Wiki Wednesday events were held every month in Portland from roughly 2006 through 2011, mostly at the offices of, and with the generous sponsorship of, AboutUs. We set up a dedicated wiki for them: That wiki has languished somewhat; the best overview is here:
They were generally informal, and drew anywhere from 10 to 60 people, from a variety of wiki communities. We hosted at least two more substantial events (Wikipedia for Journalists and Bloggers, and Wikis and Oregon Health). We also hosted the RecentChangesCamp conference three times in those years, which had a lot of crossover with Wiki Wednesday.
The general Portland Wiki Wednesday morphed into weekly Wiki Wednesday events focused on Portland Wiki. As of 2016, there is no (known) general Wiki Wednesday meetup in Portland.
Specific past events of note (WikiWednesday and otherwise):
- RecentChangesCamp (February 2006)
- RecentChangesCamp (February 2007)
- Oregon Health Consensus (September 2008)
- RecentChangesCamp (February 2009)
- "Wikipedia for Journalists and Bloggers" - a presentation and panel discussion (May 2009)
- Portland Wiki Conference (March 2010)
- WikiWednesday at NedSpace (May 2014)
More complete listing:
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