IMAGE is a database management system (DBMS) developed by Hewlett-Packard and included with the HP 3000 minicomputer. It was the primary reason for that platform's success in the market. It was also sometimes referred to as IMAGE/3000 in its initial release, and later versions were known as TurboIMAGE, and TurboIMAGE/XL after the PA-RISC migration.
IMAGE is based on the network database model, in contrast to most modern systems which are based on the relational database model. A SQL (Structured Query Language) front-end processor was later added, offering users the ability to run SQL queries on existing databases. This produced IMAGE/SQL, the current name.
IMAGE consists of several utilities along with an API (referred to as "intrinsics" by the HP documentation):
- DBSCHEMA - Compile a source schema layout. The source layout describes the tables (known as SETS) and columns (known as FIELDS).
- DBUTIL - Creates and performs maintenance functions on the database.
- QUERY - Generalized query tool for accessing any TurboIMAGE database.
The following is a sample list of the API calls used for application development. These calls are supported by HP's compilers: COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC, SPL, PASCAL and C.
- DBFIND - Locates a record.
- DBGET - Retrieves a record.
- DBPUT - Adds a record.
- DBUPDATE - Updates a record.
- DBINFO - Provides information on the structure of the database.
- DBOPEN - Opens the database with a specified password to provide access rights to the application.
The significant highlights of IMAGE are:
- Originally released as IMAGE/3000 around 1972 as a $10,000 option, but later included free as part of the MPE operating system.
- Bundled with the HP Precision Architecture RISC Computers along with HP ALLBASE/SQL, a Relational DBMS, on the MPE/XL operating system.
- Several Fourth-generation programming language products (Powerhouse, Transact, Speedware, Protos) became available from third party vendors.
- New capabilities were added including the increase of storage capacity and increase of several internal limitations such as the number of SETS allowed in a database. IMAGE/3000 was renamed TurboIMAGE due to these new capabilities.
- HP provided a Third Party Interface (TPI) to DISC's OMNIDEX and Bradmark's SUPERDEX products.
- HP announced the end of life for the HP3000 which included TurboIMAGE.
- Marxmeier released Eloquence which is schema and API compatible with TurboIMAGE and allows TurboIMAGE applications to run on Microsoft Windows and HP-UX.
- Stromasys released an HP3000 emulator allowing TurboIMAGE applications to be run on commodity hardware.
External links
- HP Computer Museum 3000 Series II Documentation - 1976 Image manual PDF
- - Hewlett-Packard Journal "Data Base Management for HP Precision Architecture Computers"
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