WikiProject Speed Skating is a collaborative project formed to foster better articles on the sport of speed skating, including its history, competitors, competitions, and any related articles with a spirit of co-operation. We were created on October 5, 2010.
If you feel that you can have a positive contribution to the project, become a member by joining the list of members. If you don’t know what to write or where to begin, or if you have doubts or ideas on how to improve an article, please address the project’s discussion forum.
The project aims primarily to:
Create and improve articles whose content has connection with speed skating.
Set up consistent structural and graphical layouts for displaying data on speed skating-related articles.
Help assessing tagged pages by defining the quality parameters, on the template banner, such as the class (completeness status) and interest to the project.
Getting started on an article
Use the {{Infobox speed skater}} infobox for biographical and skating-related information.
If the article is not very long, tag it with a stub template.
This is a list of Wikipedians who are committed to this WikiProject. If you’re interested in helping, feel free to join by editing the table below and placing your username, in alphabetical order, using the {{user}} template (e.g. {{user|USERNAME}}). If you wish, leave a comment about your special interests on this project.
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