Hélène of Anjou (Italian: Elena d'Angiò; French: Hélène d'Anjou), also known as Helen was a French noblewoman and member of the Capetian House of Anjou.


Hélène was the illegitimate daughter of Robert of Anjou, who was the King of the Kingdom of Naples.[1][2][3][4][5][6] The identity of her mother remains unknown, and little is known about her early life.

When Hélène came of age, her father, Robert of Anjou, King of Naples, sent her to marry a French gentleman of Greece, possibly Bertrand de Baux, the Bailli of Morea, or the Prince of Morea, as part of a political alliance.[7][8][9] However, during her journey, her ship was caught in a storm and driven off course to Durrës, where she remained for several days.[10][11][12] During this time, she met Andrea I Thopia, a nobleman from the prominent Thopia family in Albania, and they fell in love, deciding to live together and marry soon after in 1338.[13][14][15][16][17] However, some sources identify him as Tanush Thopia, leading to conflicting accounts about the precise identity and name of her Albanian noble husband.[18][19][20] They had two sons, Karl Thopia and Gjergj I Thopia.[21]


Angered by Hélène’s marriage to Thopia instead of the French nobleman he had intended for her, King Robert invited the couple to Naples under the pretense of reconciliation, only to deceitfully have them both executed upon their arrival for what he considered their dishonorable actions.[22][23][24][25][26][27] Their sons fled to Albania, escaping the fate of their parents, and were raised in the Fortress of Krujë, where Karl, driven by a desire to avenge their deaths, led a rebellion in 1358, overthrowing the last descendants of the Counts of Zante.[28][29]


Hélène of Anjou married Andrea I Thopia. The couple had two children:[30][31][32][33]

  1. Karl Thopia, Prince of Albania, married Voisava Balsha
  2. Gjergj I Thopia

Family tree

See also


  1. ^
    Her birth year is uncertain due to the lack of detailed records. However, based on the known dates of her father's life (born 1276) and the ages of her siblings, such as Charles, Duke of Calabria (born 1298), Louis of Anjou (born 1301), and Charles d'Artois (born c. 1300s), it is estimated that she was born around the early 1300s.
  2. ^
    Sources conflict on the name of Hélène's husband, with some identifying him as Andrea I Thopia[34][35][36] and others as Tanush Thopia.[37][38][39] However, it is recorded that her marriage took place in 1338.[40]


  1. ^ Zavalani, Tajar (2015). History of Albania. Centre for Albanian Studies. p. 55. ISBN 978-1-5075-9567-1. ...Helen, the natural daughter of King Robert of Anjou...
  2. ^ Jacques, Edwin E. (2009). The Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present - Volume 1. McFarland & Company. p. 167. ISBN 978-0-7864-4238-6. ...Robert of the famous house of Anjou, king of Naples, had an illegitimate daughter...
  3. ^ Fine, Jr, John V. A. (1994). The Late Medieval Balkans A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. University of Michigan Press. p. 371. ISBN 978-0-4720-8260-5. ...illegitimate daughter of Robert, King of Naples...
  4. ^ Elsie, Robert (2003). Early Albania A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th-17th Centuries. Harrassowitz. p. 52. ISBN 978-3-4470-4783-8. ...King Robert, who was the King of Naples, sent one of his bastard daughters...
  5. ^ Stair Sainty, Guy (2018). The Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Angeli, Farnese and Bourbon families which governed it. Boletín Oficial del Estado. p. 503. ISBN 978-8-4340-2506-6. ...an illegitimate daughter of Robert of Anjou, king of Naples…
  6. ^ Hopf, Karl (1873). Chroniques Gréco-Romaines inédites ou peu connues. Weidmann. p. 532. ...N. N. d'Anjou , bâtarde du roi Robert de Naples..
  7. ^ Jacques, Edwin E. (2009). The Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present - Volume 1. McFarland & Company. p. 167. ISBN 978-0-7864-4238-6. ...Robert of the famous house of Anjou, king of Naples, had an illegitimate daughter whom he wished to marry to a French gentleman of Greece...
  8. ^ Elsie, Robert (2003). Early Albania A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th-17th Centuries. Harrassowitz. p. 52. ISBN 978-3-4470-4783-8. ...You should also know that King Robert, who was the King of Naples, sent one of his bastard daughters to the Prince of Morea for wife...
  9. ^ Brockhaus, Hermann (1868). Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste in alphabetischer Folge A-G. 86., Griechenland. B. Griechenland im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit (Griechische Griechenlands vom Beginn des Mittelalters ...) · Volume 86. Brockhaus. p. 41. ...verschwägerte König Robert so erzählt Musachi hatte seine natürliche Tochter dem Bailli von Morea vielleicht dem Bertrand de Baux zur Gattin bestimmt und...
  10. ^ Elsie, Robert (2003). Early Albania A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th-17th Centuries. Harrassowitz. p. 52. ISBN 978-3-4470-4783-8. ...but a great storm rose at sea and drove her ship towards the said town of Durrës where she remained for several days...
  11. ^ Jacques, Edwin E. (2009). The Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present - Volume 1. McFarland & Company. p. 167. ISBN 978-0-7864-4238-6. ...En route her ship touched at Durrës...
  12. ^ Brockhaus, Hermann (1868). Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste in alphabetischer Folge A-G. 86., Griechenland. B. Griechenland im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit (Griechische Griechenlands vom Beginn des Mittelalters ...) · Volume 86. Brockhaus. p. 41. ...und sie nach Durazzo gesandt...
  13. ^ Elsie, Robert (2003). Early Albania A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th-17th Centuries. Harrassowitz. p. 52. ISBN 978-3-4470-4783-8. ...During this time, Lord Andrew fell in love with the said lady and she with him, and they agreed to live together...
  14. ^ Fine, Jr, John V. A. (1994). The Late Medieval Balkans A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. University of Michigan Press. p. 371. ISBN 978-0-4720-8260-5. ...In 1338 Tanush married an illegitimate daughter of Robert, King of Naples, and also was recognized as a count by the Angevins...
  15. ^ Stair Sainty, Guy (2018). The Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Angeli, Farnese and Bourbon families which governed it. Boletín Oficial del Estado. p. 503. ISBN 978-8-4340-2506-6. ...Andrea Thopia abducted and married an illegitimate daughter of Robert of Anjou, king of Naples…
  16. ^ Hopf, Karl (1873). Chroniques Gréco-Romaines inédites ou peu connues. Weidmann. p. 532. ...Andrea, ép.: N. N. d'Anjou, bâtarde du roi Robert de Naples...
  17. ^ Brockhaus, Hermann (1868). Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste in alphabetischer Folge A-G. 86., Griechenland. B. Griechenland im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit (Griechische Griechenlands vom Beginn des Mittelalters ...) · Volume 86. Brockhaus. p. 41. ...nach Durazzo gesandt wo damals Thopia weilte Er verliebte sich in ste entführte und heirathete...
  18. ^ Zavalani, Tajar (2015). History of Albania. Centre for Albanian Studies. p. 55. ISBN 978-1-5075-9567-1. ...Tanush Thopia was lord of the lands between the rivers Shkumbin and Mat. he owed allegiance to the Angevin king of Naples but was doing everything possible to be his own master. He abducted Helen, the natural daughter of King Robert of Anjou, and started a deadly feud by marrying her...
  19. ^ Jacques, Edwin E. (2009). The Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present - Volume 1. McFarland & Company. p. 167. ISBN 978-0-7864-4238-6. ...where she met and fell in love with Tanush Topia. They were married...
  20. ^ Fine, Jr, John V. A. (1994). The Late Medieval Balkans A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. University of Michigan Press. p. 371. ISBN 978-0-4720-8260-5. ...In 1338 Tanush married an illegitimate daughter of Robert, King of Naples, and also was recognized as a count by the Angevins...
  21. ^ Elsie, Robert (2003). Early Albania A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th-17th Centuries. Harrassowitz. p. 52. ISBN 978-3-4470-4783-8. ...And so they did, and had two sons. The first one was called Lord Charles and the second one Lord George...
  22. ^ Zavalani, Tajar (2015). History of Albania. Centre for Albanian Studies. p. 55. ISBN 978-1-5075-9567-1. ...One day he went to Naples in order to make peace with his father-in-law and was treacherously assassinated together with his wife...
  23. ^ Jacques, Edwin E. (2009). The Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present - Volume 1. McFarland & Company. p. 167. ISBN 978-0-7864-4238-6. ...King Robert, feigning pleasure at the marriage, invited the daughter and her husband to Naples, where he killed them both...
  24. ^ Elsie, Robert (2003). Early Albania A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th-17th Centuries. Harrassowitz. p. 52. ISBN 978-3-4470-4783-8. ...You should also know that at this time King Robert invited his daughter and his son in law to Naples and murdered the two of them for what they had done...
  25. ^ Stair Sainty, Guy (2018). The Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Angeli, Farnese and Bourbon families which governed it. Boletín Oficial del Estado. p. 503. ISBN 978-8-4340-2506-6. ...but both he and his wife were executed on her father's orders in 1342 after being invited to return the Neapolitan court…
  26. ^ Brockhaus, Hermann (1868). Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste in alphabetischer Folge A-G. 86., Griechenland. B. Griechenland im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit (Griechische Griechenlands vom Beginn des Mittelalters ...) · Volume 86. Brockhaus. p. 41. ...Aber schwer traf die Gatten bald die Rache des erzürnten Vaters unter dem Scheine der Versöhnung lud er beide zu sich nach Neapel ein und ließ sie dort hinrichten die...
  27. ^ Hopf, Karl (1873). Chroniques Gréco-Romaines inédites ou peu connues. Weidmann. p. 532. ...Andrea, décapité à Naples par ordre de son beau - père ; ép.: N. N. d'Anjou , bâtarde du roi Robert de Naples, † décapitée avec son mari...
  28. ^ Elsie, Robert (2003). Early Albania A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th-17th Centuries. Harrassowitz. p. 52. ISBN 978-3-4470-4783-8. ...The aforementioned sons fled back to their country...
  29. ^ Brockhaus, Hermann (1868). Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste in alphabetischer Folge A-G. 86., Griechenland. B. Griechenland im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit (Griechische Griechenlands vom Beginn des Mittelalters ...) · Volume 86. Brockhaus. p. 41. ...Kinder aber in denen somit wirklich_das Blut der Angiovinen floß wurden gerettet in der festen Burg Kroja die er später ausbaute nicht wie die Sage meldet erst gründete 43 wuchs Karl auf entschlossen den Mord des Vaters zu rächen So er hob er sich denn 1358 zuerst mit seinen Albanesen gegen den lesten Sprossen der alten Grafen von Zante ver nichtete das Despotat und entriß schließlich 1368 den Angiovinen Durazzo...
  30. ^ Elsie, Robert (2003). Early Albania A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th-17th Centuries. Harrassowitz. p. 52. ISBN 978-3-4470-4783-8. ...And so they did, and had two sons. The first one was called Lord Charles and the second one Lord George...
  31. ^ Hopf, Karl (1873). Chroniques Gréco-Romaines inédites ou peu connues. Weidmann. p. 532. ...Carlo , prince d'Albanie - Giorgio...
  32. ^ Jacques, Edwin E. (2009). The Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present - Volume 1. McFarland & Company. p. 167. ISBN 978-0-7864-4238-6. ...They were married and had a son Karl...
  33. ^ Fine, Jr, John V. A. (1994). The Late Medieval Balkans A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. University of Michigan Press. p. 371. ISBN 978-0-4720-8260-5. ...This marriage allowed his son Karlo to brag in his epitaph that he was descended from the Kings of France...
  34. ^ Elsie, Robert (2003). Early Albania A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th-17th Centuries. Harrassowitz. p. 52. ISBN 978-3-4470-4783-8. ...During this time, Lord Andrew fell in love with the said lady and she with him, and they agreed to live together...
  35. ^ Stair Sainty, Guy (2018). The Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Angeli, Farnese and Bourbon families which governed it. Boletín Oficial del Estado. p. 503. ISBN 978-8-4340-2506-6. ...Andrea Thopia abducted and married an illegitimate daughter of Robert of Anjou, king of Naples…
  36. ^ Hopf, Karl (1873). Chroniques Gréco-Romaines inédites ou peu connues. Weidmann. p. 532. ...Andrea, ép.: N. N. d'Anjou, bâtarde du roi Robert de Naples...
  37. ^ Zavalani, Tajar (2015). History of Albania. Centre for Albanian Studies. p. 55. ISBN 978-1-5075-9567-1. ...Tanush Thopia was lord of the lands between the rivers Shkumbin and Mat. he owed allegiance to the Angevin king of Naples but was doing everything possible to be his own master. He abducted Helen, the natural daughter of King Robert of Anjou, and started a deadly feud by marrying her...
  38. ^ Jacques, Edwin E. (2009). The Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present - Volume 1. McFarland & Company. p. 167. ISBN 978-0-7864-4238-6. ...where she met and fell in love with Tanush Topia. They were married...
  39. ^ Fine, Jr, John V. A. (1994). The Late Medieval Balkans A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. University of Michigan Press. p. 371. ISBN 978-0-4720-8260-5. ...In 1338 Tanush married an illegitimate daughter of Robert, King of Naples, and also was recognized as a count by the Angevins...
  40. ^ Fine, Jr, John V. A. (1994). The Late Medieval Balkans A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. University of Michigan Press. p. 371. ISBN 978-0-4720-8260-5. ...In 1338 Tanush married an illegitimate daughter of Robert, King of Naples, and also was recognized as a count by the Angevins...
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