The 1994 Queen's Birthday Honours for Australia were announced on Monday 13 June 1994 by the office of the Governor-General.[1][2]

The Birthday Honours were appointments by some of the 16 Commonwealth realms of Queen Elizabeth II to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of those countries. The Birthday Honours are awarded as part of the Queen's Official Birthday celebrations during the month of June.

Order of Australia

Companion (AC)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
Dr Peter Stephen Wilenski, AO For service to international relations and to public sector reform, particularly through fostering the implementation of social justice and equity principles [1][2]
Emeritus Professor Bernhard Hermann Neumann For service to the advancement of research and teaching in mathematics
His Excellency the Honourable Richard Elgin McGarvie, QC For service to the Crown as Governor of Victoria, to the law and to the community
The Honourable Nicholas Frank Greiner For service to public sector reform and management and to the community

Officer (AO)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
Dr Bernard John Amos, AM For service to medicine and to the development and delivery of health care services in Australia and Asia [1][2]
Professor Norman Albert Beischer For service in the fields of obstetrics and gyaecology and for clinical research into the causes and prevention of maternal and prenatal deaths
Emeritus Professor John Charles Caldwell For service to the discipline of demography and to population policy and research
Emeritus Professor William John Campbell For service to education as a researcher, teacher and administrator
William Thomas Cooper For service to art and to ornithology as a natural history artist
Professor John Victor Malcolm Coppleson For service to medicine in the field of gynaecology, particularly the prevention and treatment of gynaecological cancer
Professor Julian Henry Disney For service to the development of economic and social welfare policy and to the law
Professor Marshall John Edwards For service to veterinary education and to research in the field of teratology
Dr Ruth Marcia English For service to public health through the development of national food and nutrition policies
Professor Richard Douglas Gordon For service to medicine in the field of endocrine causes of hypertension
Dr Nigel John Gray, AM For service in the field of preventative medicine, particularly against cancer
Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Colin Harcourt For service to economic theory and to the history of economic thought
Professor Laurence Thomas Hergenhan For service to Australian literary scholarship and to education
Associate Professor Michael Sydney Talbot Hobbs For service to medicine in the field of public health through research and teaching
Warwick John Hood For service to the maritime industry as a naval architect
David Alexander Hunt, QPM For service to the South Australian Police Department and to the community
The Honourable Mr Justice Geoffrey Alexander Kennedy For service to the law, to education and to the community
Dr Aila Inkeri Keto For service to conservation, particularly through promoting the protection and management of the wet tropical rainforests of Queensland
Yolanda Klempfner For service to the community, particularly in the areas of tertiary education, youth and health
Simon Sui-hee Lee For service to the development of Australian-Asian trade relations and to the Chinese community
Emeritus Professor Geoffrey William Lennon For service to marine science, particularly in the field of sea level research and tidal predictions
Dr John Kenneth Leslie For service to agronomy, particularly crop science and to agriculture
Keith William Lewis, CB For service to the national programmes of research in the area of water resource management
The Honourable Justice John Stanley Lockhart For service to the law and to the community in the areas of education and the arts
Kenneth Vincent Loughnan For service to business and to telecommunications
Dr Jakob Malmo For service to veterinary science and education and to the dairy industry
The Honourable Justice Jeffrey Allan Miles For service to the law and to the community
The Honourable Kevin Eugene Newman For service to the community, particularly through the provision of health care services and the preservation of cultural heritage, and to the Australian Parliament
Dr Connie Lynne Peck For service to psychology and to peacemaking and conflict resolution theory and practice
David Ford Scott For service in the fields of social welfare, international aid and the environment
Patricia Marietje Thomas For service to the science of zoology in both research and teaching and to the development of the Australian Helminthological Collection
Alastair Hugh Urquhart, CBE For service to business and finance and to the community
Edmund Marks (Wolfe) Visbord, OBE For service to the public sector, particularly in the areas of economic reform and economic policy development
Lawrence John Willett For service to public administration, to education and to the community
Dean Robert Wills, AM For service to business and commerce and to the community

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Navy Rear Admiral Alwynne Richard Owen Rowlands, RFD RD For distinguished service and exceptional performance of duty to the Royal Australian Navy and the Australian Defence Force, particularly as the Judge Advocate General [1][2]
Air Force Air Vice Marshal Franklin David Cox For service to the Royal Australian Air Force, particularly as Assistant Chief of the Air Staff, Personnel and Resource Management

Member (AM)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
The Honourable Dr Nigel Drury Abbott For service to the community, particularly through local government and to the Tasmanian Parliament [1][2]
Dr Ellis William Abrahams For service to medicine, particularly in the control of tuberculosis
Dr Ross McDonald Anderson For service to neuropathology
Murray Armstrong For service to the development of the tourism and hospitality industry
John Howard Barclay For service to international relations in the Asian region, particularly through the provision of humanitarian relief to Nepal
Peter George Barrack For service to the community and industrial relations
Dr Brian Harold Bartlett For service to medicine, particularly in the field of dermatology
Harry Baynes For service to the banking industry, to business and to the community
Timothy Gibson Bowden For service to broadcasting
Dr Mary Hector Bremner For service to medicine, particularly in the field of ophthalmology and to the preservation of Australian flora and fauna
Edmund George Capon For service to the arts, particularly as Director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales
Raymond Thomas Chapman, MBE For service to the community and philately
The Right Reverend Adrian Owen Charles For service to the community through the Anglican Church of Australia
John Arthur Chiswell For service to industry, particularly through the Furniture Manufactures Association of Australia
John Ronald Coghlan For service to the building and construction industry
Dr Kenneth Ernest Collins For service to public health in Australia and Asia
Stephen Comino For service to conservation and to law, particularly as it affects the environment
Noel Alexander Crichton For service to the printing and grafic arts industries and to training within these industries
Donald Albert Cushion For service to music and industrial relations through the Musicians Union of Australia
David Anthony de Carvalho For service to the law and to the community
Nicholas Frederick Derera For service to the development of the Australian cotton industry and the continued development of the Australian wheat industry
Nigel Alexander Dick For service to the media, particularly through television and to the community
Mark Francis Dohrmann For service to people with disabilities, particularly through the Technical Aid to the disabled
Angus Alan Downie For service to the disabled in Tasmania and as a member of the Disability Advisory Council of Australia
Dr Aldo Victor Dreosti For service to medicine, particularly in the field of anaesthesia
Harold Charles Eagleton For service to the Public Service
Professor Creswell John Eastman For service to medicine, particularly in the field of endocrinology
Leslie John Eggington For service to industrial relations
Dr James Morrison Ellis For service to medicine, particularly orthopaedic surgery
John Brehmer Fairfax For service to the community and to the media
Dr Graeme Blatchford Frecker For service to local government
Kathleen Carina French For service to the community
Robert Fulton For service to the sport of rugby league
Eric Leslie Garner For service to the resource development industry and to international trade
Rosalie Gascoigne For service to the arts, particularly as a sculptor
Dr Cherry Joan Gertzel For service to Australian/African relations as an educator, researcher and advisor to government and community air organisations
Donald Morrison Grant, RFD For service to surveying
The Right Reverend James Alexander Grant For service to the Anglican Church of Australia
Malcolm Neil Forsyth Gray For service to the vegetable processing industry and to the community
Warren Albert Grimshaw For service to education
Henry Baynton  (Joe) Gullett, MC For service to the community, particularly through the National Trust, the Australian War Memorial Council and the Australian Parliament
Eilene Hannan For service to opera
Leon De Witt Henry For service to engineering, particularly through the management of water resources
Dr Reuben Hertzberg, CBE For service to ophthalmic research and training through the establishment of the Chair of Ophthalmology at the University of New South Wales
Brian John Hill For service to public administration, particularly in the areas of institutional reform and policy advice
Robin Kenneth Hood For service to sport
Brigadier Ian Murray Hunter, CVO MBE For service to the community, particularly through the Australian Red Cross Society
Dr Brian Peter Hurley For service to medicine, particularly in the field of nephrology
Darvell Martin Hutchinson For service to the community
Lesley Anne Huxley For service to the Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia
Harvey Gordon Jacka For public service
Earl Bruester McDonald James For service to surveying, to local government and to the community
Theodore John Kannis, OBE BEM For service to the community particularly through the Australian Pensioners League
Lucy Napaljarri Kennedy For service to the Yuendumu community
Philip Christian Koperberg, BEM For service to the community through co-ordinating and controlling the firefighting effort during the New South Wales bushfires of January 1994
Helen L'Orange For service to women and to local government
Gerhard (Gerry) Levy For service to the Jewish community
Kathleen Mary Lowe For service to the community, particularly as Queensland and National President of the Meals On Wheels Service
Helen Ann Lynch For service to finance and banking
Shirley Ma For service to the Chinese community, particularly through the Chinese Elderly Welfare Society of Victoria
John Robert Marsden For service to the Law Society of New South Wales and to the community
Professor John Duncan Mathews For service to medical research
Associate Professor Francis Thomas McDermott For service to the community, particularly in accident prevention and treatment of road trauma victims
Dr John Alexander McDonell For service to education, particularly through the University of the Third Age
Daniel Philip McElligott, MBE For service to the community and to international relations
Lyndall Alexandra McLean For service to international relations
Ronald Neville McLeod For public service, particularly as Deputy Secretary of the Department of Defence
Professor Constantine Agapitos Michael For service to medicine and medical education, particularly in the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology
Robert Johnston Mierisch For service to the building and construction industry and to the community
Mary Patricia Miller For service to the community, particularly to the physical and financial welfare of aged people
The Honourable Brian Kirkwell Miller For service to the Tasmanian Parliament and to the community
Peter Richard Mitchell For service to the community, particularly to youth and in the area of stroke research
Stuart Gwyn Morgan For service to the manufacturing industry and to the community
Father Gregory John O'Kelly For service to education, particularly as headmaster of St Ignatius College, Riverview
Gerald Page-Hanify For service to the telecommunications industry
Dr William Robert Parker For service to medicine in the area of orthopaedic surgery and orthopaedic education
Joan Margaret Phipson For service to children's literature
Emeritus Professor Peter Clarence Reade For service to dental medicine, surgery and education
Professor Kenneth Bruce Reinhard For service to art and to art education
Judith Catherine Rodriguez For service to Australian literature, particularly in the area of poetry
Christine Anne Ronalds For service to women, particularly in the area of anti-discrimination and affirmative action
Norman John Rowe For service to the community, to veterans and to the entertainment industry
Dr Steven (Istvan) Salamon For service to the sheep breeding industry, particularly in the area of artificial insemination and semen preservation
John Desmond Singleton For service to the community through personal support and fundraising activities for charitable, sporting and research organisations
Jim Leonard Smith For service to community health and to education
The Honourable Justice Paul Leon Stein For service to environment law and to the community
Babette Stephens, MBE For service to the performing arts
Margaret Stewart For service to the community as a patron of the arts, particularly through the National Gallery of Victoria
Ronald Strahan For service to zoology and to advancing understanding of Australia's natural biological heritage
Henry Maurice Tankard For service to the dried fruits industry
The Honourable Justice James Burrows Thomas For service to the law, particularly legal ethics and to music education
Dr Gad Trevaks For service to health care administration and to medicine
Professor Barbara van Ernst For service to education
Dr Robert Lyn Vickery For service to education and to the performing arts
Kerry Ann Walker For service to the performing arts
Raymond Richard Walker For service to community health
Kevin Ernest Weldon For service to the publishing industry and to water safety as President of World Life Saving
Emeritus Professor Raymond Leslie Whitmore For service to mining and metallurgical engineering and to engineering history, heritage and industrial archaeology
Dr Maxwell John Whitten For service to entomology
Maurice John Williams For service to business and industry
Dr Pauline Wilson For service to hospital administration and to medicine
Emeritus Professor Bernard Christopher Wolff For service to education and to the community
Roger Corfield Anson Wotton For service to the community and to the New South Wales Parliament

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Navy Captain Crispin Fletcher George For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as the Commander, Naval Communications Station Harold E. Holt [1][2]
Commodore David York For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as the Chief of Logistics Naval Support Command
Army Lieutenant Colonel Noel Geoffrey Adams For service to the Australian Army, particularly in the 7th Signal Regiment
Colonel Philip George Kearsley For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army in the field of base logistics and in particular materiel management and commercial support
Major Michael Joseph Kelly For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army, particularly as a legal officer with headquarters 1st division and on operations in Somalia
Lieutenant Colonel David Thomas Kings RFD For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army Reserve, particularly as the Commanding Officer of 6th Field Ambulance
Lieutenant Colonel Brian Wallace Millen For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army, particularly as Commanding Officer 1st Aviation Regiment
Brigadier Vivian Alexander Morgan For distinguished service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army and in particular as Commander 2nd Military District and Chief of Staff Training Command
Lieutenant Colonel Michael Francis Peebles RFD For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army and in particular as Commanding Officer of the 4th/3rd Battalion The Royal New South Wales Regiment
Lieutenant Colonel Wayne Bruce Sercombe For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army, particularly in the fields of education and training
Air Force Wing Commander Peter John Bevan For service to the Royal Australian Air Force, particularly as Commanding Officer No 1 Radar Surveillance Unit
Group Captain James Wilson Downing For service to the Royal Australian Air Force, particularly as Director Electronics Section, Defence Intelligence Organisation
Wing Commander Ronald Ian McDonald For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Air Force, particularly as Commanding Officer No 1 Central Ammunition Depot
Squadron Leader James Young Walker For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Air Force, particularly as Staff Officer in the Technical Trade Restructure Project
Wing Commander Gregory Douglas Weekes For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Air Force and Australian Army, particularly as the Divisional Air Liaison Officer, Headquarters 1st Division

Medal (OAM)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
Panagiota Katholiki Anastasas For service to the Greek community [1][2]
Shirley Aldythea Andrews For service to folklore through the study of Australian traditional social dancing
Richard Albert Armitage For service to vocational education and training in Victoria
Frederick Clarence Armstrong For service to the community, particularly through Maroondah Social Health Centre and the Copelen Child and Family Services
Jean Alison Austin For service to the community
Kevin Ashley Bacon For service to equestrian sport
Helen Christina Baker For service to children and adolescents with psychological disorders and special needs
Ivan Baker For service to the Aboriginal community
Basil Anastase Baramilis For service to the Greek community
Wayne James Bennett For service to the sport of rugby league, particularly as coach of the Brisbane Broncos
William Scott Best For service to the care of the aged
John David Bishop For service to music education, particularly through the South Australian Music Camp Association
Edward Richard Webster Blackmore, MBE For service to the Queensland Blinded Soldier's Association
Lavanda Gordon Blakeney For service to the community
Joyce Lillian Blewitt For service to music education
Dr John Frank Boas For service to sport, particularly as an athletics coach
Laima Bogens For service to the Ethnic Communities Council of South Australia, particularly in the area of aged support services
Colin John Bond For service to motor sport
Roy George Bradshaw For service to the community and local government
Donald Gillies Browne, MBE For service to veterans
Ian Sterry Browne For service to cycling
Glenis Beverley Bryan For service to the hearing impaired
Lina Bryans For service to the arts as a modernist painter
Reginald Bryant For service to the community
Beverley Joan Byron For service to the community
Kelvin Pattison Carr For service to the community, particularly through the Uniting Church and Rotary International
Sister Scholastica Josefine Carrillo For service to the Aboriginal community at Kalumburu Mission
Nell Challingsworth For services to the performing arts in the field of dance
Terri Charlesworth For service to ballet and the teaching of classical dance
Shirley Jean Cheshire For service to women, particularly through the National Council of Women of Victoria and to youth
Peter Campbell Church For service to the promotion of business relations between Australia and the South East Asian region
Sister Mary Visitation Cidad For service to the Aboriginal community at Lakumburu Mission
Patricia Clare Clough For service to the community, particularly through the Catholic Women's League
Daniel Albert Cole For service to veterans
Tjikalyi Collins For service to the Aboriginal community
Peter Bertram Colthup For service to athletics, particularly the Victorian Veteran's Athletic Club
Maxwell Gordon Colwell For service to Australian literature
Estelle Wren Cooper For service to the community, particularly through the Ku-ring-gai Old People's Welfare Association
Leslie Gordon Cowie For service to the sport of rugby league football
Vincent Arthur Crow For service to heritage conservation
James Trevor Dagley For service to the community
Judith Ann Dau For service to the community, particularly the emotional well-being of aged and isolated people
Patricia May Davies For service to local government and to the community
Geraldine Rosalie Davis For service to the sport of target rifle shooting and to the community
Donald Francis de San Miguel For service to local government and to the community
Ian Christopher Diehm For service to the RSPCA, Queensland
Kevin Donald For service to youth
Stanley Thomas Downs For service to the community and local government
Patricia Mary Dryden For service to the Girl Guides Association, Queensland
Nigel Adrian Du Pre Chamier For service to the real estate and property industry
Ruth Kathleen Dunbar For service to music, particularly Australian jazz, and to the community
Arthur Chiswell Dutch For service to the Scout Association of Australia
Ninette Clarice Dutton For service to the community and to the arts as an artist, particularly as an enameller
Jill Denise Earner For service to distance education
Ramon Gary Epstein For service to the sport of weightlifting and to people with physical disabilities
The Reverend Father James Michael Esler For service to the Roman Catholic Church and to theological education
Douglas Edward Fahey For service to industry, particularly the National Plastics and Rubber Industry Training Council
Robert Hilson Fisher For service to entomology, particularly through the conservation of endangered species of butterflies in SA
Cyril Flood For service to the community, particularly through fundraising for charitable organisations
Keep Fong For service to the Chinese community
Raymond Patrick Foster For service to the Aboriginal community
Wilton Foster For service to the Aboriginal community
Donald Fraser For service to the Aboriginal community
Max Frost For service to veterans
Joseph Richard Gailey For service to the community, particularly the welfare of cancer patients
Brother Michael Basil Gallagher For service to education
Frank Gardner For service to driver education and motor sport
John Garfield For service to the community as an entertainer and compere assisting organisations with fundraising
Nancy Russell Gemmell For service to conservation, local history and the community
Dr Edward John Giblin For service to the community
Richard James Gill For service to music education
Lyle John Gilligan For service to the community
Brian Robert Golledge For service to junior soccer
Frederick Spencer Grace For service to the sport of rowing
Councillor Peter Graham For service to local government and to the community
Sydney Matthew Grant, DFC For service to veterans and to the community
Elsa Noeline Braham Gray For service to the community and to local government
Irvine Heber Green For service to community history, particularly through the Doncaster/Templestowe Society
Therese Maryann Greenslade For service to the aged
Alexander John Grieve For service to community music
Anne Mcfadden Haines For service to women, particularly through the War Widows Guild of Australia
Barry Richard Halpin For service to community health and to hospital administration
Betty Thelma Handley For service to scouting and to the Anglican Church of Australia
Oriel Ethel Handley For service to education through Moreton Bay College Wynnum
Colin William Harman For service to the preservation of native orchids and ferns and to the Green Mountains Botanic Gardens
Audrey Jean Harris For service to women's lawn bowls
Joseph Wesley Hawkins For service to the Pony Club movement and to Riding for the Disabled, Wagga Wagga
Donald William Hayden For service to local government and to the community
Kenneth William Hayes For service to farm management and to land regeneration
Gwenyth Whitmee Hazelton For service to the community
Henry John Heath, RFD VRD For service to veterans, particularly through the Naval Association of Queensland
Walter Henry Heinz For service to aged people, to sport and to the Anglican Church of Australia
Douglas Ray Henderson For service to conservation, to sport and to the community
Elaine Henry For service to community health, particularly as Executive Director of the New South Wales Cancer Council
Norman Stanley Herold For service to the West Australian State Emergency Service and to the community
William Thomas Hill For service to the pastoral industry
Lancelot Thomas Hogg For service to accountancy and to the Baptist Union of Queensland
Albert Cecil Howard For service to golf
Vera Doreen Humphrey For service to the Gulgong District Hospital and to the community
Nancy Iredale For service to animal welfare, particularly through the Cat Protection Society of NSW
Norman Bambling Jackson For service to the broadcasting industry and to the community
Constance Waratah Jasinskas For service to the community
Ronald Arthur Jenkins For service to cycling
Ruth May Jensen For service to the emotional and psychological needs of children in hospital through the "Ward Grannies" scheme at the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children
Oliver Merlyn Jones, ED For service to the Cambodian people of Western Australia, to sport and to the community
William Jules Joris For service to children, particularly through the Christian Children's Fund of Australia
Atunaisa Otutoa Kalamafoni For service to homeless youth
Janice Ann Kelly For service to the community
Richard George Kerr For service to the Vietnamese community and to business
Alison Robyn Kerr-Jones For service to education and to the community
James Sidney Kerrigan For service to  community health
Anthony Albert King For service to arts administration
John Ferris Kirkpatrick For service to the community and to local government
Rosetta Kleem For service to veterans and to ex-servicewomen
Brent Peter Lacey For service to community health, particularly through the Red Ribbon Project
George Lakis For service to the Greek community
Erminio Antonio Lamarra For service to local government and to the community
Andrew Alfred Lavers For service to the community health, as founder of the Alzheimer's Association of Western Australia
Myra Jean Law For service to community music
Sylvia Laxton For service to the Country Women's Association of Queensland
Letitia Anne Leach For service to community service groups, particularly the Australian Red Cross Society
Marjorie Leitch For service to the Gympie State High School and Parents and Citizens Association
Patricia Evelyn Lemcke For service to arts administration
Geoffrey Henry Lemcke For service to arts administration
Ronald Hugh Lewis For service to the community and to the public health system
James Francis Logan For service to the community
Dr Thomas Brendan Lynch For service to medicine
Kenneth Forbes Macdonald For service to Australian rules football
Donald George Mackrill For service to fire and emergency services
Patricia Mary Maguire For service to the Society of St Vincent de Paul
Rose Manches For service to children with physical disabilities
John Alexander Martin For service to emergency services and to local government
Peter Addison Masters For service to youth through the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme
James Roy Masters For service to conservation and the environment
Allen Joseph Matthews For service to local government
Dorothy May McCallum For service to the community
William Watson McColl For service to the promotion of the Australian entertainment industry and to the media
John Albert McCormack For service to the community and to local government
Vivienne Frances McCutcheon For service to the community in the fields of social welfare, education and health
Duncan James McDonald For service to the community and to local government
William Angus McDonald For service to local government
Anthony Michael McGrane For service to local government, to industry development and to the community
Heather McGregor For service to the protection of women and children subjected to domestic violence
Alec Frederick McIntosh For service to local government and to the community
Brother Steven David McLaughlin For service to education as Principal of St Joseph's College (Nudgee College) and to the community
Heather Aida McManis For service to the community, particularly through St John Ambulance Australia (WA) and to ex-servicewomen
Donald Charles McRae For service to local government and to the community
Hugh Ian Millar For service to aged people
Ronald Stanley Moore For service to the community
William (Bill) Moore For service to aged people
Ruby Letitia (Lettie) Morelle For service to women, particularly through the Queensland Ladies' Bowling Association and the Association of Women's Forum Clubs of Australia
Dr John James Morrissey For service to medicine, particularly through improving standards of health care for women in North Queensland
Mary Teresa Muir For service to the community
William Patrick Murphy For service to the community and to veterans
Margaret Stuart Murray For service to the Girl Guides Association (NSW)
Frederick Robert Myles For service to the community
Arthur Leslie Nelson For service to the community, particularly through the Uniting Church
Alexander Fraser Nelson For service to youth through the Scout Association of Australia
Bruce Nelson For service to veterans
Mervyn Stanley Neumann For service to the community through the Colthup Home for aged people and to the Leichhardt Baptist Kindergarten and Preschool
Dr Mary Creighton Nixon For service to the profession of psychology and to the Australian Psychology Society
Donald Francis Orgill For service to the wool industry as a judge of sheep shearing competitions
Alan Clifford Overton For service to the Parramatta Rugby League Football Club and to the community
Ronald Murray Papps For service to the racing industry as a race commentator and to the community
William Edward Peacock For service to the hairdressing industry and to the development of standards for apprenticeship training
Jessie Mildred Peart For service to the community particularly through the Keilor Road Uniting Church Kindergarten and Orana Family Services Council
Lance Arthur Phillips For service to the Jewish community
Dr Edmund John Pickford For service to the community and to dentistry
Myra Jean (Bonnie) Pierce For service to the community of the Wingecarribee Shire
Eunice Wilhelmine Pollock For service to nursing through the treatment and management of spinal cord injuries
Dr David Carington Pope For service to the community particularly through the Medical Benevolent Association of New South Wales
Ian David Purse For service to the community through the development of youth programs and counselling services
Norman Neil Rachinger For service to people with disabilities through Karingal, Inc. and the Noah's Ark Toy Library (Geelong)
Margaret Joan Ramsay For service to veterans through the Returned and Services League (South Australian Branch)
Patrick Gabriel Reid For service to veterans through the Returned and Services League, Gladesville Sub-Branch, and the Ex-Prisoners War Association (NSW)
Pauline Neura Reilly For service to ornithology
David John Rennie For service to boxing, particularly through the Australian National Boxing Federation
Douglas Buist Rennie For service to soccer
Alice Mildred Roach For service to the community
Mary Edith Robson For service to the Essy Swar Red Cross Kiosk, Royal Melbourne Hospital
John Sidney Ross For service to the tourism and hospitality industry, particularly through the Australian Hotels Association
Clarence Silver Rowe For service to veterans and to the community
Edna Eileen Royal For service to the United Ex-Servicewomen's Association, Rockhampton
John Douglas Russell For service to music, particularly as artistic director of the Barossa Music Festival
Helen Florence Russell Sage For service to early childhood education
Claudia Santilli For service to the Italian community, particularly through the Co As It Ladies Committee
Michael Desmond Scanlan For service to the Sunshine Coast Helicopter Rescue Service and to the community
William Gustave Schuberg, Rfd For service to youth through the Air Training Corps, New South Wales Squadron
David Scott For service to veterans through the Returned and Services League Granville Sub-Branch
Heather Janette Scraggs For service to hockey
Barry James Seaman For service to veterans, particularly through the South East Asian and Korean Veterans' Association
Kenneth Girvan Selleck, DFC For service to veterans particularly through the Returned and Services League Surfers Paradise Sub-Branch
Maxine Denise Shaw For service to nursing in isolated communities
Dr Margaret Sheldon For service to the community through the provision and development of rural health services
Athyl Dawn Smith For service to the performing arts and to the community
Joan Smith For service to charitable organisations
Eris Mary Smyth For service to the community and to the trade union movement
Patricia Meria Somerville For service to tenpin bowling
June Ethel Stephenson For service to the Beaumaris Art Group
Roslyn Frances Stewart For service to the National Trust of Australia, Western Australia
Boris Sverdloff For service to charitable and community organisations
Enid Taczewa-Zdanowicz For service to ballet as principal piano accompanist of the Queensland Ballet
Donald McGregor Tanner For service to youth
Gemmel Tassie For service to medicine and to the community
Elwyn Tegel For service to nursing and to the Uniting Church, Menindee
Edward Albert Terry For service to photography
Alan Raymond Tetley For service to band music and to the community
Pantju Thompson For service to the Aboriginal community
Patrick John Toohey For service to the community and to veterans
Lorna Trevella For service to music
Leslie Jack Twentyman For service to youth as an outreach worker and as founder of the 20th Man Homeless and Kids in Distress Fund
Verna Joyce Vaughan For service to the community through the World Education Fellowship, Queensland Section
Allan John Vial, DFC For service to veterans through the Path Finder Force Association
Judith Elizabeth Wadham For service to the implementation and support of volunteer community service programs in Eltham
Mary Catherine Walsh For service to the community
Francis Michael Warrick For service to the media, to conservation and to the community
Patrick John Washington For service to the offshore diving industry
William Arthur Weir For service to the welfare and support of totally and permanently incapacitated veterans
Rosemary Anne West For service to disadvantaged groups in the community and to journalism
Canon James Edward Whild For service to the community and to St Mark's Anglican Church, Darling Point
Gordon Sinclair White For service to local government and to the community
Daisy Kathleen Billie Williams For service to the community through fundraising for charitable organisations
Raynor Alan Williams For service to the Lord Howe Island community
Margaret Dawn Wills For service to the community through the Incapacitated Servicemen and Women's Association of Australia
Sarah Esther Wilson For service to aged people, particularly through the Aged and Invalid Pensioners' Association of South Australia
Jolanta Tomira Wolski For service to the Polish community
Nicholas Xynias, BEM For service to the community through the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland and the provision of support services to migrants
Doris May Yabsley For service to the community
Anatole Zakroczymski For service to the Russian community
Reinis Zusters For service to the visual arts as a landscape painter

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Navy Chief Petty Officer Thomas Edward Clarke For service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as the senior chef onboard HMAS Brisbane [1][2]
Petty Officer June Lorraine Cunningham For service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly in the Directorate of Training and Educational Policy
Warrant Officer Graeme Alan Mustow For exceptional service and performance of duty with the Royal Australian Navy and the Australian Defence Force, particularly as the Academy Sergeant Major at the Australian Defence Force Academy
Warrant Officer George John Wall For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as Head of the Career Management Cell for Communicators, Naval Police Coxswains, Work Study and Band Category Sailors
Army Warrant Officer Class One David Leslie Bennett For service to the Australian Army, particularly as the Regimental Sergeant Major of 2nd/4th Battalion
Warrant Officer Class One Richard Joseph Brearley For service to the Australian Army, particularly as Range Control Officer, Rockhampton
Warrant Officer Class Two Trevor John Chell For service to the Australian Army Reserve, particularly as the Training Warrant Officer of 140th Signal Squadron
Warrant Officer Class One Wayne John Dixon For service to the Australian Army, particularly in the field of logistics
Captain Daniel Desmond Fleming For service to the Australian Army, particularly as the Quartermaster of the School of Armour
Warrant Officer Class One Lillian Lucjan For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army, and in particular as the Regimental Sergeant Major of 1st Military Hospital
Warrant Officer Class Two Beryl Kay McGreevy For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army Reserve, particularly in the field of training
Warrant Officer Class One Larry Steven Staggs For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army, particularly in the field of supply management
Warrant Officer Class Two Jennifer Anne Tonkin For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army, particularly in the field of community services
Warrant Officer Class One Raymond Earle Tutt For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army in the field of stores system management and as Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant to 9th Transport Regiment
Warrant Officer Class One Kevin Joseph Vann For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Australian Army, particularly in the field of training
Air Force Flight Sergeant Glenn Ernest Ford For service to the Royal Australian Air Force, particularly as Base Information Systems Officer, RAAF Williams
Warrant Officer Brian Andrew Fraser For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Air Force, particularly as Warrant Officer in Charge No 34 Squadron Field Training Centre
Flight Sergeant Malcolm John Huggett For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Air Force, particularly in the field of air transport engineering
Warrant Officer Dennis Frederick Olsen For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Air Force Active Reserve, particularly at No 23 Squadron
Warrant Officer Kevin Patrick Riley For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Air Force, particularly as the Assistant Resident Project Engineering, United States Air Force, Sacramento Air Logistics Centre
Sergeant Edmond Richard Wilkens For exceptional service and devotion to duty with the Royal Australian Air Force, particularly in the field of supply computing


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h "THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY 1994 HONOURS". Commonwealth of Australia Gazette. Special. No. S190. Australia. 13 June 1994. p. 1. Retrieved 10 October 2020 – via National Library of Australia.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h "QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY HONOURS 1994 THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA". The Canberra Times. Australian Capital Territory, Australia. 13 June 1994. p. 5. Retrieved 10 October 2020 – via National Library of Australia.
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