 3D UI middleware for the video game industry.
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