English: Eallhālig (AS, trans. 'Perfect In Sanctity'), is a small wooden carved idol pillared sacred cult place and temple located in the woods surrounding Mount Tūalf'seni (The Wrekin) in Shropshire, England. The central wooden god-head pillar in place represents 'Syriath' - signifying, collectively, the Germanic pre-christian pantheon of the Native Faith of Germanic Neopaganism - Odinism, with sheep skull (representing death and cycles of life - birth, life, death, rebirth), and 'Jyrinah swastika' (symbol of Syriath) - representation of the Sun (Fylfot, Swastika, Fyrfos) and the collective power, wisdom, spirit, meaning and actual pantheon of the Gods and Goddesses of the Germanic Native Faith of Odinism (Asatru).
The runes are the 16 characters of the Younger Futhark with short-twig runes for ą (mirrored) and a.
Built and used by modern day Germanic Neopagans - religious reconstructionists and revivalists (Odinists, not wiccans), the site has been of religious importance (or at least known of) since 2004, although never in a permanent structural state, having to be built when required. It was first built in 2004 in collaboration with Polish pagans.
In 2004 some unenlightened happeners onto the site have associated it with Satanism, although the majority of the small number that have been witness to the site have connected the runic inscriptions upon the god-head pillars with some form of Native Faith, and nothing more.
Unfortunately, the site has been subject to mindless teenage vandalism on one occasion.
Although on private land, it has never been considered other than insignificant and harmless to the conservationists or forest rangers of the land and never troublesome or worthy of investigation or police action due to its extremely small size, simple offerings of fruit, etc to the Gods and Goddesses of Odinism, and low-level activity - rarely, if ever, noticed by the landowners or hikers in the area.
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