Wikidata Chicago 2024 Meetup

Come have a coffee and edit!

Location: Engine Coffee

Time: 11AM. The cafe closes at 3PM, but feel free to come and go as you please.

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024

About: This will be a casual meetup to chat, edit, and meet your fellow Wikipedians.

Bring: A laptop.

Transit info: The cafe is walking distance from the Division Blue Line stop, and can also be reached via the 9, X9, 56, and 70 bus lines. Metered parking is usually available nearby. There are some free parking spots within a few blocks but plan for extra time to find a spot and walk.

We're here

We are sitting at the bar across from the register. at the table next to the bathroom, across from the door when you first walk in. at the tan table at the back of the cafe.


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