Spirituality is actually a metaphysics by which you could transform your mind to that extent where you could achieve higher intellectual values. There are many ways to attend such spirituality, one of the best set of literatures that gives you the spiritual knowledge is hindu philosophical text, the bhagwaat gita is one of them. Basically bhagwaat gita is discourse between lord Krishna and arjuna where in one verse lord told arjuna that soul is immortal and body is material being only body gets old and one day body dies but soul never dies like humans change clothes soul changes body, there is so many hymn that devoted to the knowledge of the highest wisdom. gita saar is scripture of the greatest knowledge everyone should read it on regular basis and surly they will going to transform their mind to that extent where they will feel fearless, painless, sorrowless!! Vipinnpaneyy (talk) 10:05, 22 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
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