Ják is a village in Vas County, on the western boundary of Hungary.
Church of Saint George
The parish church of Ják is the best preserved Romanesque church in Hungary.[1] It was originally built as the church of a Benedictine monastery. The village church at that time was a rotunda in front of the façade of the main doorway of Ják church.
Both outside and inside the church is adorned with rich sculptures. The 3 naves and 3 apses are formed in a basilica structure. Columnar capitals are sculptured by plant and some animal ornamentation.
The rotunda has been built with 4 apses and 2 floors.
Photo gallery
Saint George's Abbey, Ják
Medieval relief of Saint Matthew in the Church of Ják (13th century).
Saint James's Chapel, Ják
Notable people
- Dezső Novák (1939 – 2014), Hungarian footballer
- ^ Prikryl, R. (2004). Dimension Stone 2004 - New Perspectives for a Traditional Building Material: Proceedings of the International Conference in Dimension Stone 2004, 14-17 June, Prague, Czech Republic. CRC Press. p. 92. ISBN 978-0-203-02449-2. Retrieved 2024-02-21.
- Aradi N. (Ed.): A művészet története Magyarországon. (The History of Arts in Hungary). Gondolat, Budapest
- Fülep L. (Ed.): A magyarországi művészet története. (The History of the Hungarian Arts). Budapest
- Gerevich T.: Magyarország románkori emlékei. (Die romanische Denkmäler Ungarns.) Egyetemi nyomda. Budapest, 1938.
- Gerő L. : Magyar műemléki ABC. Budapest, 1984
- Gervers-Molnár, V. (1972): A középkori Magyarország rotundái. (Rotunda in the Medieval Hungary). Akadémiai, Budapest
- Henszlmann, I. (1876): Magyarország ó-keresztyén, román és átmeneti stylü mű-emlékeinek rövid ismertetése, (Old-Christian, Romanesque and Transitional Style Architecture in Hungary). Királyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, Budapest
- Marosi E.: A román kor művészete, (Art of the Romanesque Ages). Corvina, Budapest, 1972, ISBN 963-13-2000-6
External links
- Street map (in Hungarian)
- Aerial photographs of Ják
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