Law in Denmark follows a civil law system.
Private law
- The Funktionærloven governs labour law concerning salaried employees. The Ferieloven governs vacation time for employees.
- The Købeloven governs consumer law.
- The Lejeloven governs landlord–tenant law.
- Privacy law in Denmark
Public law
- The Straffeloven is the criminal code.
- The Planloven governs urban planning.
- The Serviceloven governs social programs.
- Abortion in Denmark
- Danish nationality law
The law of Denmark was originally based on regional laws, of which the most important was the Jyske Lov, or the Law of Jutland 1241. The Danske Lov, or the Danish Code of 1683, promoted unity. The law has been developed via judicial decisions and royal decrees. Roman law has not had much influence on the law of Denmark.
See also
- Blume, Peter. In Winterton and Moys. Information Sources in Law. Second Edition. Bowker-Saur. 1997. Chapter Nine: Denmark. Pages 149 to 162.
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