Wikimedia Commons editors select the images that they believe are the best in this huge collection. Since women astronomers make an appearance in our editorial, we decided astronomy might be an interesting topic. These images reflect our fascination with all things 'planet'. Attribution belongs to NASA in many cases, but click on each image to see full attributions on each corresponding file page. (Is it really true that Pluto failed its classification as a planet? What did the Plutonians do wrong?)
Jovian Tempest
Jupiter Blues
PIA17218 – A Farewell to Saturn, Brightened Version
PIA22349 – Gullies of Matara Crater
Mosaic of the Arctic
Earthrise over Compton crater -LRO full res
2006 Transit of Mercury
2012 Transit of Venus from SF
Venus globe
First photograph taken by man of Earthrise
The Earth seen from Apollo 17
North America from low orbiting satellite Suomi NPP
Earth at night (2016)
Earth at night (1994–1995)
Mars in true colour by OSIRIS
Victoria Crater, Cape Verde, Mars
Victoria crater on Mars
Valles Marineris on Mars
Terraformed Mars
Olympus Mons
Image taken by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter showing descent of Phoenix with a crater in the background.
NASA'S Mars Exploration Rover Spirit captured this westward view from atop a low plateau
Hellas Chaos on Mars
Water ice layers in Olympia Rupes, Mars
Gullies in Galle crater, Mars
Gullies in Kaiser crater, Mars
Strong wind erosion in Medusae Fossae, Mars
790106-0203 Voyager 58M to 31M reduced
Saturn's rings in visible light and radio
Saturn with auroras
Saturn during Equinox
Saturn's Rings in Ultraviolet Light
The Day the Earth Smiled
Jewel of the Solar System
Saturn eclipse
Neptune Full
Fomalhaut planet
Africa and Europe from a Million Miles Away
Blue Marble Western Hemisphere
Blue Marble Eastern Hemisphere
Artist's impression of an ultra-short-period planet
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