Constantinianus (also Constantinian; Ancient Greek: Κωνσταντινιανός, Kōnstantinianós) was an Eastern Roman military commander during the reign of Justinian the Great who took part in the Justinian’s Gothic War.[1] After the death of Mundus he was sent into Dalmatia to defend Salona.[1] While he was still gathering his troops a Gothic force under Gripas captured Salona.[1] Hearing of the approach of a large Byzantine force Gripas retreated when Constantinianus moved against him.[1] Constantinianus immediately began rebuilding the crumbling fortifications.[1] After this Constantinianus quickly gained control of Dalmatia and Liburnia.[1] Constantinianus’ strong position in the Balkans In combination with the Frankish threat caused the Gothic king Witigis to send only a small force to defend Rome from Belisarius but instead position himself as such that he could move to counter threats from all directions.[1] As the city of Rome surrendered to Belisarius without a fight, its garrison abandoning it, Witigis’ strategy failed.[1] Later Constantinianus defeated a gothic force under Uligisalus, who was sent to attack him, at the Battle of Scardon.[1] The Goths retreats to the city of Burnus.[1] After Asinarius arrived with Suevic reinforcements Constantinianus noticed he couldn’t defeat the combined army and retreated.[1] He ordered an extra ditch to be dug around Salona and prepared for a siege.[1] The Gothic army under Uligisalus and Asinarius built a ditch and a stockade around the city to blockade it by land while the Gothic fleet moved to close the blockade by sea.[1] In a sally the Gothic fleet was defeated allowing the Romans freedom of movement by sea but the siege continued on land.[1]
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