• Comment: Primary sources do not establish notability per WP:ORG. DoubleGrazing (talk) 08:47, 27 February 2025 (UTC)

William H. Prescott Elementary School, May 2021.

Prescott Elementary School (Prescott Magnet Cluster School) is a K-8 Chicago Public School located in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. Prescott aims to provide rigorous academics alongside initiatives in community engagement, social-emotional learning, Restorative Practices, and Anti-Bias/Anti-Racism work.[1]

General Information

  • Address 1632 West Wrightwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60614
  • Phone 773-534-5505
  • Website: Prescott Parents[2][3]
  • Enrollment: Approximately 450 Students
  • Grades: Kindergarten through 8th Grade


For students outside of Prescott's neighborhood attendance boundary,[4] admission may be gained through the GoCPS Options enrollment program if there are available seats. As of 2024,[5] 13.4% of students were classified as Black, 39.8% White, 29% Hispanic, 11.7% Asian, and 5.9% multi/other. 31.2% of Prescott students were labeled by Chicago Public Schools as low income.[6] 8% of students were classified as "English Learners."[7]

Academics and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Prescott's academic program follows a curriculum aligned with the Common Core State Standards[8] (CCSS). The school emphasizes social-emotional learning, incorporating programs such as Responsive Classroom and Second Step[9], aligned with the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning[10] (CASEL) framework. Key features of Prescott's academic and SEL programs include:

  • Math Curriculum[11]: A math curriculum designed so qualifying 8th graders take Algebra in person, as the district allows.
  • ELA Curriculum: Includes Multi-Sensory Phonics and Readers and Writer's Workshop
  • Science: An inquiry-based curriculum aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards[12]'.
  • Anti-Bias and Anti-Racism Work: Curricula, assessment, and instruction incorporates Anti-Bias, Anti-Racism from the Anti-Defamation League.
  • Arts and Physical Education: Students participate in integrated visual arts and physical education instruction. Students have created more than 45,000 pieces of artwork.[13]
  • Student-Led Conferences: Prescott utilizes student-led conferences for students in all grades. The primary goal is to encourage students to reflect on their learning, growth, challenges, and achievements while fostering meaningful conversations with their families about academic progress.

High School Placement

Prescott's 8th graders are accepted to selective high schools, including:

Distinctions and Recognitions

Prescott has received recognitions for its academic and extracurricular achievements:[3]

  • The State of Illinois honored Prescott School as a top 10% school in 2024, 2023, & 2022  (Illinois Exemplary Summative Designation[14]).[14]
  • In 2023, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) recognized Prescott's  Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP),[15] one of 32 schools in the state of Illinois.
  • In 2019,[16] Prescott won the National Blue Ribbon School,[17] the highest school award from the US Department of Education.
  • In 2018, Prescott was one of only 13 schools among 700+ to be named a fully Healthy School.[4]
  • Chicago Magazine named Prescott #13 out of over 400 elementary schools in Chicago (September, 2019[18]), the most recent publication.
  • Annually from 2014-2024, Prescott received an Excelling rating[4] on Creative Schools Certification[19] for its high-quality arts instruction.
  • From 2014-2019, Prescott received all Level 1+ Quality ratings,[20] the highest rating according to the CPS School Quality Rating Policy (SQRP).[21]
  • In English Language Arts, 80% of students met or exceeded CCSS standards,[8] and in math 59% of students met or exceeded CCSS standards on the 2024 IAR.
  • In Science, 70% of fifth and eighth graders[22] met or exceeded expectations on the 2024 ISA.

Faculty and Leadership

  • Sixty-one percent of Prescott's teachers hold a master's degree.[23]
  • Principal Erin Roche has served as a school leader for 21 years and earned his doctorate from Vanderbilt University. In 2023, he joined a US Fulbright Leader for Global Scholars delegation. Dr. Roche is a 2018-20 School Ambassador Fellow of the US Dept of Education and a 2016 Northwestern University Chicago Principal Fellow.
  • Assistant Principal, Melisa Rutkelis, has served as an assistant principal at Hawthorne School, as a Dept of Music coordinator for CPS, and as music teacher.  She extensively expanded the number of students participating in the All-City Competitions across the arts, developed an advanced arts program, cultivated partnerships with many arts partners, and managed a multi-million dollar budget.
  • Counselor Marisa Mathews was named the 2024 Illinois School Counselor of the Year[24] and achieved Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP)[15] status in just her third year at Prescott School.
  • Kindergarten teacher, Lisandra Barajas, earned the Those Who Excel Award[25], in 2023 from the state of Illinois for excellent teaching. Sixth and seventh grade Reading & Writing Teacher Tayler Showalter won the award in 2024.[26]
  • Third grade teacher, Jennifer Phares, earned one of Illinois' highest teacher honors, the Golden Apple Award,[27] in 2009.
  • Prescott has Nationally Board Certified Teachers (NBCT) including Phares, Hazelip, Swanson, Jasutis, and Roche.
  • Over 75% of Prescott teachers are Apple Teachers.[28]

Extracurricular Activities

Prescott offers a range of extracurricular activities[11] designed to enrich students' academic and social development. Some of these include:

'Right at School:[29]' A fee-based before and after school program.

  • Sports Teams: Including soccer, volleyball, basketball, track, softball, and cheerleading.
  • Clubs and Competitions:
    • Battle of the Books
    • Mathletes and Math Counts
    • Drama Club (annual performances such as Charlotte's Web and James and the Giant Peach)
    • Future Problem Solving Club
    • Girls on the Run (Fall and Spring)
  • Music and Performing Arts:
    • 'Uniting Voices Chicago[30]' (performances at the Bank of America and Symphony Center)
  • Other Opportunities
    • Chess Wizards, cooking class, We Got Game sports, Lego Engineering, yoga, among others.

Parent and Community Support

The Prescott Parents Association (PAA), a 501(c)(3), supports Prescott's community through fundraising, community events, and engagement initiatives.

Notable collaborations include:

  • Curriculum Night, Family STEM Night, Art Galleries, School Tours, and Celebrations of Learning
  • Partnerships with local businesses, Aldermen, state, and U.S. representatives

Prescott engages families through weekly newsletters, family nights, student-led conferences, and parent-led school tours.

Local School Council (LSC)

The LSC is an elected board[31] that works within Prescott. Public participation is encouraged during meetings.

Strategic Partnerships

Prescott has relationships with various universities and community organizations:

  • Student Teachers[11]: Prescott collaborates with institutions such as DePaul University, University of Illinois-Chicago, and Erikson Institute to mentor aspiring educators.
  • Green Star Movement[32]: Worked with students to create artistic tile mosaics displayed throughout Prescott.
  • 'Prescott Alumni Association (PAA)[33]': Prescott School and Prescott Parents cultivate a network of former students who stay connected with the school through annual events and college networking opportunities.


  1. ^ "Prescott Elementary". March 6, 2018.
  2. ^ "Prescott Parents". Prescott Parents. February 7, 2025.
  3. ^ a b "Prescott Parents". Prescott Parents. 2025-02-07. Retrieved 2025-02-26.
  4. ^ a b c https://schoolreports.cps.edu/SchoolProgressReport_2019/English/ElementaryProgressReport2019/SPR19_ES_610136.pdf
  5. ^ https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/School.aspx?source=studentcharacteristics&source2=studentdemographics&Schoolid=150162990252410
  6. ^ "PRESCOTT ELEM SCHOOL | Low Income Students".
  7. ^ "PRESCOTT ELEM SCHOOL | English Learners".
  8. ^ a b "Read the Standards | Common Core State Standards Initiative". www.thecorestandards.org.
  9. ^ https://assets.ctfassets.net/wjuty07n9kzp/4DPvVv7YirjeRQpj8dtPdQ/55a833129f9896defdae24e1b7db3b67/sstep-k5-family-open-house-flyer-family-letter.pdf
  10. ^ "About CASEL". CASEL.
  11. ^ a b c "About". March 1, 2018.
  12. ^ "Home Page | Next Generation Science Standards". www.nextgenscience.org.
  13. ^ "Artsonia School » Prescott Elementary School". www.artsonia.com.
  14. ^ a b "PRESCOTT ELEM SCHOOL | School Snapshot".
  15. ^ a b "Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) - American School Counselor Association (ASCA)". www.schoolcounselor.org.
  16. ^ "NBRS Prescott Elementary School of Chicago, IL". National Blue Ribbon Schools Program.
  17. ^ "National Blue Ribbon Schools Program | U.S. Department of Education". www.ed.gov. September 24, 2020.
  18. ^ "Best Public Schools". Chicago Magazine.
  19. ^ "Creative Schools Certification – Ingenuity".
  20. ^ https://schoolreports.cps.edu/SQRP_2018/ES_SQRP_ReportSY18-19_NETWORK-4_610136.pdf
  21. ^ "School Quality Rating Policy (SQRP) | Chicago Public Schools". www.cps.edu.
  22. ^ https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/School.aspx?source=trends&Schoolid=150162990252410
  23. ^ https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/school.aspx?schoolid=150162990252410&source=teachers&source2=teachereducation
  24. ^ "Illinois School Counselor Association - Illinois School Counselor of the Year - Marisa Mathews!". www.ilschoolcounselor.org.
  25. ^ https://www.isbe.net/Documents/TWE-County-2022.pdf
  26. ^ https://www.isbe.net/Documents/TWE-TOY-Awardee-List-2024.pdf
  27. ^ "Academy of Educators". Golden Apple.
  28. ^ "Apple Teacher - Apple Education Community". education.apple.com.
  29. ^ "After School & Before School Programs". Right At School.
  30. ^ "Uniting Voices Chicago". Uniting Voices.
  31. ^ "Local School Councils (LSCs) | Chicago Public Schools". www.cps.edu.
  32. ^ "Green Star Movement". Green Star Movement.
  33. ^ "Home". sites.google.com.
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