I see that Aldborough House is associated with the GPO and all things posts and telegraph in this photo. Doubtless though that was not the original purpose for this beautiful Georgian building. For some unknown reason the following comes to mind "The Minister for gate posts and telegraph poles"?
Thanks to today's contributors, including [/photos/20727502@N00/ guliolopez], [/photos/beachcomberaustralia/ beachcomberaustralia], [/photos/gnmcauley/ Niall McAuley], [/photos/lizinitaly/ Wendy:] and [/photos/turgidson/ turgidson] we learned a lot about Aldborough House. The related Wikipedia article has some detail, but in short the house was built by the Earl of Aldborough in the 1790s. He died soon afterwards however, and the house was unoccupied for some years. During the 19th century it became a school, military barracks and later (as we find it in our image) by the late 1890s was the office of the Controller of Stores for the Dept of Post and Telegraphs. It remained a depot for the Post and Telegraphs for a further century, before being sold in the early 21st century. Since then, unfortunately, it has remained unused, derelict, and its condition sadly deteriorated....
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