Text Appearing Before Image: * These photographs released for use or reproduction only as illustrations for Tod Powell's article, "Sporting Tackle for Sportive Steelheads" in CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME, Volume 18, number 4, October, 1932.
Inasmuch fly fishing is by far the the sportiest manner to take steelhead, whenever and wherever it is possible, the matter of of that type of tackle will be taken up first. Fly rods foor steelhead fishing would be powerful—ample of back- bone, plus—enough power to withstand the strain of continual casting of a long heavy line. The dashes of big fish in strong water currents will give a rod great strain, but the action is quite different and not Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 80. Whipping the mighty Klamath with a fly for the he-battling steel- head that lures Waltonians from the world around.
nearly so violent to the rod as it is when you retrieve your long line— pick up your cast—from heavy water. Light rods are not to be recomm mended for stealhed fishing. They will land fish, to be sure, but the punishment from this type of fishing will be too much for them, and that isn't fair to a fine fly rod. A stirdy 9-foot rod of from 5¾ to 6¼ ounces may bo used success- fully, but unless you are some inches above six feet in height you had
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