A list of films produced in Finland ordered by year of release. For an alphabetical list of Finnish films see Category:Finnish films

The numbers in the Notes column refer to the numbering used by Suomen kansallisfilmografia. These numbers are given to all full-length films which have been shown in public theaters as a headlining or co-headlining film. Suomen kansallisfilmografia uses the minimum length of 37 minutes to qualify for a film to be listed, however the earliest films may be shorter than this (as 37 minutes was not even technically possible).

Title Director Cast Genre Notes
Salaviinanpolttajat Louis Sparre, Teuvo Puro Teppo Raikas, Eero Kilpi, Teuvo Puro Comedy, Crime 1907/1 First Finnish fictional film, All copies believed to be destroyed.
Vasikan häntä ? Riika Raunio-Pakarinen, Waldemar Raunio Comedy 1908/1 All copies believed to be destroyed.
1909 No known Finnish films produced this year.
1910 No known Finnish films produced this year.
1911 No known Finnish films produced this year.
Margaretaa ajetaan takaa K.E. Ståhlberg Herra Bengelsdorf, Bror Berger Comedy 1912/1 All copies believed to be destroyed
Rusthollari Pettersonin Helsinginmatka Bror Berger Bror Berger, a pig Comedy 1912/2 First film to go through Finnish film board approval inspection (established in 1911), All copies believed to be destroyed
Sylvi Teuvo Puro Teuvo Puro, Aili Rosvall-Somersalmi, Teppo Raikas Drama 1913/1 Oldest Finnish film with known existing film fragments
Verettömät Kaarle Halme Oskar Krabbe, Hilma Rantanen, Mandi Terho Drama 1913/2 All copies believed to be destroyed
Nuori luotsi Kaarle Halme Konrad Tallroth, Hilma Rantanen, John Precht Drama 1913/3 All copies believed to be destroyed
Kosto on suloista ? ? Comedy, Crime 1913/4 All copies believed to be destroyed
Kun onni pettää Konrad Tallroth Axel Precht, Sigrid Precht, Konrad Tallroth Drama 1913/5 All copies believed to be destroyed
Se kolmas ? Birger Pohjanheimo, Hilarius Pohjanheimo, Adolf Pohjanheimo Romantic drama 1914/1 All copies believed to be destroyed
Pirteä ja kadonnut kori ? Birger Pohjanheimo, William Räisänen, Hilda Räisänen Comedy 1914/2 All copies believed to be destroyed
Salainen perintömääräys ? Hilarius Pohjanheimo, Helinä Svensson, William Rölling, Birger Pohjanheimo Crime 1914/3 All copies believed to be destroyed
Väärennetty osoite ? ? Crime 1914/4 All copies believed to be destroyed
Nainen, jonkas minulle annoit ? ? Romantic drama 1914/5 All copies believed to be destroyed
Tuiskusen kuherruskuukausi ? ? Romantic drama 1914/6 All copies believed to be destroyed
Kalle Pettersson ? ? Crime 1914/7 All copies believed to be destroyed
Käpäsen rakkausseikkailu ? ? Romantic comedy 1914/8 All copies believed to be destroyed
Vieraalla maaperällä Kaarle Halme Tyyne Halme, rva Enroth, Kaarle Halme Drama 1914/9 All copies believed to be destroyed
Kaksi sankaria ? ? Romantic comedy 1914/10 All copies believed to be destroyed
Kesä Kaarle Halme Hilma Rantanen, Mandi Terho, Oskar Krabbe, Sigrid Precht Romantic drama 1915/1 All copies believed to be destroyed
Rikosten runtelema ? Eino Salmela, Helinä Svensson Drama 1915/2 All copies believed to be destroyed
"Peski", "Lappa" ja poliisit Bror Berger Bror Berger, Harald Sandberg, Georg Grönroos Comedy 1915/3 All copies believed to be destroyed
Katoavia timantteja Bror Berger Arvid Hammarlund, Inga Saar, Harald Sandberg, Bror Berger Crime 1916/1 First Finnish film to have a premiere with several screens (2 theaters), All copies believed to be destroyed
Tuhlaajapoika Sven Bergvall Svea Peters, Hjalmar Peters, Märta Hallström Drama 1916/2 All copies believed to be destroyed
Eräs elämän murhenäytelmä Konrad Tallroth Mia Backman, Oskar Tengström, Konrad Tallroth Drama 1916/3 All copies believed to be destroyed
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