Tattelecom is a multi-service telecommunications operator in the Republic of Tatarstan. The company provides broadband Internet access, mobile and fixed telephony, cable television, IP home telephony, video surveillance.

Subscribers of the group of companies are more than 2 million residents of the Republic and about 30 thousand enterprises in districts of Tatarstan.

Owners and management

As of March 14, 2023, the company had about 21,000 owners of shares. The main of them, with a shareholding of 87.21%, is Svyazinvestneftekhim JSC.

As of December 31, 2022, the Company's securities were owned by residents of most regions of the Russian Federation.

In January 2023, shares of Tattelecom were included in the rating of the most profitable Russian stocks for 2018-2022 by RBC Investments. Since June 16, 2023, the company's shares have been included in the Moscow Exchange Telecommunications Index.

Products and services

While in 2006 the telecom market of Tatarstan was very diverse and divided between several operators the situation has changed now and the republic only has three major operators left. They are: Tattelecom, which inherited the public communications network and now has the largest share of the market, Teleset that has preserved the status quo and a public corporation TRC "TVT". Tattelecom dominates in the market and only experiences the real competition in major regional centers such as Naberezhnyje Chelny, Almetjevsk, Nizhnekamsk, and some other cities.

Yet, the Tattelecom monopoly in the telecom market has not exposed the users to the price pressure. Firstly, the tariffs for all the traditional services are regulated, and secondly, the operator has set fairly democratic prices for its additional services such as broadband Internet access. And surviving competition in the major cities also keeps the prices for additional services low.

Main office building of PJSC "Tattelecom" (Kazan) Tattelecom has an extensive information and communication network in Tatarstan. It is length is more than 102.5 thousand km (2022)

Broadband Internet access is provided to subscribers using three technologies: FTTB – in-house optics (current tariffs up to 500 MBit/s for 2023), GPON (speeds up to 500 MBit/s), ADSL2+ (speeds up to 24 MBit/s). The subscriber base of the Internet access service reached more than 615 thousand users by the end of 2022.

The mobile operator's services (the "Letai" brand) are used by more than 500 thousand subscribers (2023), the network is deployed throughout the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. To ensure high network reliability and sufficient bandwidth, more than 95% of base stations are connected to the network via fiber optic cable (fiber optic cable). All settlements with a population of 800 or more inhabitants and a large number of settlements with a smaller population are provided with the "Letai" connection.

In 2019, the operator conducted the first testing of 5G technology. As of 2023, the possibility of implementing a 5G network continues to be considered, as there are still some organizational and technical issues in Russia.

PJSC Tattelecom is large wired telecommunications operator in the Republic of Tatarstan. The network operates more than 1,160 telephone exchanges, the subscriber base of telephony is more than 340 thousand subscribers.

For users of smart intercoms, the company's own internal development center has created a mobile application "My House by Tattelecom". The functionality of the application for this service provides for remote door opening, viewing the log of visits and an archive of video recordings.

The company implements projects to develop the infrastructure of public spaces for video monitoring of courtyards and driveways, territories of school and preschool institutions.

At the beginning of 2023, the number of cameras installed by the company in the republic amounted to about 32 thousand units for all video surveillance projects, including IP intercom.


In 2010 Tattelecom was brought to administrative responsibility for illegal suspension of services to a subscriber.

See also

Official website of Tattelecom

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