This is a partial list of notable learned societies, professional bodies and engineering societies operating in Ireland:
- Accounting Technicians Ireland, formerly the Institute of Accounting Technicians in Ireland (IATI)
- Archives and Records Association, Ireland†
- Bar Council of Ireland
- British and Irish Association of Law Librarians
- British Computer Society†
- Chartered Accountants Ireland
- Dublin Philosophical Society
- Galway Archaeological and Historical Society
- Geographical Society of Ireland†
- Honorable Society of King's Inns
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (ICAI)
- Institute of Chemistry of Ireland
- Institute of Physics ‡
- Institution of Engineers of Ireland
- Irish Archaeological Society
- Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine (IAPM)¥
- Irish Computer Society¥
- Irish Hospitality Institute
- Irish Institute of Legal Executives
- Irish Institute of Medical Herbalists
- Irish Manuscripts Commission
- Irish Mathematical Society
- Irish Medical Organisation
- Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute
- Irish Planning Institute
- Irish Professional Photographers Association
- Irish Recorded Music Association
- Irish Texts Society
- Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
- Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)†
- Kilkenny Archaeological Society
- Law Society of Ireland
- Library Association of Ireland
- Microscopical Society of Ireland†
- Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- Pharmaceutical Society Of Ireland
- Psychological Society of Ireland
- Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland
- Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
- Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
- Royal Dublin Society
- Royal Geological Society of Ireland
- Royal Hibernian Academy
- Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
- Royal Irish Academy
- Royal Microscopical Society‡
- Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
- School of Irish Learning
- Society of Actuaries in Ireland
- Society for Musicology in Ireland
- Zoological Society of Ireland
‡ Established before partition, and represents professionals both in Britain and Ireland
† Established after partition, and represents professionals both in Britain and Northern Ireland
¥ Primarily operates in the Republic of Ireland
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