This is a list of lists of councils of government in the United States.
- Association of Bay Area Governments
- San Bernardino Associated Governments
- San Diego Association of Governments
- League of California Cities

- Naugatuck Valley Planning Region, Connecticut
- Northeastern Connecticut Planning Region, Connecticut
- Northwest Hills Planning Region, Connecticut
- South Central Connecticut Planning Region, Connecticut
- Southeastern Connecticut Planning Region, Connecticut
Georgia (state)
North Carolina

- Capital Area Council of Governments
- Central Texas Council of Governments
- Coastal Bend Council of Governments
- Concho Valley Council of Governments
- South East Texas Regional Planning Commission
- South Plains Association of Governments
- South Texas Development Council
- Central Iowa Regional Association of Local Governments
- Chesapeake Bay Commission
- Council of Energy Resource Tribes
- Denver Regional Council of Governments, Colorado
- East-West Gateway Council of Governments
- Houston-Galveston Area Council
- Kansas City SmartPort
- Kentucky League of Cities
- Metropolitan Council
- Mid-America Regional Council
- New Jersey State League of Municipalities
- Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments
- Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
- State rural development councils
- Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments
- Virginia Planning District Commissions
- Warren-Morris Council of Governments
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