The Involve Foundation (known as Involve) is a UK based charity "working with governments, parliaments, civil society, academics and members of the public to create, advocate for and deliver new forms of public participation", like, for example, citizens' assemblies.[1][2] Its headquarters are in Bethnal Green in Central London, and it has offices in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
In 1999, a group of academics in the field of deliberative democracy met with practitioners and policy-makers to explore avenues of cooperation. In 2000, this became the InterAct network, and in 2003, after several joint publications on public participation, they discussed formalising their cooperation by founding an institute. This initiative was launched in September 2003 in London, hosted by the Environment Council, and by March 2004 it had obtained its first funding from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. In June 2005, it stopped being hosted by the Environment Council and became an independent organisation, with Geoff Mulgan as its first chair and Richard Wilson as its first director. In 2006, it was formally incorporated, and in 2009 it became a charity, with Simon Burrall as Director. Its objects were “to advance education for the public benefit in methods and processes of public participation and democratic practice,” and “to promote good citizenship for the public benefit by encouraging and facilitating participation by the public in democratic and decision-making processes with an intended outcome of enabling people to develop their capacities, help meet their needs and participate more fully in society.”[3] In 2015, a Scotland office was opened, and in 2017 Tim Hughes became Director. In 2018, a Northern Ireland office was opened, and in 2021, Sarah Castell became Director.[4][5]
Involve's vision is of a democracy where people are at the heart of decision-making.[6] Its mission statement is "to develop, support, and campaign for new ways of involving people in the decisions that affect their lives."[7] The Articles of Association include in the ‘Objects’ section: “encouraging and facilitating participation by the public in democratic and decision-making processes” (3.2); “collaborate and cooperate with other bodies to further the purposes of the Charity” (4.3); “form partnerships with other organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors” (4.5).[8]
Involve has worked with a wide range of partners, most recently the Cabinet Office, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and NHS England. Past partners include the Home Office, the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Ministry of Justice, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly, the OECD, the European Commission and the BBC.[9]
Involve's CEO is Sarah Castell and the Chair of Involve's Board of Trustees is Ed Cox. Other trustees are Claire Ainsley, Paul Braithwaite, Andrew Cave, Dr. Temidayo Eseonu, Delaweh Hamelo-Mensah, Kathryn Jones, Sharon Squires, and Dr. Hannah White.[10][11]
Big Tobacco trustee
Involve appointed a trustee with a history of employment in the tobacco industry, Andrew Cave, who was Head of Communications at Philip Morris International (PMI) from 2012 to 2022, and became a trustee of Involve in April 2023.[12][13] Some of Involve's activities are in the health sector[14] - for example, the NHS Citizen project (2013-2016)[15] - and conflict of interest concerns have been raised.
A significant portion of his financial incentives, whether in the form of shares currently held in the company or as part of his retirement arrangements, are related to the tobacco industry in general and Philip Morris in particular.[16]
Investigations by Reuters have shown that Philip Morris International (PMI) also secretly infiltrated the World Health Organization’s global tobacco control negotiations and Andrew Cave then lied about it: "Asked in an earlier interview whether Philip Morris conducts a formal campaign targeting the treaty’s biennial conferences, Cave gave a flat “no.”"[17] The World Health Organisation is committed to promoting public participation in health policymaking in its member countries - even to the extent of producing its own guide to conducting mini-publics (e.g. citizens' assemblies) on health policy. [18][19][20]
Key publications
- Room for a View: Democracy as a deliberative system, 2015
- Civic Activism Toolkit, 2015
- Public engagement, not just about the public, 2014
- Can you hear me? Citizens, Climate change & Open Local Government, 2014
- From Fairytale to Reality: Dispelling the myths around citizen engagement, 2013
- Pathways through Participation: What creates and sustains active citizenship?, 2011
- Talking for a Change: A distributed dialogue approach to complex issues, 2010[21]
See also
- ^ "About Involve". The Involve Foundation. Retrieved 2024-12-21.
- ^ "Citizens' assemblies: New ways to democratize democracy" (PDF). Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, September 2021. Retrieved 2024-12-21.
- ^ "Memorandum and Articles of Association (section 'Incorporation'". Companies House, UK. Retrieved 2024-12-29.
- ^ "About Involve |". The Involve Foundation. 20 April 2018. Retrieved 2024-12-20.
- ^ "Involve at 20 - A look back at Involve's history". The Involve Foundation. Retrieved 2024-12-26.
- ^ "Our vision". The Involve Foundation. Retrieved 2024-12-20.
- ^ "Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2024: The Involve Foundation Report and Audited Financial Statements 31 March 2024, p. 2". Companies House UK. Retrieved 2025-01-23.
- ^ "The Involve Foundation, Filing history, Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association". Companies House, UK. Retrieved 2025-01-12.
- ^ "Who we work with". The Involve Foundation. Retrieved 2024-12-20.
- ^ "The Involve Foundation, People". Companies House. Retrieved 2024-12-20.
- ^ "Board members". Involve Foundation. Retrieved 2025-01-23.
- ^ "Tobacco Tactics, Listing for Andrew Cave". Tobacco Control Research Group, University of Bath. Retrieved 2024-12-20.
- ^ "Andrew Cave profile page". LinkedIn. Retrieved 2024-12-20.
- ^ "Our projects (Issue filter: Health and social care)". The Involve Foundation. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
- ^ "Can citizens participate at the heart of NHS decision-making?". The Involve Foundation. Retrieved 2025-01-19.
- ^ "Remuneration policy" (PDF). Philip Morris International. Retrieved 2025-01-21.
- ^ "The Philip Morris Files, Part 1, Treaty Blitz: Inside Philip Morris' push to subvert the global anti-smoking treaty". Reuters. Reuters Investigates, 2017. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
- ^ "Implementing citizen engagement within evidence-informed policy-making: An overview of purpose and methods". WHO, November 2022. Retrieved 16 December 2024.
- ^ "Citizen engagement in evidence-informed policy making: A guide to mini-publics". WHO, February 2024. Retrieved 16 December 2024.
- ^ "World Health Assembly endorses resolution on social participation". WHO, May 2024. Retrieved 16 December 2024.
- ^ "Involve – Publications". Archived from the original on 2015-04-02. Retrieved 2015-04-01.
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