Identifier: souvenirofmassac1892brid (find matches)
Title: A Souvenir of Massachusetts legislators
Year: 1892 (1890s)
Authors: Bridgman, A. M. (Arthur Milnor), b. 1851
Subjects: Massachusetts. General Court Legislators
Publisher: Brockton : A.M. Bridgman
Contributing Library: State Library of Massachusetts
Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries
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has beenauditor one year, and registrar of voters in Woburn for nearly six years. He is atpresent vice-chairman and clerk of the overseers of the poor, and at the recent cityelection, as the nominee of both parties, was elected a member of the school committee.In the House of 1891 he was a member of the committee on woman suffrage. Com-mittees on constitutional amendments and federal relations, 1892. Vote of district: Lewis M Bancroft, Republican, 1,019; Joseph B. Bent, Prohibition,98; Henry C. Hall, Republican, 1,205; Thomas D. Hevey, Democrat, 1,347; Calvin L.Martin, Democrat, 1,099; John K. Murdock, Prohibition, 126. District No. 15. — Arlington, Winchester. — Samuel Walker McCall, Republican,lawyer, of Winchester, was born in Bedford County, Peun , Feb. 28, 1851, and passedhis early life in Illinois. He studied at New Hampton (N. H.) Academy and DartmouthCollege, and then took a law course in Boston. In the House of 1888 he was chairman \i 188 \ in hi I - LEOI8LATOR8, 1892. 75
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COMMITTEE ON RAILROADS. H. A KIMBALL, E. MOTT, W. F. RAY, J. O. PARKER. C. H HOBSON, J. H. MELLEN, M. J. FERREN. W. H. POWERS, House Chairman, F. H. RAYMOND, Chairman, F. W. BLISS, Clerk. P. A. DYAR, J. A. LAKIN, J, F. BURKE, E. S. HORTON, H. F. ROCKWELL- 76 A SOUVENIR OF of the committee on probate and insolvency. In that of 1889 he was chairman of thejudiciary committee. In 1892, House chairman of committees on election laws and onadministrative boards and commissions. Vote of district: Samuel W. McCall, Republican, 999; David Nelson Skillings,Democrat, 762. District No. 16. —Watertown, Belmont. — J. Hexry Fletcher of Belmont, Repub-lican, was born in Charlestovvn, Sept. 26,1844. He attended the Belmont public schoolsand a Boston private school. He is in the wholesale and retail provision business atFaneuil Hall Market. He has been a selectman in Belmont for several years, and hasalso served on the school committee. In the House of 1890 he was a member of thecommittee on public
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