Belalagere is a village in Channagiri taluk, Davanagere district in the Indian state of Karnataka. It is around 30 km from Davangere.


Kannada is the local language spoken here. The total population of the village is 3825 as per 2011 census.

Education and business

Belalagere have following schools, up to 10th standard only.

Primary with Upper Primary Schools and High Schools:

Sl no School name Management school category
01 Govt primary school, belalagere Department of education karnataka Primary school
02 Govt High school, belalagere Department of Higher education karnataka High school

Post office details

Belalagere Pin:577231
Davanagere District
Channagiri Taluk
Basavapattana Hobali


14°15′N 75°51′E / 14.250°N 75.850°E / 14.250; 75.850

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