English: Harrier GR.3 aircraft of 1 Squadron parked alongside Royal Navy Sea Harriers and a Sea King helicopter on the flight deck of HMS Hermes on 19 May 1982, the day that 1 Squadron joined with Hermes in the South Atlantic.
The Sea Harrier FRS.1 differed from the RAF's GR.3 in having extensive corrosion-proofing, a cockpit that was raised to provide the pilot with a better view, and a multi-mode radar called Blue Fox, which could search for targets in the air or on the sea.
Some of these images have had some dodging and burning done and have been retouched to remove detritus and dust and scratch marks only*
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Harrier GR.3 aircraft of 1 Squadron parked alongside Royal Navy Sea Harriers and a Sea King helicopter on the flight deck of HMS Hermes on 19 May 1982, the day that 1 Squadron joined with Hermes in the South Atlantic.The Sea Harrier FRS.1 differed from the RAF's GR.3 in having extensive corrosion-proofing, a cockpit that was raised to provide the pilot with a better view, and a multi-mode radar called Blue Fox, which could search for targets in the air or on the sea.*Some of these images have had some dodging and burning done and have been retouched to remove detritus and dust and scratch marks only*
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Air Historical Branch-RAF, Air Historical Branch-RAF
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