Golihole is a village in the Byndoor taluk of Udupi district.

As of 2011, Golihole has a total population of 3479 people consisting of 1918 male and 303 female residents. The village occupies a total area of 4584.40 hecatres with a population density of 0.759 people per hectare. As of 2011, the total literacy rate was 70.37% which was higher than the national average of 59.5%.[1]

As of 2011, Golihole has an employment rate of over 47.63%, 77.01% of whom are employed over 183 days in a year.[1]


The Gulnadi Halla stream runs through the village, however due to insufficient funds, the only means of cross the stream is via a wooden hanging bridge. This had led to incovenience in performing daily tasks, especially during the monsoon season for the residents of the village.[2]


Prathviraj Shetty a member of the India's differently abled T20 cricket team for 2022 hails from Golihole.[3]

See also


  1. ^ a b "Census | Udupi District | India". Retrieved 20 May 2023.
  2. ^ "This fragile wooden hanging bridge is all that connects Hoseri". Deccan Herald. 13 May 2021. Retrieved 20 May 2023.
  3. ^ "Byndoor: Prathviraj Shetty from Golihole is member of Indian deaf cricket team". www.daijiworld.com. Retrieved 20 May 2023.

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