This user has big problems with using Simple English and he does not understand English at all. Please be polite and benevolent or use another language.
teh.cmn (b. 23 September 1986), better known as Fluffy, is a Wikipedian and slacker who has been active since the summer of 2007 when he got bored during a lunchbreak at work, coding dull, useless gloriously amazingly coded but ultimately pointless Web sites. It was born in Ely, Cambridgeshire and currently lives in Chelmsford, Essex (unfortunately)Edinburgh, Midlothian (yay freedomT!). Formerly a Web developer by trade, it is now a professional shi'poster.
Scottish Wikipedians: I'm sorry for invading your beautiful country, but you can never have enough sassenachs. If it's any consolation I edit Wikipedia in Gaidhlig.
When not at home it can be found sitting on a space mushroom on the Moon.
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