My name is Erik House, I am a graduate of Goddard College. My interests are many and, I feel, varied so I have included them below. Though I have possessed a screen name for Wikipedia for a while I have only just now decided to become even more active in the community. Interests: Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Oriental Medicine, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Omega Point, Goddard College, Alternative Health, Holistic Health and Living, Reiki, Witchcraft, Wicca, Neo-Paganisum, Contemporary Paganism, Social Work General, Social Work History, Social Work Legation, Alternative Education, Waldorf Education, Rudolf Steiner, Psychology General, Depth Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Jung Psychology, CG Jung, Unitarian Universalist Association, Astrology, VortexHealing, Taijiquan,
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