Böse Menschen – Böse Lieder (German for Evil People – Evil Songs) is the second album by the German rock band Böhse Onkelz. It was released in 1985.
Track listing
- Heute trinken wir richtig (Today we're really gonna drink)
- Das Signum des Verrats (The sign of betrayal)
- Stunde des Siegers (The hour of the victor)
- Was kann ich denn dafür (What can I do for it)
- Ein Mensch wie du und ich (A human like you and me)
- Keiner wusste, wie's geschah (Nobody knew how it happened)
- Hässlich, brutal und gewalttätig (Ugly, brutal and violent)
- Nennt mich Gott (Call me god)
- 7 Tage ohne Sünde (7 days without a sin)
- Hass (Hate)
Track notes
Heute trinken wir richtig
Literally "Today we drink right", but means "Today we drink a lot"; a song about extreme alcohol consumption.
Das Signum des Verrats
"The sign of betrayal" - referring to the punk and skinhead scene, which drifted into left-wing (punks) and right-wing (skinheads) circles and so betrayed their own basic idea.
Stunde des Siegers
"The hour of victory" - meaning that everyone will have the chance to strike back and to change their life.
Was kann ich denn dafür
"What can I do for it, that we're so beautiful" - in this song the band glorifies itself.
Ein Mensch wie du und ich
"A human like you and me" - a song about perverts.
Keiner wusste, wie's geschah
"Nobody knew how it happened" - about the band and its arising celebrity in the scene.
Hässlich, brutal und gewalttätig
"We wear all swastikas / Skinheads have only violence in sense / Is it that you want to hear / that we're brainless fighters?" - the song implies that skinheads are not all neonazis, and the refrain "We are ugly, brutally and violating" gives the song an ironic note.
Nennt mich Gott
"Call me God".
7 Tage ohne Sünde
"7 days without sin" - meaning seven days without sex, because the person concerned has a sexually transmitted infection.
"Hate" - an anti-political song. "Workless youths are today normal, the rich more richer, all other is the same".
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