This page lists failed discussions on Wikipedia:Requests for adminship that were started after April 2004, which is when requests for adminships started being listed on separate pages. The links below are of nominations for candidates whose usernames began with the letter J at the time of their first nomination, and nominations that followed are included where known.
A summary of the reason for the unsuccessful candidacy is included in most cases:
- failed means the candidate received fewer support than oppose votes;
- consensus not reached means the candidate received at least as many support as oppose votes, but support was deemed by bureaucrats to be insufficient;
- withdrawn by bureaucrat usually means that a bureaucrat judged that the nomination could not have succeeded at the time of withdrawal;
- withdrawn by candidate and all other reasons. No inference should be drawn from this wording. If you want to know exactly why the nominee was not promoted, follow the nominee's RfA link.
See also: List of failed RfAs (Chronological)
- J04n, 12 September 2009 - closed as unsuccessful by Rlevse at (38/29/13)
- J.delanoy, 27 February 2008 - Withdrawn by administrator AGK at (2/7/2).
- J.delanoy, 27 July 2008 - promoted (140/11/4)
- jacobfeliciano1, 21 September 2014 - withdrawn by Mkdw at (1/2/0)
- Jacob Lott 8 27 May 2015 - closed as WP:NOTNOW by Mark Schierbecker at (0/5/0)
- JahaalChakravarti, 28 August 2010 - closed per WP:NOTNOW at (0/3/0)
- Jagun, 23 August 2008 - Closed per WP:NOTNOW at (0/5/0)
- Jake0geek, 16 June 2006 - withdrawn by user at (0/13/1)
- JakeDHS07, 18 July 2006 - withdrawn by admin 1ne at (0/14/1)
- Jakew, 22 January 2007 - withdrawn by candidate (29/20/9)
- James Anatidae, 3 July 2006 - withdrawn by bureaucrat Essjay at (2/17/2)
- James Frankcom, 10 December 2009 - withdrawn by candidate at (5/24/11)
- James1011R, 22 March 2012 - closed as WP:NOTNOW by SoWhy at (0/6/0)
- Jamesontai, 27 January - consensus not reached (19/18/5)
- Jamesontai, 21 September 2008 - consensus not reached (58/35/15)
- JamieS93, 31 August 2008 - consensus not reached at (86/51/5)
- JamieS93, 12 May 2009 - promoted (107/8/4)
- Jamyskis, 30 January 2006 - consensus not reached (7/7/7)
- Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Jéské Couriano, 25 August 2011 - closed per WP:SNOW by Steven Zhang (9/22/8)
- Jaranda (Aranda56, Secret), 8 October 2005 - withdrawn by candidate at (6/5/3)
- Jaranda, 3 November 2005 - withdrawn by candidate at (19/11/6)
- Jaranda, 8 December 2005 - consensus not reached (56/22/6)
- Jaranda, 4 January 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (19/5/0)
- Jaranda, 4 February 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (5/3/2)
- Jaranda, 22 March 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (55/17/15)
- Jaranda, 1 July 2006 - promoted (101/26/10)
- Jasenlee, 5 January 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (4/6/1)
- Jason Potter, 26 July 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (0/5/3)
- Jason Quinn 18 October 2007 snow closed at (2/11/1)
- Jayanthv86, 21 January 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (0/13/0)
- Jbhunley, 8 August 2018 - No consensus (bureaucrat discussion) (196/86/10)
- Jc37, 4 October 2006 - failed at (14/20/13)
- Jc37, 29 December 2006 - promoted (52/1/1)
- Jc3s5h, 19 August 2010 - consensus not reached (38/30/8)
- JD UK, 18 July 2006 - withdrawn by Voice of All at (3/17/0)
- J Di, 28 October 2006 - promoted (54/0/2)
- JeanLatore, 28 June 2008 - withdrawn by admin Rje at (0/12/1)
- JeanLatore 6 July 2008 closed by admin Malinaccier at (0/6/0)
- Jeff G. 10 February 2012 - Closed WP:SNOW by DeltaQuad at (1/14/1)
- Jeffrey Mall, 21 November 2009 – unsuccessful (31/18/11)
- Jerem43, Fri, 24 Jul 2009 11:23:14 (UTC) - consensus not reached at (21/39/11)
- Jerem43, 10 December 2010 - closed as unsuccessful by bibliomaniac15 at (53/32/5)
- Jersey Devil, 26 July 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (45/21/9)
- Jersey Devil, 2 February 2007 - promoted (67/14/4)
- Jesterjester, 30 May 2006 - withdrawn by admin Tawker at (0/3/0)
- Jesus On Wheels, 22 May 2006 - withdrawn by admin Doc glasgow at (2/15/1)
- Jet 19 February 2008 - closed per WP:SNOW by Carlosguitar at (1/11/0)
- Jet123, 11 March 2007 - withdrawn by admin Rje at (0/10/0)
- JetLover, 24 August 2007 - withdrawn by candidate at (1/6/2)
- Jetstar888, 9 December 2007 - withdrawn per WP:SNOW by EVula at (1/14/2)
- Jfk52917, 23 August 2009 - closed per WP:NOTNOW by Backslash Forwardslash at (0/2/0)
- Jflash, 7 June 2006 - withdrawn by nominee at (2/5/0)
- JForget, 3 March 2007 - withdrawn by bureaucrat (9/14/10)
- JForget, 20 September 2007 - Promoted (73/0/0)
- Jftsang, 1 December 2007 - withdrawn by candidate at (0/4/0)
- Jhfireboy, 5 May 2007 - withdrawn by admin El C at (3/15/0)
- Jimwitz, 16 October 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (0/4/0)
- Jinkinson, 19 November 2013 - closed as unsuccessful by John Cline at (2/15/5)
- Jkokavec, 28 December 2014 - Closed as WP:NOTNOW by Dusti at (0/1/0)
- Jmclark911, 4 June 2006 - withdrawn by bureaucrat Essjay at (0/5/0)
- Jmcw37, 14 February 2010 - withdrawn by candidate at (12/41/12)
- J Milburn, 21 January 2007 - withdrawn by bureaucrat Essjay at (5/16/8)
- J Milburn, 10 April 2007 - promoted (51/0/0)
- Joan53, 1 May 2006 - withdrawn by bureaucrat Essjay at (2/13/4)
- Jobe6, 12 September 2005 - failed (10/11/0)
- Joe Chill, 18 January 2010 - withdrawn by candidate at (7/11/4)
- Joebengo, 13 April 2007 - withdrawn by candidate at (18/21/9)
- Joeferret, 17 September 2006 - withdrawn by admin Jaranda at (1/5/0)
- Joe Gazz84, 19 September 2010 - Withdrawn (0/4/1)
- John-joe123, 5 Jan 2009 - closed per WP:SNOW by Frank at (0/5/0)
- John254, 29 May 2007 - withdrawn by User:YechielMan at (2/19/3)
- John254, 21 January 2008 - withdrawn by candidate at (21/22/5)
- John Anderson, 10 October 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (0/5/0)
- Johnny Au, 27 December 2007, - withdrawn by candidate (1/9/0)
- Johnnyjoe23, 12 August 2008 - withdrawn by admin Tiptoety (0/5/0)
- Jonathan, 11 November 2007 - withdrawn by Wikidudeman at (3/12/1)
- Jonathan235, 17 April 2006 - withdrawn by bureaucrat Ilyanep at (1/1/0)
- Jonjonbt, 1 June 2007 - withdrawn per WP:SNOW by EVula at (1/9/1)
- Jonjonbt, 13 June 2007 - closed by EVula at (0/1/0)
- Jonjonbt, 13 August 2007 - withdrawn by candidate at (1/6/0)
- TheNewPhobia, 7 December 2008 - withdrawn by candidate at (0/4/0)
- JohnSmith5000100, 12 May 2014 - withdrawn per WP:NOTNOW by Salvio giuliano at (0/11/0)
- Jor (same person as Anárion), 3 April 2004 - withdrawn by candidate (19/14/2)
- Jor, 10 January 2007 - withdrawn by candidate at (0/8/6)
- JordanKyser22, 26 March 2010 - closed as WP:NOTNOW by User:Floquenbeam at (1/6/0)
- Jordan Payne, 4 January 2008 - withdrawn per WP:SNOW by Majorly at (0/12/0)
- Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Josef9, 6 February 2016 - withdrawn per WP:NOTNOW by HJ Mitchell at (1/4/0)
- Josephtheboheme, 9 June 2007 - withdrawn by candidate at (0/2/0)
- Joseph Solis in Australia, 28 June 2008 - withdrawn by Rudget at (1/8/1)
- Joshuarooney, closed 4 March 2008 by AGK (contact) (0/5/0)
- Josve05a, closed 11 January 2014 - withdrawn by candidate at (0/8/3)
- Journalist, 20 August 2005 - failed at (4/11/5)
- Journalist, 1 October 2005 - promoted (80/1/1)
- Jouster, 5 March 2008 - failed at (22/37/8)
- JP06035, 25 March 2006 - failed at (10/19/11)
- JP06035, 22 January 2007 - failed at (0/14/5)
- Jreferee, 27 March 2007 - consensus not reached at (51/23/7)
- JRH95, 2 Deecemeber 2008 - closed per WP:NOTNOW at (0/5/0)
- Jrockley, 6 April 2007 - withdrawn by bureaucrat Nichalp at (7/15/9)
- Jsfouche, 6 June 2011 - No consensus (45/26/6)
- Jstupple7, 25 November 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (0,1,0)
- Jtkiefer (same person as Pegasus1138), 11 August 2006 - withdrawn by bureaucrat Taxman at (5/30/2)
- Judae1, 24 January 2007 - withdrawn by candidate at (0/5/0)
- Juggernaut0102, 8 November 2007 - withdrawn per WP:SNOW by EVula at (1/10/2)
- Juggernaut0102, 11 February 2008 - closed by Daniel at (0/7/0)
- Juggernaut0102, 8 June 2008 - closed by Kevin as withdrawn by the candidate at (0/3/0)
- JuJube, 1 April 2007 - withdrawn by candidate at (40/17/7)
- Juliancolton, 24 December 2007 - failed at (0/2/0)
- Juliancolton, 07 May 2008 - withdrawn by candidate at (4/8/1)
- Juliancolton, 27 September 2008 - promoted (154/3/2)
- Juro, 7 January 2006 - withdrawn by candidate at (7/21/1)
- Just H, 3 January 2007 - withdrawn by candidate at (2/8/1)
- Justin Eiler, 10 March 2008 - withdrawn by candidate at (1/5/0)
- JustPhil (B-101), 29 March 2005 - failed (1/9/3)
- JzG (Just zis Guy, you know?), 5 November 2005 - declined nomination (1/0/0)
- JzG, 17 January 2006 - promoted (102/1/1)
- Jupiter Optimus Maximus, 21 April 2008 - withdrawn by Tiptoety per WP:SNOW (0/5/0)
- Jupiter Optimus Maximus 2, 5 October 2008 - withdrawn per WP:NOTNOW by Pedro at (2/10/2)
- JXM, 21 March 2007 - withdrawn by administrator per WP:SNOW at (1/9/2)
- joeyklee, 18 November 2009 - withdrawn by Riana (talk) per WP:SNOW at (0/0/0)
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