This is a list of Australian plants which have had a common name prefixed with the adjective "native".
Early European settlers in Australia were confronted with a large variety of unaccustomed animals and plants, and in many cases gave them familiar names qualified with the adjective "native", based on some fancied resemblance, so what is now a koala was called a "native bear" and the dingo a "native dog".[1] Many of these terms are of historic interest only.
Name | Old binomial name[a] | Modern synonym | Notes |
Native apple | |||
→ Apple berry | Billardiera scandens | bush food | |
→ Black apple | Achras australis | Pouteria australis or Planchonella australis |
brush apple, wild plum |
→ Emu apple | Owenia acidula | mooley apple | |
→ Logan apple | Acronychia acidia | Acronychia imperforata | Fraser Island apple |
→ Mulga apple | Acacia aneura | the "apple" is an edible insect gall | |
→ Oak apple | Casuarina stricta | Allocasuarina verticillata | young cones may be chewed |
→ Rose apple | Owenia cerasifera | Owenia acidula var. | sweet plum |
Native arbutus | Gaultheria hispida | snowberry, chucky chucky; edible | |
Native banana | Musa banksii Musa hillii Musa fitzalani |
Musa banksii varieties ? | |
Native banyan | Ficus rubiginosa | rusty fig, Port Jackson fig | |
Native beech | Callicoma serratifolia | black wattle, wild quince | |
Native blackberry | Rubus moluccanus Rubus parvifolius Rubus rosifolius |
Molucca bramble Japanese bramble Mauritius raspberry | |
Native borage | Pollichia zeylanica | Trichodesma zeylanicum | Northern bluebell, camel bush, horse bush |
Native box | Bursaria spinosa | boxthorn, native olive | |
Native bread | Polyporus mylitta | Laccocephalum mylittae | edible, though not tasty, fungus |
Native broom | Viminaria denudata | ||
Native burnet | Acaena ovina | Acaena agnipola x Acaena echinata[2] |
Australian Sheep's Burr |
Native cabbage | Nasturtium palustre | Rorippa palustris | not endemic to Australia |
Native carrot | Daucus brachiatus | Daucus glochidiatus | not endemic to Australia |
Native cascarilla | Croton verreauxii | green native cascarilla | |
Native celery | Apium australe Apium prostratum |
not endemic to Australia Tasmanian species | |
Native centaury | Erythraea australis | Schenkia australis | |
Native cherry | Exocarpus cupressiformis | ||
Native cranberry | Pernettya tasmanica | Gaultheria tasmanica | native to Tasmania |
Native cranberry | Styphelia sapida | Lissanthe sapida | |
Native cranberry | Styphelia humifusa | Astroloma humifusum | |
Native cumquat | Atalantia glauca | Eremocitrus glauca | desert lemon, desert lime |
Native currant | Coprosma billardieri | Coprosma quadrifida | |
Native currant | Leucopogon richei | ||
Native currant | Myoporum serratum | Myoporum insulare | blueberry tree, native juniper |
Native daisy | Brachycome decipiens | Brachyscome decipiens | |
Native damson | Nageia spinulosa | Podocarpus spinulosus | native plum |
Native dandelion | Podolepis acuminata | Podolepis robusta | mountain lettuce |
Native daphne | Myoporum viscorum | Myoporum viscosum | dogwood, waterbush |
Native date | Capparis canescens | ||
Native deal | Nageia elata | Podocarpus elatus | |
Native elder Native elderberry |
Sambucus xanthocarpa Sambucus gaudichaudiana |
Sambucus australasica Sambucus gaudichaudiana |
white elderberry; edible |
Native flax | Linum marginale | ||
Native fuchsia | Correa speciosa | Correa reflexa var. speciosa | eastern correa |
Native fuchsia | Eremophila maculata | spotted fuchsia-bush | |
Native furze | Hakea ulicina | furze hakea | |
Native ginger | Alpinia caerulea | Australian ginger; edible | |
Native grape | Vitis hypoglauca | Cissus hypoglauca | Gippsland grape; edible |
Native hickory | Acacia leprosa | cinnamon wattle | |
Native holly | Coprosma hirtella | Tasmania | |
Native holly | Lomatia ilicifolia | ||
Native hops | Dodonaea spp. | various | |
Native hops | Daviesia latifolia | hop bitter-pea | |
Native hyacinth | Thelymitra longifolia | ||
Native indigo | Swainsonia spp. | ||
Native indigo | Indigofera australis | Tasmania | |
Native ivy | Muehlenbeckia adpressa | Macquarie Harbour vine | |
Native jasmine | Ricinocarpos pinifolius | wedding bush | |
Native juniper | Myoporum serratum | Myoporum insulare | blueberry tree, native currant |
Native kumquat | Atalantia glauca | Eremocitrus glauca | desert lemon, desert lemon |
Native laburnum | Goodenia lotifolia | Goodenia | |
Native laburnum | Cassia marksiana | ||
Native laurel | Pittosporum undulatum | mock orange | |
Native laurel | Panax elegans | light sycamore | |
Native lavender | Styphelia australis | Leucopogon australis | spiked beard-heath |
Native leek | Bulbine bulbosa | native onion; poisonous | |
Native lilac | Melia composita | not endemic | |
Native lilac | Prostanthera rotundifolia | round-leaf mint bush | |
Native lime | Citrus australasica Citrus australis |
finger lime native orange | |
Native lucerne | Sida rhombifolia | Queensland hemp; not endemic | |
Native mangrove | Rhizophorea mucronata | Rhizophora mucronata | |
Native mangrove | Avicennia officinalis | ||
Native mangrove | Acacia longifolia | Tasmanian name for Boobialla | |
Native mignonette | Stackhousia linariaefolia | Stackhousia monogyna | creamy candles |
Native millet | Panicum decompositum | ||
Native mint | Mentha australis | river mint, native peppermint | |
Native mistletoe | Loranthus spp. | ||
Native mulberry | Hedycarya cunninghami | Hedycarya angustifolia | smooth holly |
Native mulberry | Pipturus propinquus | Pipturus argenteus | Queensland grasscloth plant |
Native mulberry | Litsaea ferruginea | Litsea spp. | pigeonberry tree |
Native myrtle | Myoporum serratum | Myoporum insulare | native currant, native juniper, blueberry tree |
Native nectarine | Owenia acidula | emu apple | |
Native oak | Casuarina spp. | ||
Native olive | Bursaria spinosa | boxthorn, native box | |
Native onion | Bulbine bulbosa | native leek; poisonous | |
Native orange | Citrus australis | native lime, finger lime | |
Native orange | Capparis mitchellii | native pomegranate | |
Native passionflower | Passiflora spp. | some are indigenous | |
Native peach | Santalum acuminatum Elaeocarpus grandis |
quandong | |
Native pear | Hakea acicularis | Hakea sericea | bushy needlewood |
Native pennyroyal | Mentha gracilis | Mentha satureioides | creeping mint |
Native pepper | Piper novae-hollandiae | ||
Native plantain | Plantago varia | Plantago spp. | |
Native plum | Nageia spinulosa | Podocarpus spinulosus | native damson |
Native pomegranate | Capparis nobilis Capparis mitchelli |
Capparis arborea Capparis canescens Capparis mitchellii |
caper tree wild orange native orange |
Native potato | Gastrodia sesamoides | ||
Native quince | Owenia acidula | emu apple | |
Native quince | Petalostigma quadriloculare | Petalostigma | crab-tree, quinine tree |
Native raspberry | Rubus gunnianus Rubus rosaefolius |
Tasmania mainland Australia | |
Native rocket | Epacris lanuginosa | ||
Native sandalwood | Santalum persicarium | Santalum murrayanum | see also Santalum spicatum, Santalum lanceolatum |
Native sandalwood | Alyxia buxifolia | sea box, dysentery bush | |
Native sarsaparilla | Hardenbergia monophylla | ||
Native sassafras | Atherosperma moschatum | ||
Native scarlet runner | Kennedya prostrata | Kennedia prostrata | scarlet runner |
Native shamrock | Lotus australis | ||
Native speedwell | Veronica formosa | ||
Native tamarind | Diploglottis cunninghamii | ||
Native tobacco | Cassinia billardieri | Apalochlamys spectabilis | showy cassinia, fireweed |
Native tobacco | Duboisia hopwoodii | pituri, pitchery | |
Native tobacco | Nicotiana suaveolens | ||
Native tulip | Telopea oreades spp. | waratah | |
Native willow | Acacia longifolia | ||
Native yam | Dioscorideae hastifoliae | Dioscorea hastifolia |
- ^ As reported in Edward E. Morris (1896). Dictionary of Australian Words.
- ^ Edward E. Morris (1896). Dictionary of Australian Words.
- ^ "Acaena ovina". Yarra Ranges Council. Retrieved 28 June 2023.
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