Cao Lin (died 11 March 256)[a] was a prince of the state of Cao Wei in the Three Kingdoms period of China. He was a son of Cao Cao, a warlord who rose to prominence towards the end of the Han dynasty and laid the foundation for the Cao Wei state. His mother was Lady Du (杜夫人), a concubine of Cao Cao; Lady Du was also the mother of Cao Gun,[2] Princess Gaocheng and Qin Lang. In Weilüe, his name was recorded as "Cao Bao" (曹豹).[3][4]
In 211, Emperor Xian, the last emperor of the Han dynasty, enfeoffed Cao Lin as the Marquis of Raoyang (饒陽侯). In 217, Cao Lin's title was changed to "Marquis of Qiao" (譙侯). In 221, a year after Cao Lin's half-brother Cao Pi usurped the throne from Emperor Xian and became the first emperor of the Cao Wei state, he enfeoffed Cao Lin as the Duke of Qiao (譙公). One year later, Cao Pi elevated Cao Lin from a duke to a prince under the title "Prince of Qiao" (譙王). In 226, he changed Cao Lin's title to "Prince of Juancheng" (鄄城王). In 232, Cao Pi's successor, Cao Rui, changed Cao Lin's title to "Prince of Pei" (沛王). Throughout the reigns of the subsequent Wei emperors, the number of taxable households in Cao Lin's dukedom increased until it reached 4,700. After Cao Lin died in 256, his son Cao Wei (曹緯) inherited his princedom as the new Prince of Pei.[5] Cao Lin had a daughter, who married Ji Kang.[6]
See also
- ^ ([甘露元年春正月]乙巳,沛王林薨。) Sanguozhi vol. 4.
- ^ (武皇帝二十五男: ... 杜夫人生沛穆王林、中山恭王衮, ...) Sanguozhi vol. 20.
- ^ (《昭明文选·吊魏武帝文》引《魏略》曰:太祖杜夫人生沛王豹及高城公主。) Weilüe annotation in Wen Xuan, vol.60.
- ^ It is possible that Lady Du has another daughter, Princess Jinxiang. The Wei Mo Zhuan (魏末傳) claimed that Princess Jinxiang was He Yan's half-sister and that she was born to the same mother as the Prince of Pei. (《魏末传》曰:晏妇金乡公主,即晏同母妹。公主贤,谓其母沛王太妃曰:“晏为恶日甚,将何保身?”母笑曰:“汝得无妒晏邪!”俄而晏死。有一男,年五六岁,宣王遣人录之。晏母归藏其子王宫中,向使者搏颊,乞白活之,使者具以白宣王。宣王亦闻晏妇有先见之言,心常嘉之;且为沛王故,特原不杀。) Wei Mo Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 9. Pei Songzhi pointed out that the Sanguozhi stated that Cao Lin's mother was Lady Du. He Yan's mother was Lady Yin. Therefore, if Princess Jinxiang shared the same mother as Cao Lin, she could not have been He Yan's half-sister.(臣松之案:魏末傳云晏取其同母妹為妻,此搢紳所不忍言,雖楚王之妻媦,不是甚也已。設令此言出於舊史,猶將莫之或信,況厎下之書乎!案諸王公傳,沛王出自杜夫人所生。晏母姓尹,公主若與沛王同生,焉得言與晏同母?) Pei Songzhi's annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 9. Also, it is unknown if Princess Jinxiang was the same person as the Princess Gaocheng recorded in Weilüe.
- ^ (沛穆王林,建安十六年封饒陽侯。二十二年,徙封譙。黃初二年,進爵為公。三年,為譙王。五年,改封譙縣。七年,徙封鄄城。太和六年,改封沛。景初、正元、景元中,累增邑,并前四千七百戶。林薨,子緯嗣。) Sanguozhi vol. 20.
- ^ (案嵇氏譜:嵇康妻,林子之女也。) Ji Shi Pu annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 20.
- Chen, Shou (3rd century). Records of the Three Kingdoms (Sanguozhi).
- Pei, Songzhi (5th century). Annotated Records of the Three Kingdoms (Sanguozhi zhu).
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