Hi, I’m Tantek Çelik and this is my User page where I keep track of Wikipedia articles I’ve created, major edits, and lists of articles to update or create (disambiguation, people, events, organizations, media, locations, expressions, terms, etc.).
Anyone is welcome to use the research I’ve collected in my articles to create sections and take the initiative to create those articles themselves.
If you’re looking for a Wikipedia page, see:
My personal site where I post public thoughts, notes, articles, and replies is:
Considering joining:
- Wikipedia:WikiProject_Biography/Members — perhaps if/when I start creating some of the people pages noted below.
- Wikipedia Library Card: The Wikipedia Library — collections of paywalled reliable sources
- https://news.google.com/ — to search for the topics below for relevant citations
public domain release
![]() |
Released into public domain | ![]() |
I agree to release my text and image contributions, unless otherwise stated, into the public domain. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under public domain terms, please check the multi-licensing guide. |
I agree to release all my text and image contributions (past, present and future), into the public domain*. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use pages with my contributions under public domain terms, please check the multi-licensing guide.
"^ Creative Commons Public Domain License, the original at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ or any later version published by Creative Commons; with either a waiver of rights, or an assertion that no rights attach to a particular work."
articles to update
Articles which I've made major contributions to (perhaps created) that I want to update with more citations etc.
If you'd like to update one of these yourself, please go right ahead, and feel free to use any/all of the research/citations in progress listed below. Information on this page is shared freely for re-use. No need to ask permission. :)
- David Baron (computer scientist)
- Conference speaking
- SXSW 2009 "CSS3: What's Now, What's New and What's Not?" https://sxsw2009.sched.com/list/descriptions/venue/Austin%20Convention%20Ctr/Room%2016AB/
- SXSW 2012 "Fast CSS: How Browsers Lay Out Web Pages" https://austin2012.sched.com/list/descriptions/type/interactive/ and https://schedule.sxsw.com/2012/events/event_IAP12909
- Additional potential citations
- Conference speaking
- Yan Zhu
- https://www.eff.org/about/staff/yan-zhu-0 - Yan Zhu, Technologist Fellow at EFF
- has list of articles written by Yan
- https://www.forbes.com/pictures/mll45kfhf/yan-zhu-23/#5f64cb0e5db5 (may have already added this? verify)
- https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2015/10/30/yahoos-crypto-witch-exploits-web-security-feature-learns-your-site-history/
- nickname "crypto witch"
- https://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/10/28/sniffly/
- https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/10/unpatched-browser-weaknesses-can-be-exploited-to-track-millions-of-web-users/
- http://z.cash.foundation//blog/july-updates/
- ...
- https://www.eff.org/about/staff/yan-zhu-0 - Yan Zhu, Technologist Fellow at EFF
- Cindy Li (designer)
- Wikipedia links to - check for new links
- Speaker (see http://lanyrd.com/profile/cindyli/sessions/ for which conferences which years)
- Professional Career
- Senior Designer for AOL, internet television for AOLTV (years?)
- represented AOL on the CSSWG - e.g. 2006-10-10 f2f https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/266828938/in/datetaken/ (minutes: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2006OctDec/0023.html - W3C member only link)
- designing mobile products for Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Messenger (years?)
- Senior Designer for AOL, internet television for AOLTV (years?)
- Hobbies
- making costumes, most well known for Queen Amidala costume (e.g. with Mark Hamill https://www.flickr.com/photos/cindyli/4016410844 at Adobe MAX 2009)
- cooking, super hero banana bread: https://technabob.com/blog/2015/01/13/marvel-superhero-banana-bread/
- ... extract more citations by searching for references for statements in https://aneventapart.com/speakers/cindy-li
- TPAC may refer to: W3C Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee meetings
- Template:W3C standards
- re-add the redlinks in this version, after creating the articles for the below, per Wikipedia:Write the article first.
- Advisory Committee (AC)
- | group2 = Elected groups | list2 =
- Advisory Board (AB), Technical Architecture Group (TAG)
- Working groups:
- Audio, Browser Testing and Tools, Geolocation, Internationalization, Media, Pointer Events, Second Screen, WebApps, WebAppSec, WebAssembly, Web Fonts, Web Payments, WebPerf, WebRTC
- CGs:
- WebExtensions (WECG), Web Platform Incubator (WICG)
- Closed groups:
- Social Web, Web Platform
- ...
sections to create
- The Umbrella Academy (TV series)#Music
- create a Music section like Heroes_(American_TV_series)#Music
- Dipsea Race#Individual_winners
- create a Individual winners section like Bay_to_Breakers#Individual_winners
articles to create
Articles for notable subjects that I'd like to create but am first gathering citations etc.
If you'd like to create one of these yourself, please go right ahead, and feel free to use any/all of the research/citations in progress listed below. Information on this page is shared freely for re-use. No need to ask permission. :)
These are not in any particular order. Some of them are roughly clustered by topic adjacency.
- A1466 -> cell with A1466 (add an ID for it) in MacBook_Air_(Intel-based)#Technical_specifications_2
- A1502 -> cell with A1502 (add an ID for it) in MacBook_Pro_(Intel-based)#Technical_specifications_3
- .green, .orange, etc. -> List_of_Internet_top-level_domains#G or add a specific id="dot-green" to the row for ".green" in that table, and link to it instead
- similarly add fragments to all the other rows
- create redirects for all TLDs (that lack their own articles) to their row in the appropriate table
Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson (computer scientist) (analogous to Chris_Messina_(open-source_advocate))
- stub with sections similar to Jon_Mittelhauser
- "co-wrote NCSA Mosaic for Windows" cites:
- https://www.thembj.org/2014/10/browser-music-googles-chris-wilson/
co-authored the original Windows version of the NCSA’s Mosaic
- https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=6756880
… people working on various versions of Mosaic, especially on the Mac. Chris Wilson and Jon Mittelhauser worked on the Windows version.
- https://www.thembj.org/2014/10/browser-music-googles-chris-wilson/
- more career timeline from: https://www.krsaborio.net/internet/browsers.htm
- 1994 Spry
- 1995-2010 Microsoft Internet Explorer: https://web.archive.org/web/20231220204548/https://www.thembj.org/2014/10/browser-music-googles-chris-wilson/
- Microsoft’s first Internet Explorer browsers: https://www.coursehero.com/file/p5efvcnu/probably-the-most-successful-software-product-ever-designed-foror-released-on/
Chris Wilson was another of the NCSA student programmers who would later go on to work at Microsoft and develop the first Internet Explorer browsers.
- Internet Explorer 3 Team: https://thehistoryoftheweb.com/book/browser-wars/
- "co-wrote NCSA Mosaic for Windows" cites:
- add links from existing mentions in:
- disambig Chris Wilson
- Acid2
- ECMAScript
- Jon_Mittelhauser
- primary topic articles
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/chris-wilson-trades-his-microsoft-web-platform-hat-for-a-google-one/
- https://cwilso.com/2010/09/21/on-to-a-new-stage/
- was Principal Program Manager of the Open Web Platform in Microsoft's Developer Division
- http://www.thembj.org/2014/10/browser-music-googles-chris-wilson/
- http://fluentconf.com/fluent2012/public/schedule/speaker/74973
- http://5by5.tv/webahead/43
- http://webprofessionals.org/web-professional-trends-for-2013-web-development-interview-with-chris-wilson/
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/chris-wilson-trades-his-microsoft-web-platform-hat-for-a-google-one/
- list articles
- chapter in book "Secrets of the Rock Star Programmers: Riding the IT Crest" ISBN 0071490833
- known for
- developed Windows version of Mosaic
- responsible for the <b><i></i></b> behavior in browsers.
- more from https://cwilso.com/about/
- interviews
- 2012-11-15 The Web Behind with Chris Wilson
- 2014-03-10 Chapter 1, Supplemental 2 – An Interview With Chris Wilson
- for wikidata:
- personal site: https://cwilso.com/
- github: https://github.com/cwilso
- twitter: https://twitter.com/cwilso
- for Wikimedia:
- add new links from these articles:
Boris Zbarsky
- Boris Zbarsky
- for wikidata:
- github: https://github.com/bzbarsky
- twitter: https://twitter.com/really_bz
- linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/boris-zbarsky-16125111
- Projects/Employment
- Mozilla Corporation 2006(http://www.mozillazine.org/talkback.html?article=20098)-2020
- https://www.ghacks.net/2011/08/18/why-firefox-is-not-scoring-100-in-the-acid3-test/
- Distinguished Engineer 2013: https://air.mozilla.org/mozilla-distinguished-engineer-boris-zbarsky/ (archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20130918023911/https://air.mozilla.org/mozilla-distinguished-engineer-boris-zbarsky/ )
- Mozilla Corporation 2006(http://www.mozillazine.org/talkback.html?article=20098)-2020
- Interviews:
- Conference speaking:
- SXSW 2012 "CSS.next: Current Experiments, CSS4 and the Future" https://austin2012.sched.com/list/descriptions/type/interactive/ and https://austin2012.sched.com/speaker/boriszbarsky
- for wikidata:
Robert O'Callahan
- Robert O'Callahan
- for wikidata:
- personal site: http://www.ocallahan.org/
- blog: https://robert.ocallahan.org/
- github: https://github.com/rocallahan
- twitter: https://twitter.com/rocallahan
- linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-ocallahan
- Projects/Employment
- for wikidata:
Kaitlyn Barclay
- notable references: press/media:
- 2022-06-05 Adweek: 22 LGBTQ+ Changemakers Creating More Inclusive Spaces / Introducing Adweek's 2022 Pride Stars — first person listed
- in a list
- founder and CEO of Scout Lab: https://www.crunchbase.com/person/kaitlyn-barclay,
- writer
- speaker:
- wikidata
- personal site: http://www.kaitlynbarclay.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaitlynBarclay
- Medium: https://medium.com/@kaitlynbarclay
- about Scout Lab: https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/this-agency-brings-product-inspired-strategy-to-purpose-driven-marketing/
Sophie Schmidt
- Sophie Schmidt (nonprofit founder) per Talk:Sophie_Schmidt. notable references:
- https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/josephbernstein/a-google-scion-is-starting-a-new-publication-with-focus-on
- https://www.businesscloud.co.uk/news/daughter-of-former-google-ceo-to-start-tech-website
- https://www.theverge.com/interface/2019/5/3/18527590/facebook-alex-jones-laura-loomer-ban-evasion
- https://www.theverge.com/2013/1/20/3896570/sophie-schmidt-reports-on-north-korea-trip referring to personal account of North Korea trip: https://sites.google.com/site/sophieinnorthkorea/
Andy Budd
- Andy Budd
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
Richard Rutter
- Richard Rutter
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
Kayode Ewumi
- Kayode Ewumi
- Notable as "Thinking guy" meme
- Wikipedia links to
- Google News search for "Kayode Ewumi" - entertainer
Dietrich Ayala
- Dietrich Ayala
- Wikipedia links to (any links?)
- Google News search for "Dietrich Ayala" - technologist, published photographer
Ted Rheingold
- Ted Rheingold
- Wikipedia links to (Dogster, I/o_Ventures)
- https://www.inc.com/lisa-abeyta/what-sheryl-sandberg-brad-feld-and-ted-rheingold-know-about-being-vulnerable.html
- https://www.wsj.com/articles/rheingold-unleashed-dogster-com-and-became-web-industry-mentor-1505485800
- https://twitter.com/UltiRad/status/909060352352043008
- https://om.co/2017/09/06/ted-rheingold-r-i-p/
- http://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/Entrepreneur-Ted-Rheingold-Dogster-and-Catster-12177960.php
- ...
- Twitter search for @tedr (has lots of links to mainstream media, etc.)
- Google News search for "Ted Rheingold"
- ...
- his blogs: http://www.spideysenses.com/ and https://medium.com/@tedr
- donate: https://twitter.com/mollybloom/status/905157194387038208
- mentioned in:
- photos of him: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/tags/tedR
- for wikidata:
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/tedr
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/tedr
- Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bmindful/
- ...
Jeff Lindsay
- Jeff Lindsay (computer programmer)
- Wikipedia links to
- https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/webhook
- primary subject:
- 2023-06-01 Mozilla blog: Advancing the future of the internet with the ‘Photoshop of software’
Jeff Lindsay is working to build the Photoshop of software at his company Progrium.
- 2023-06-01 Mozilla blog: Advancing the future of the internet with the ‘Photoshop of software’
- notable articles:
- other profiles:
- for wikidata
- Dev.to: https://dev.to/progrium
- Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/progrium/
- GitHub: https://github.com/progrium
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/progrium
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/progrium/
- Mastodon: https://mas.to/@progrium or @progrium@mas.to
- Medium: https://progrium.medium.com/
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/progrium
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/progrium
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/progrium
- website: progrium .xyz (apparently .xyz is on Wikipedia's protection filter)
- blog: progrium .xyz/blog/
- ...
David Weekly
- David Weekly
- Wikipedia links to
- 2011-10-15 https://thenextweb.com/la/2011/10/15/meet-david-weekly-the-nerd-who-loves-people/ "Meet David Weekly, the Nerd Who Loves People"
- 2013-03-23 http://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-david-weekly-gaston-labs-platform-2013-3 "Facebook Just Hired The Friendliest Developer In Silicon Valley To Keep App Makers Happy"
- 2014-07-23 http://www.businessinsider.com/foursquare-break-up-letter-2014-7 "A Facebook Product Guy Says Foursquare Has 'Failed At Everything It Was Once Good At'"
- 2015-08-05 https://qz.com/472028/why-your-internet-connection-is-slow-wherever-you-are-in-africa/ "Why your internet connection is slow wherever you are in Africa"
- ...
Ben Werdmuller
- Ben Werdmuller / Ben Werdmüller
- for wikidata:
- personal site & blog: https://werd.io/
- github: https://github.com/benwerd
- twitter: https://twitter.com/benwerd
- medium: https://benwerd.medium.com/
- linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benwerd
- Projects/Employment
- Other wikipedia mentions
- Articles with notable mentions/quotes:
- for wikidata:
Mark Nottingham
- Mark Nottingham (note prior deletion of someone else’s attempt to create due to WP:SIGCOV)
- perhaps start from an outline like annevk
- for wikidata:
- website: https://www.mnot.net/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/mnot
- HTTP 418 removal controversy
- chair of IETF HTTPBIS and QUIC working groups
- former member of the TAG
- contribution to HTTP pipelining
- named HTTP/3
- co-editor of Atom (Web standard)
- co-author of JSON Patch
Selena Deckelmann
- Selena Deckelmann
- start from an outline like Mitchell Baker
- for wikidata:
- twitter: https://twitter.com/selenamarie
- github: https://github.com/selenamarie
- linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/selenadeckelmann
- Mozilla 2012-2022: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/leadership/
- Notable references:
- https://www.bizjournals.com/portland/inno/stories/news/2022/06/13/selena-deckelmann-wikimedia-foundation.html
- https://wikimediafoundation.org/news/2022/06/13/wikimedia-foundation-welcomes-selena-deckelmann/
- https://www.fastcompany.com/90676758/firefox-suggest-wikipedia-ebay-results-mozilla-google
- https://www.bizjournals.com/portland/news/2018/04/04/mozillas-office-grows-in-portland.html
- https://www.computerworld.com/article/3529424/firefox-starts-switching-on-dns-over-https-to-encrypt-lookups-stymie-tracking.html
- https://www.fastcompany.com/90373504/fighting-for-online-freedom
- Add to Template:Mozilla / Organization / People
Timoni West
- Timoni West
- primary topic articles:
- for wikidata:
- website: https://www.timoni.org/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/timoni
- github: https://github.com/timoni
- speaking, publications etc.
- see https://www.timoni.org/work/ and find original sources similar to Cindy Li's page
Theresa O'Connor
- Theresa O'Connor
- articles that link to it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:WhatLinksHere/Theresa_O%27Connor
- primary topic articles
- ...
- secondary topic articles
- for wikidata:
- website: https://tess.oconnor.cx/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/hober
- github: https://github.com/hober
- instagram: https://instagram.com/hober
David Singer
- David Singer (web standards)
- Update disambig article David Singer to link to it
- primary topic articles
- Director of Unicode Consortium: https://theorg.com/org/unicode-consortium/org-chart/david-singer
- ...
- patents
- for wikidata:
- twitter: https://twitter.com/daithesong
- github: https://github.com/dwsinger
Bob Wyman
- Bob Wyman beyond his notability on PubSub (website)
- https://ballotpedia.org/Bob_Wyman — ran for election to the U.S. House to represent New York's 10th Congressional District in 2020
- https://carrcenter.hks.harvard.edu/people/bob-wyman
- co-founder of Dandelion Home Geothermal (another cite: https://wiza.co/d/dandelion-geothermal/c4aa/bob-wyman )
- possibly renamed to https://dandelionenergy.com/
- Advisory Board Member of Carr Center for Human Rights Policy of Harvard Kennedy School
- co-founder of Dandelion Home Geothermal (another cite: https://wiza.co/d/dandelion-geothermal/c4aa/bob-wyman )
- for wikidata:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobwyman
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobwyman
- blog: https://wyman.us/
Ryan Scura
- Ryan Scura short films director
- awards:
- 2014 NHFF — New Hampshire Filmmaker(s) of the Year, and NH Short Documentary of the Year for "The Granite Stoke" — https://nhfilmfestival.com/award-archive/
- 2019 Whistler Film Festival — Best Mountain Culture Film Award for "COMING HOME" https://whistlerfilmfestival.com/whistler-film-festival-announces-2019-winners/
- 2022 Ciele Athletics Film Festival — overall winner for "Urban Oasis" https://journal.cieleathletics.com/blog/2023/01/08/the-film-fest-2022/ and https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDEXGJP1JG/
- screenings
- 2021 Mountainfilm Festival:
- "Coming Home - Ag Teacht Abhaile" Featured in the 2021 Mountainfilm Festival: https://www.mountainfilm.org/films/coming-home-ag-teacht-abhaile/
- "The Lost Tribe of the Wicklow Mountains" Featured in the 2021 Mountainfilm Festival: https://www.mountainfilm.org/films/the-lost-tribe-of-the-wicklow-mountains/
- 2021 Mountainfilm Festival:
- speaker, guest, interview:
- 2023-03-14: Ryan Scura on “Urban Oasis,” Trail Running in San Francisco, and the Importance of Green Spaces in Cities (Ep.163)
- 2021 Mountainfilm Festival: Speakers & Special Guests: https://www.mountainfilm.org/archives/speakers/2021
- profiles on other sites:
- for wikidata:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ryanscura
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-scura-79525725/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rscura/
- Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/ryanscura
- Tumblr: http://rscura.tumblr.com/
- IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5253218/
- website: https://www.ryanscura.com/
Paddy O'Leary
- Paddy O'Leary and Paddy O’Leary, scientist and professional trail runner
- publications
- 2022-11-01 Volume 82, Issue 21 AACR Journals: Molecular Cell Biology| November 02 2022: "Resistance to ATR Inhibitors Is Mediated by Loss of the Nonsense-Mediated Decay Factor UPF2" https://aacrjournals.org/cancerres/article-lookup/doi/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-21-4335, https://doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-21-4335
- 2022-07-01 Volume 21, Issue 7 AACR Journals: Small Molecule Therapeutics| July 05 2022: "A Whole-Genome CRISPR Screen Identifies AHR Loss as a Mechanism of Resistance to a PARP7 Inhibitor", https://aacrjournals.org/mct/article-abstract/21/7/1076/705302/A-Whole-Genome-CRISPR-Screen-Identifies-AHR-Loss, https://doi.org/10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-21-0841
- notable reference (primary subject)
- 2023-06-09 SF Chronicle: Listen: Is San Francisco a great running city?
Professional runner Paddy O'Leary joins Total SF hosts Peter Hartlaub and Heather Knight to talk about running in the city, and the upcoming Dipsea Race
- 2019-04-15 Fast Running: Paddy O’Leary smashes Wicklow Round record – weekend round-up
The Irish international trail runner breaks the 10 year-old record … Paddy O’Leary set a stunning new record of 16 hours 27 minutes 20 seconds for the Wicklow Round on Saturday (April 13).
- 2023-06-09 SF Chronicle: Listen: Is San Francisco a great running city?
- award(s)
- 2022 Dipsea Race: 2nd place — https://www.dipsea.org/2022/2022prelim.html
- ...
- profiles on other sites:
- https://profiles.ucsf.edu/patrick.oleary — info for person-box and more publications
- for wikidata:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/poleary87
- Strava: https://www.strava.com/pros/6190674
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickolearyphd/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poleary87
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=u-s53ygAAAAJ
- after creating article, link from:
Dylan Ladds
- Dylan Ladds, filmmaker
- more links from Ryan Scura’s links
- profiles on other sites:
- for wikidata:
- IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4190376/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dladds/
Zack Rosen
- Zack Rosen (entrepreneur)
- referenced in existing pages:
- co-founder and CEO of Pantheon Systems
- ...
- add entries linking to Zack Rosen (entrepreneur) to existing pages:
- create disambiguation page: Zack Rosen (disambiguation)
- copy from Robert Rosen (disambiguation)
- add Zack Rosen (basketball player)
- add Zack Rosen (entrepreneur)
- (co-)founder of CivicSpace per Digital Politics: An Interview With CivicSpace Founder Zack Rosen
- founder of California YIMBY, and creator of Abundant SF per 2023-03-20: San Francisco ‘Tech Families’ Plot to Spend Millions Influencing Policy, and
worked on Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign
serves on the board of the TechEquity Collaborative.
- 2023-03-15 50 Tech Leaders Circulated A Private Memo In Washington Calling For Action On SVB
- launched California YIMBY/YIMBY California per
- 2017-07-10 Meet the YIMBYs: Can tech bros change California’s housing policies?
- 2023-04-28 Tech-rooted groups seek to shake up San Francisco politics
co-created an organization called Covid Act Now
- Owner of Mission Bicycle (missionbicycle.com)
- Partner at Chapter Three (chapterthree.com), Drupal and Next.js Experts in San Francisco
- Awards:
- #23 on Top SaaS CEOs of 2022: 2023-10-19 The Top 50 SaaS CEOs of 2022
- #23 on Top SaaS CEOs of 2023: 2023-10-24 The Top 50 SaaS CEOs of 2023
- Publications:
- 2016-04-10 TechCrunch: The open web is not going away
- 2022-07-01 Fortune: Slacktivism isn’t working. Tech leaders should focus on outcomes
- 2022-11-09 Fast Company: Social media is sugar. It’s time we limit its negative impact
- 2023-01-27 Entrepreneur (magazine): The Tech Landscape Has Changed and It's Time Tech Leadership Change With It.
- ...
- Wikidata info:
An Event Apart
- An Event Apart — at least as notable (and longer lasting than) ROFLCon
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
Broken Arrow Skyrace
- Broken Arrow Skyrace — first event of 2023-2024 WMRA World Cup
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
Crisis Coverage Awards
- Crisis Coverage Awards - similar to Conscience-in-Media Award, also by American Society of Journalists and Authors, and at least as notable (and longer lasting than) ROFLCon
- Primary description: http://asja.org/crisis-coverage-awards-covid-19
- IG summary post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CDuFOvlhvBj/
- COVID-19 Writing Awards Winners:
- Education: “Imagine Online School in a Language You Don’t Understand” by Rikha Sharma Rani, for the Fuller Project and The New York Times.
- Business: "Costco is Thriving During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Its Workers Say They've Paid the Price," by Brianna Sacks and Ryan Mac, for Buzzfeed
- https://armacad.info/2020-06-19--crisis-coverage-awards-covid-19-edition-2020-american-society-of-journalists-and-authors-usa?PageSpeed=noscript
- https://aceseditors.org/news/2020/american-society-of-journalists-and-authors-launches-first-of-its-kind-covid-19-writing-awards
- https://www.multibriefs.com/briefs/asja/ASJA062320.php
- https://i79media.com/apply-for-covid-19-crisis-coverage-awards/
- https://www.odwyerpr.com/story/public/14302/2020-05-20/media-maneuvers-tribune-publishing-delays-financials.html
- https://www.creativewritingnews.com/asja-calls-for-submission-cash-prizes-to-be-won/
- Primary description: http://asja.org/crisis-coverage-awards-covid-19
- dConstruct — at least as notable (and longer lasting than) ROFLCon
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
Future of Web Design
- Future of Web Design — at least as notable (and longer lasting than) ROFLCon
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
Homebrew Website Club
- Homebrew Website Club
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
Open Source Bridge
- Open Source Bridge conference — at least as notable (and longer lasting than) ROFLCon
- create an article with a similar outline as O'Reilly Open Source Convention
- Wikipedia links to
- https://opensource.com/tags/open-source-bridge
- https://web.archive.org/web/20200321013058/http://opensourcebridge.org/
- 2009 was the first year: https://web.archive.org/web/20191002021011/http://opensourcebridge.org/wiki/2009/Main_Page
- 2018 was the final year: https://web.archive.org/web/20191002075414/http://opensourcebridge.org/blog/2018/04/celebrate-10-years-of-open-source-bridge-with-a-1-day-unconference-and-party/
- organized by #Stumptown_Syndicate
- Wikidata:
- website (defunct): http://opensourcebridge.org/, last archived 2020: https://web.archive.org/web/20200321013058/http://opensourcebridge.org/
- https://github.com/osbridge
- https://twitter.com/osbridge
Open Web Camp
- Open Web Camp — at least as notable (and longer lasting than) ROFLCon
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
SXSW Interactive Web Awards
SXSW Interactive Web Awards like iF Product Design Award, other design awards, or Academy of Country Music Awards
- 2009 - "12th annual" per https://www.gaiacornwall.com/gaia-cornwall-illustration/tag/sXSW+Interactive+Web+Awards
- W3C Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee meetings — at least as notable (and longer lasting than) ROFLCon
A Book Apart
- A Book Apart
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
- Clearleft
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
- Hoodline — change from redirect to its own article
- is an often cited source on Wikipeda, thus deserves an article of its own
- Nextdoor hasn't owned it since 2020
- founded by Razmig Hovaghimian
- 2020 Impress3 Media purchased Hoodline from Nextdoor who purchased it (when?) previously from Ripple News who bought it in 2016
- Primary topic news articles
- https://hoodline.com/2020/10/hoodline-news-impress3-media-acquisition-nextdoor-sfist/
- https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/ai-news-story-hoodline-19442459.php
Hoodline’s sites are using generative AI to write entire news stories to rapidly generate online content, according to CEO Zack Chen.
- redirect Impress3
- Wikipedia search for Impress3
- wikilink mentions of "Impress3", e.g. in Gothamist, Razmig Hovaghimian.
- for wikidata:
- website: https://www.impress3.com/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/impress3media
- Google News search: https://news.google.com/search?q=%22Impress3%22
- Primary topic news articles
- https://hoodline.com/2020/10/hoodline-news-impress3-media-acquisition-nextdoor-sfist/
- https://sfist.com/2019/02/19/sfist-awakens-a-note-from-the-editor/
- https://www.prweb.com/releases/impress3-media-announces-acquisition-of-sfist-seeks-to-revitalize-local-news-through-software-assisted-reporting-and-writing-897922142.html
Impress3's has acquired the SFist assets to bolster its mission to breathe new life into the struggling local news industry. It uses automation software and machine learning to assist writers and editors as they produce the most interesting content for readers in specific geographic regions or business verticals.
- Other articles about Impress3
- https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/article/ai-journalism-news-job-19449571.php
- 2020 Impress3 purchased Hoodline from Nextdoor who purchased it previously from Ripple News who bought it in 2016
- wikilink mention of "Ripple News" in Razmig_Hovaghimian (and look for other mentions)
- subsequently:
Hoodline has started using artificial intelligence to produce most of its stories
- 2020 Impress3 purchased Hoodline from Nextdoor who purchased it previously from Ripple News who bought it in 2016
- https://futurism.com/ai-fake-racially-diverse-writers
- https://www.sfgate.com/local-donotuse/article/SFist-relaunches-under-new-owners-brings-back-13628245.php
- 2019 SFist was acquired by Impress3 Media
- https://missionlocal.org/2019/01/sfist-to-return-as-software-assisted-reporting-and-writing-site/
Impress3 Media, seek “to revitalize local news through software-assisted reporting and writing,” per a press release put out today.
- https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/article/ai-journalism-news-job-19449571.php
Interledger Foundation
- Interledger Foundation
- for wikidata:
- website: https://interledger.org/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/interledger
- projects
- Coil
- Interledger Protocol (add abbreviation ILP to ILP disambiguation page)
- Notable articles from Google News
- for wikidata:
Midnight Runners
- create Midnight Runners (organization) organization similar to November Project
- disambiguate from current Midnight Runners film page (perhaps move that one to Midnight Runners (film)
- for wikidata:
- website: https://www.midnightrunners.com/
- twitter: https://www.instagram.com/midnightrunners/
- primary subject articles
- in London: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2018/sep/27/meet-midnight-runners-it-bonds-us-with-the-city-photo-essay
- in NYC: https://www.nyrr.org/run/photos-and-stories/2019/a-quarter-mile-with-midnight-runners
- in Boston:
- agreement with Mizuno: https://corp.mizuno.com/en/news/20230220
- criticism of Toronto
- articles mentioning
Open Device Lab
- Open Device Lab
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
- "Website shut down in Nov 2020 after 8+ yrs of service"
- 2016-04-22 https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/life/entertainment/story/2016/apr/22/chattanoogas-open-device-lab-helps-software-d/361237/ "Software developers keep outdated tech relevant thanks to Chattanooga's Open Device Lab"
- 2018-02-01 https://www.b4bschwaben.de/b4b-nachrichten/augsburg_artikel,-digitales-testlabor-team23-startet-neues-projekt-in-augsburg-_arid,253234.html
- 2013-04-03 https://t3n.de/magazin/open-device-labs-webprojekte-nativ-testen-testlabor-furs-232793/
- js;dr: https://fortune.com/2015/11/01/brighton-tech-hub/
- for wikidata:
- archived website: https://web.archive.org/web/20201111195410/https://opendevicelab.com/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/odl
Salter Cane
- Salter Cane
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
Stumptown Syndicate
- Stumptown Syndicate (non-profit) as mentioned in Stumptown article
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
- organizers of User:Tantek#Open_Source_Bridge
- For Wikidata:
- website, defunct: http://stumptownsyndicate.org/ (needs Internet Archive dated link as of last active)
- https://github.com/stumpsyn
- https://twitter.com/stumpsyn
- https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/274103153
- https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/stumptown-syndicate
Technical Architecture Group
- Add "Elected Groups" subsection to Template:W3C_standards
- Move TAG link from Working groups to Elected Groups in Template:W3C_standards
W3C Advisory Board
Create W3C Advisory Board, and redirect W3CAB there
Update links:
- link text in Ora_Lassila to W3C Advisory Board, and update text
Add links:
- Add AB link from to Elected Groups in Template:W3C_standards
Web Incubator Community Group
Create separate page for:
- Web Incubator Community Group
- It has nothing to do with WebPlatform.org
- Redirect WICG to Web Incubator Community Group
Move WICG related links from WebPlatform.org External Links to Web Incubator Community Group
- Web Platform Incubator Community Group (WICG) at W3C
- Web Incubator CG Web Incubator Community Group (WICG)
Link Template:W3C_standards to Web Incubator Community Group and drop WebPlatform link.
Create Whereby and stub with info from:
Primary topic articles:
- https://www.prweb.com/releases/whereby-s-inclusive-hybrid-meeting-feature-bridges-the-divide-between-office-based-and-remote-workers-814173265.html
- https://techcrunch.com/2021/03/17/whereby-which-allows-more-collaboration-over-video-calls-raises-12m-from-point-nine-and-20-angels/
- Podcast about: https://www.saastr.com/how-to-market-at-mass-scale-with-whereby/
More articles from:
- website: https://whereby.com/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/whereby
Willow Innovations
Create Willow Innovations and redirect Willow Pump there
- link from Laura Chambers mention of "Willow Innovations"
- link from Breast pump and to it in the description
Profiles / wikidata:
- Crunchbase profile: /organization/exploramed-nc7
- Path only because Wikipedia edit warning that it is
a deprecated source, considered generally unreliable after discussion by the community
- Path only because Wikipedia edit warning that it is
Primary subject:
- 2017-01-05 This breast pump is legit quiet enough to use on a conference call
- 2018-08-03 Willow is the first breast pump that doesn't make me feel like a cow
- 2019-01-06 CES 2019: The Willow 2.0 breast pump lets women live their lives while they pump
- 2019-01-06 Willow is back with an easier-to-use version of its smart breast pump
- 2019-02-23 The Willow breast pump eases some of the worst parts of pumping, for a price
- 2020-01-10 Willow's hidden breast pump changed my life at CES
- 2020-07-10 Breast pump startup Willow's new CEO, Laura Chambers, on innovation for women and mothers
- 2020-07-16 Laura Chambers, Former AirBnB, eBay Exec & Mom of 3, Takes the Helm of Femtech Leader Willow® as CEO
- 2020-09-22 Willow, the startup making the wearable breast pump, raises $55 million
- 2021-04-22 Breast pump innovator Willow gets additional $26.8 million in funding
- 2021-10-19 I Thought a Wearable Breast Pump Would Solve My Problems
- 2022-03-29 Mountain View-based Willow Innovation launches new wearable breast pump
- 2023-01-17 Breast pump maker Willow now has an Apple Watch app
- 2023-05-22 Review: Willow Go
- 2023-08-03 Willow Go hands-free breast pump has hospital-grade suction and helps you multitask
- 2023-08-04 Review: Willow 3.0
Notable use:
- 2017: Willow™ Named to TIME Magazine's 25 Best Inventions of 2017
- 2022 CNET: Best Breast Pumps in 2022
books albums films tv music
Urban Oasis
- Urban Oasis, possibly Urban Oasis (film)
- similar to A Rodeo Film page
- Accolades like We_All_Die_Alone#Accolades
- notable references:
- additional references:
- quotes
- 2023-02-28 SFGate: These SF running trails offer breathtaking views and stunning scenery
…running in San Francisco even inspired a local video love letter, Urban Oasis.
- 2023-06-09 SF Chronicle: Listen: Is San Francisco a great running city?
… professional runner and UCSF cancer biologist Paddy O’Leary says S.F. is an outstanding running city, and produced “Urban Oasis: A Love Letter to San Francisco” as proof.
- 2023-02-28 SFGate: These SF running trails offer breathtaking views and stunning scenery
- after creating page, add to
Music of Umbrella Academy
Music of Umbrella Academy like Music of Heroes and add to The_Umbrella_Academy_(TV_series)#Music subsection similar to Heroes_(American_TV_series)#Music
- Season 1: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089CQ8H1T/
- Season 2: https://www.amazon.com/Umbrella-Academy-2-VINYL/dp/B099TMMZNH/
- https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/the-umbrella-academy-complete-playlist/pl.39979f3cd6e7476f904814835606a6e6
- Primary topic articles:
- https://screenrant.com/umbrella-academy-season-1-songs/
Here's every song in The Umbrella Academy season 1, in order:
- https://screenrant.com/umbrella-academy-season-1-songs/
Song Title Artists "Picture Book" The Kinks "The Walker" Fitz and the Tantrums "I Think We're Alone Now" Tiffany "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)” They Might Be Giants "Run Boy Run" Woodkid "Goody Two Shoes" Adam Ant "Don't Stop Me Now" Queen "Never Tear Us Apart" Paloma Faith "Lost Woman" The Yardbirds "We're Through" The Hollies "Sinnerman" Nina Simone "Blood Like Lemonade" Morcheeba "Shingaling" Tom Swoon "This Year's Love" David Gray "In The Heat of the Moment" Noel Gallagher's High-Flying Birds "Mary" Big Thief "Memory Bound" Don McGinnis "Happy Together" Gerard Way (feat. Ray Toro) "Soul Kitchen" The Doors "Dancing in the Moonlight" Toploader "Kill of the Night" Gin Wigmore "One" Three Dog Night "Exit Music (For a Film)" Radiohead "Stormy Weather" Lena Horne "Stay With Me" Mary J. Blige "Mad About You" Hooverphonic "Lundi Matin" Traditional French Children's Song "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" Lesley Gore "All Die Young" Smith Westerns "Barracuda" Heart "Saturday Night" Bay City Rollers "Hazy Shade of Winter" Gerard Way (feat. Ray Toro)
Washeshu Peak
- Washeshu Peak
- update Squaw Peak (old name) and add to Squaw_Peak#Mountains section there
- Primary subject articles: (get more from https://news.google.com/search?q=%22Washeshu%20Peak%22)
- Primary subject pages:
- link from
Moraga Steps
Alvord Lake
- Alvord Lake (California) also make Alvord Lake (San Francisco) redirect
- link from disambig page: Alvord Lake
- primary subject articles:
- https://goldengatepark.com/alvord-lake.html
- https://www.exploratorium.edu/publicspaces/projects/alvord-lake
- https://sfrichmondreview.com/2022/08/03/looking-back-alford-lake/
- https://hoodline.com/2016/06/open-air-art-exhibition-alvord-lake/
- https://48hills.org/2018/12/surveillance/
- https://hoodline.com/2016/05/body-discovered-in-golden-gate-parks-alvord-lake/
- https://abc7news.com/exploratorium-studio-for-public-spaces-san-francisco-recreation-and-parks-department-buchanan-mall/11061860/
- historical: https://www.foundsf.org/index.php?title=Alvord_Lake
- ...
- articles with lists:
- ...
Club Deluxe
- Club Deluxe (California) also make Club Deluxe (San Francisco) redirect
- disambig link from Club Deluxe (similar to West Coast Offense to West Coast Offensive)
- primary subject articles:
- 2023-04-26 33-year-old S.F. jazz bar closed for good after landlord conflict
- https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/Cherished-San-Francisco-jazz-bar-in-17348494.php
- https://sf.eater.com/2022/8/3/23290621/club-deluxe-haight-music-venue-bar-closing
- https://sfist.com/2022/08/03/haight-street-swing-bar-club-deluxe-is-apparently-closing-but-sup-preston-vows-a-fight/
- https://sfstandard.com/arts-culture/club-deluxe-will-close-owner-announces-i-have-done-everything-i-can/
- https://hoodline.com/2016/10/meet-the-new-club-deluxe-owners-at-open-house-tomorrow/
- ...
- articles with lists:
- 2017 top of "best nightlife in the Haight": https://www.sfgate.com/travel/article/The-best-nightlife-in-the-Haight-11267829.php
- 2019 #2 best Jazz Club in San Francisco: https://thebolditalic.com/tbis-5-best-jazz-clubs-in-san-francisco-d89bb26040e0
- 2021 #2 best Jazz Club in San Francisco: https://sftimes.com/best-jazz-clubs-in-sf/
- wikidata info:
- website: https://www.clubdeluxe.co/
- instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clubdeluxe1
- ...
expressions and idioms
Roll with the punches
- Roll with the punches (idiom) and
- add it to Roll with the punches disambiguation page
- link to it from English-language idioms
- https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/roll-with-the-punches
- Press use in article titles (from Google Search News tab)
- Press use in prose:
- https://time.com/5643643/capital-one-equifax-data-breach-social-security/
- https://www.washingtonian.com/2019/07/31/craigslist-wedding-date/
- https://www.worldboxingnews.net/2019/08/08/boxing-can-teach-relationships/ (literal and idiom)
- https://www.elitedaily.com/p/5-mantras-to-recite-on-vacation-when-youre-annoyed-with-your-partner-need-to-let-off-steam-18563957
Phone tree
competency trap
- competency trap - notable phrase and concept as mentioned with examples in:
- https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/31/business/dealbook/xerox-fujifilm.html
- http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2007/02/01/8398984/index.htm
- https://www.inc.com/david-finkel/7-simple-steps-to-escape-the-competency-trap-and-free-up-your-time.html
- https://thesystemsthinker.com/using-success-to-the-successful-to-avoid-competency-traps/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2245204/
- http://aaron-daniels.blogspot.com/2008/01/core-competency-vs-compentency-trap.html
- https://books.google.com/books?id=flD3D12FI6MC&pg=PA61&lpg=PA61&dq=%22competency+trap%22&source=bl&ots=mPRQ9ZQG9Y&sig=skVGjYrk4R0eFCEiITo7JeOv364&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjswLbe4IXZAhWmxFkKHZFSB6E4ChDoAQhPMAk#v=onepage&q=%22competency%20trap%22&f=false
- "The Red Queen Among Organizations: How Competitiveness Evolves", ISBN: 978-0-691-13114-6, pp. 61-62 78 109 118 120 127-128 131 157 161 178-179 183 192 203-204
- https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2015/03/02/are-you-too-good-at-your-job
- https://hbr.org/2013/08/beware-the-sirens-of-managemen
- https://knowledge.insead.edu/leadership-organisations/when-networks-become-shackles-for-aspiring-leaders-3969
number go up
- number go up
- Origin: https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2019/05/27/the-origin-of-number-go-up-in-bitcoin-culture/
- Notable ref: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/five-reasons-bitcoins-number-go-up-technology-works-2021-05-29
- https://www.ministryofnodes.com.au/what-is-number-go-up-technology
- https://blog.dshr.org/2021/11/making-sure-number-go-up.html
terms and phrases
- coronawashing (and redirect corona-washing) - similar to wokewashing
- 2020-05-01 Opportunistic lobbyists abuse the EU’s unprecedented health crisis
Corporate Europe Observatory has set up Corona Lobby Watch, in order to ensure that civil society can continue to monitor the moves of 'Coronawashing' lobbyists
- 2020-05-11 Guardian: Coronawashing: for big, bad businesses, it's the new greenwashing
- 2020-05-01 Opportunistic lobbyists abuse the EU’s unprecedented health crisis
cross check (aviation)
- cross check (aviation) as a {{aviation-stub}} (also used: cross-check (aviation); and add to cross check disambiguation article), perhaps with similar structure as Separation (aeronautics)
- In aviation, cross check is a phrase describing or requesting that flight attendants verify the proper completion of each others tasks, or sometimes the act of verifying data from one source with another, e.g. additional indicators.
- notable refs:
- other primary refs:
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association: Training Tip: Cross-check and interpretation
- FlightGlobal: Dreamlifter pilots did not cross-check navigation before wrong-airport landing (archive link)
- secondary refs:
- text uses in Wikipedia articles (which should be linked to this new article)
National Resilience Strategy
- primary doc: https://bidenwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/National-Resilience-Strategy.pdf
- news articles - in title or close
- 2024-07-26 White House, CISA name key cybersecurity officials as national resilience strategy rollout continues
- 2013-04-18 Infrastructure and Resilience: Forging a National Strategy for Reconstruction and Growth
Though agencies have yet to develop a national resilience strategy for public infrastructure, Executive Order 13514 and the real rising risks of climate change give them the clear authority to do so.
- ...
- news articles — topical mentions
- 2019-03-05 https://www.tfah.org/report-details/pain-in-the-nation-update-while-deaths-from-alcohol-drugs-and-suicide-slowed-slightly-in-2017-rates-are-still-at-historic-highs/
where the phrase links to https://web.archive.org/web/20210917042805/https://pitn.org/resilience.html…call on the nation to come together to support comprehensive prevention policies and a National Resilience Strategy to forestall future crises.
- 2023-07-12 https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/articles/2023/07/12/as-natural-disaster-costs-soar-local-leaders-call-for-a-national-strategy
- 2024-04-20 http://www.gothamgazette.com/130-opinion/11953-new-york-city-federal-climate-resilience
- 2024-08-14 HUD Partners With More Than 25 Federal Agencies in Coordinated Fight Against Extreme Heat and Climate Change
The National Heat Strategic Plan builds on additional recent federal efforts, including the National Resilience Strategy, the National Climate Resilience Framework and the National Resilience Guidance, to embed resilience into planning and management within the federal government and across the country.
- ...
- 2019-03-05 https://www.tfah.org/report-details/pain-in-the-nation-update-while-deaths-from-alcohol-drugs-and-suicide-slowed-slightly-in-2017-rates-are-still-at-historic-highs/
- openwashing (and redirect open-washing) - similar to Greenwashing - literally: https://opencontent.org/blog/archives/1934
- plenty of media mentions for notability: https://news.google.com/search?q=openwashing
- collecting a bunch of examples and research here: https://indieweb.org/openwashing
origin trial
- origin trial as in browser origin trials.
- inbound links
Primary citations (articles primarily about the topic)
- 2023-08-31 Google’s Experimental Feature Makes Webpages Faster / Google announced origin trials for a new feature available in Chrome right now that raises page speeds to new levels
- ...
Places to get citations:
- https://wiki.mozilla.org/Origin_Trials
- https://news.google.com/search?q=%22origin+trial%22+(Chrome+OR+Microsoft)&hl=en-US&gl=US
- ...
Terminal green
Terminal green is a design aesthetic that may have enough popular use to be notable.
- related to Monochrome monitor
- 2019-11-18 It’s Not Just You—the Neon Glow of “Terminal Green” Really is Ubiquitous
- as a cliche: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/5623cz/where_does_the_greentextonblackscreen_cliche_come/
topiary garden
topiary garden as a {{garden-stub}} (and Topiary Garden) should be its own page for the general concept / phrase "topiary garden", not a redirect to Topiary Park which is only one particular topiary garden.
- reply to Talk:Topiary_Park#Redirects noting change of redirect to its own page
- primary topic references
- additional topical references to "topiary gardens":
- possibly disambiguation and/or list of specifically named Topiary Gardens:
- Columbus's Topiary Garden: https://www.thetravel.com/why-visit-topiary-park-in-columbus-ohio/
- Elms and Green Animals Topiary Garden: https://whatsupnewp.com/2023/03/the-elms-and-green-animals-topiary-garden-will-open-for-the-season-in-april/
- Green Animals Topiary Garden: https://www.newportmansions.org/mansions-and-gardens/green-animals-topiary-garden/
- Harper's Topiary Garden: https://www.cbs8.com/video/news/local/harpers-topiary-garden-san-diego-woman-designs-unique-home-garden/509-f1ea6fd2-f33b-4484-9b32-55b02ad40079
- Ladew Topiary Gardens: https://ladewgardens.com/ and https://longwoodgardens.org/gardens/main-fountain-garden-district/topiary-garden and https://www.baltimoresun.com/2023/08/18/ladew-topiary-gardens-butterfly-house-leaves-visitors-aflutter/
- Levens Hall and Gardens: https://www.wyff4.com/article/south-carolina-pearl-fryar-topiary-garden/45909502
- oldest topiary garden: https://www.housebeautiful.com/uk/garden/a45080788/levens-hall-topiary-garden/ and https://www.tatler.com/gallery/best-topiary-gardens-to-visit
- "laid out by Guillaume Beaumont in 1689": https://britishheritage.com/travel/topiary-gardens-britain
- Lotusland’s beloved Topiary Garden: https://www.lotusland.org/gardens/topiary-garden/
- Pearl Fryar Topiary Garden: https://www.gardenconservancy.org/preservation/pearl-fryar and https://www.wyff4.com/article/south-carolina-pearl-fryar-topiary-garden/45909502
- Sandringham: topiary garden on the West Lawn at Sandringham: https://www.tatler.com/article/topiary-lawn-sandringham-in-development
Torment Nexus
- Defining tweet: https://twitter.com/AlexBlechman/status/1457842724128833538
- Primary topic article: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/torment-nexus
- Primary topic blog post with backstory to metaverse, comparing Torment Nexus concept to robot term origins: https://interconnected.org/home/2022/02/18/torment_nexus
- Articles mentioning it as a prominent expression:
- Cites origin tweet:
- Uses capitalized proper noun a-matter-of-factly as a known concept:
- Scientific American: 2023-12-20: Tech Billionaires Need to Stop Trying to Make the Science Fiction They Grew Up on Real
- wokewashing (and redirect woke-washing) - similar to greenwashing & openwashing
- 2019-05-23 Guardian: Woke-washing: how brands are cashing in on the culture wars
- 2019-06-19 Guardian: Unilever boss says brands using 'woke-washing' destroy trust
- 2019-09-04 “Wokewashing” — the latest questionable PR strategy
- 2020-02-06 Should Brands be Wary of ‘Wokewashing’? Q&A with Good-Loop’s Amy Williams
- 2020-03-11 Woke-washing or social purpose? Museum of Brands exhibition spurs debate on (in)famous ads
- 2020-05-11 Guardian: Coronawashing: for big, bad businesses, it's the new greenwashing
Yellow alert
Lots of (mostly weather-related) notable references:
- Wikipedia links to
- perhaps redirect from Bridgy Fed
- Wikipedia links to
- Primary article topic:
- Additional notable mentions:
- Wikidata
- domain: corkd.com (defunct)
- Twitter: twitter.com/corkd
- get more from: crunchbase.com/organization/corkd
- 2006-05-17 launched: https://web.archive.org/web/20200219191349/http://vault.simplebits.com/notebook/2006/05/17/corkd/
- 2007-05-14 acquired by Gary Vaynerchuk:
- 2011-01-12 shut down
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130801050517/http://content.corkd.com/2011/01/12/corkd-the-final-tasting-note/
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2097658
- Add redirects: Corkd, ...
- Add disambig for secondary meaning to: Corked
- Link from existing mentions in:
- Add links from:
- Gary Vaynerchuk
- Untappd
- Dan Cederholm (to be re-created)
- News
- 2009-01-07 TechCrunch: https://techcrunch.com/2009/01/07/did-corkd-get-hackd/ "Corkd Gets Hackd"
- 2010-02-18 WineBusiness News: https://www.winebusiness.com/news/vendor/article/71514 "Cork'd and VinoVisit Announce Partnership -- Wine Lovers to Book Real-Time Tasting Reservations, Share Peer Reviews and Ratings on Wines and Wineries"
- Academic Papers
- 2010-08: https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=39221 "Cork'd: Building a Social Network for Wine Lovers"
- Wikipedia links to
- Wikipedia search for
Asa Dotzler
Asa Dotzler — figure out what is the Wikipedia way to appeal a deletion. Commented on AFD talk page.
- link to it from Template:Mozilla Organization/People section
Dan Cederholm
Dan Cederholm - figure out how to get previous two versions of it
- link to it from Cork'd
articles created
Created the following article(s):
- announcementware (created 2015-02-03 PST, was subsequently moved to https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/announcementware)
- Anne van Kesteren (created 2016-151 PDT)
- Chazz Young (created 2012-11-08)
- Cindy Li (originally created as Cindy Li (designer) on 2018-10-27, with Cindy Li created as a redirect)
- David Baron (computer scientist) (created)
- David Recordon with CC-by photo from Flickr (created 2011-09-17)
- wikt:DLF (created 2024-12-22)
- Hack Day (originally created as Open Hack Day)
- HTML Working Group (created 2013-03-01)
- IndieAuth (created 2018-07-16)
- Jeremy Keith (web developer) (created 2016-119)
- League of Technical Voters (LOTV)
- Micro.blog (created 2017-06-07)
- Micropub_(protocol) (created 2017-06-07)
- NaCl(software) (created 2013-235)
- Science Hack Day (created 2016-118)
- Scott Berkun with CC-by photo from Flickr (created 2011-09-18)
- toast point (created 2015-240)
- Two Wolves (created 2016-008, and referenced in Wolves in folklore, religion and mythology(edit))
- West Coast offensive (created 2022-178)
- Yan Zhu (created 2017-216)
category articles created
disambiguation articles created
Changed the following to disambiguation page(s):
redirect articles created
Created the following redirect articles:
- €™ (creation) -> ‘
- €¦ (creation) -> …
- €“ (creation) -> –
- €” (creation) -> —
- é (creation) -> é
- Adactio (creation)
- Ahwaste (created)
- Anne Van Kesteren (created)
- annevk (created)
- Automattic, Inc. (creation)
- BA.2.12 (creation)
- BA.2.12.1 (creation)
- bookmarks.html (creation)
- BombCyclone (creation)
- California YIMBY (creation)
- call an audible (creation)
- Charlemagne Institute (creation)
- Chris messina (creation)
- Christopher Hadnagy (creation)
- Company (Heroes) (creation)
- Covert affairs (creation)
- CSS Working group (creation)
- Dark patterns (creation)
- Data formats (creation)
- Definite noun (creation)
- Definite noun phrase (creation)
- Divergent Trilogy (creation)
- doctoroz.com (creation)
- Dunning Kruger effect (creation, [1])
- egroups.com (creation)
- Emergen-c/Emergenc/EmergenC (Emergen-c creation, Emergenc creation, EmergenC creation)
- Evil bert (creation)
- eyas (creation)
- Facebook feed (creation), Facebook Feed (creation)
- Factoryjoe (creation)
- firstthings.com (creation)
- F-droid (creation)
- Finger (unix) (creation)
- German Political Parties (creation)
- Good reads (creation)
- Google-O'Reilly_Open_Source_Awards (creation)
- Hasselhof (creation)
- Ho You Fat (creation)
- Howard Beach Station (creation)
- HTML Working group (creation)
- ilyaz (creation)
- Limbic hijack (creation)
- Luiz Barroso (creation)
- meta http-equiv (creation)
- MIT0 (creation), MIT-0 (creation)
- MSTV (creation)
- NASCAR_problem (creation) — now updating publicly on the IndieWeb wiki until it has enough notability / citations to attempt recreating it on Wikipedia.
- National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day (creation), and
National chocolate chip cookie day (creation) for this particular addition to List of food days: August 4th - oscillation overthruster (creation)
- overthruster (creation)
- Payment Required (creation)
- POSH (creation)
- Primatech (creation)
- ScienceHackDay (creation)
- Stanyan (creation)
- Staywoke (creation)
- SXSW Film (creation)
- tenetmedia.com (creation)
- thanksobama (creation)
- The Company (Heroes) (creation)
- The Eurhythmics (creation)
- toast points
- TRON:Legacy (creation)
- webfoundation.org (creation)
- withknown.com (creation)
- www.womenshealthmag.com (creation)
- YIMBY California (creation)
articles edited
See my list of edits: Special:Contributions/Tantek
sections created
Created new sections in existing article(s) without any:
- DLF (disambig), added sections to organize it
- added dead last finisher as link to Wiktionary, may be worth its own article
- create redirect dead-last finisher (less common hyphenated first two words)
- link to wikt:DLF
- primary topic web articles:
- Wikipedia articles mentioning "dead(-)last finish(er)"
- See Also
- Dead Fucking Last (and reciprocate)
- Link from
- DFL (disambiguation) — as variant dead fucking last (redirect)
- wikt:DLF
- added dead last finisher as link to Wiktionary, may be worth its own article
Created the following sections in existing articles:
- Grade (bouldering) Route colors (originally created as Grade (bouldering) Route Colors (diff), but "Colors" was subsequently lowercased to "colors").
- Heroes: Absent from official soundtrack (diff)
- Mythology of Heroes: Pinehearst Company (diff)
- TRON Legacy: Absent from official soundtrack (diff, subsequently merged into adjacent section: diff)
- Simple Update Protocol: Past Support (diff)
- Mary Schmich: "Do one thing every day that scares you." (diff)
- Smart TV: Reliability (diff)
- Music of Stranger Things: "Running Up That Hill" (diff)
- SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant: (diff, headers for existing content)
apparently disputed
Sections created that were subsequently removed and thus indicate an apparent dispute. Next action: analyze the source of the dispute and follow-up in the respective Talk page to attempt resolution of the dispute and then assuming positive resolution, re-add the section.
- Neo (The Matrix) The Agents' File (latest version with the section). (diff, removal)
- Pull Shapes Definition (latest version with the section). (diff, removal)
- It Gets Better Project: Prior Media References (diff), re-added as Prior media references per style guide (diff[2], removal, Talk Page Discussion: Prior Media References)
- Maciej Cegłowski - added: "Speaking", "Writings", "Personal Life" sections (latest version with the section), subsequently collapsed into "Career" and "Speaking and Writing" sections (diff) by article creator. Noted question of Article Structure on article talk page.
images added
I added images to the following articles:
- Aaron Swartz - thumbnails from memorial at Internet Archive headquarters, San Francisco, January 24th, 2013. Added to the Funeral and memorial gatherings section, contributed to Wikimedia Commons as CC0 as part of contributing six total images of the event.
- It's_a_Small_World#Magic_Kingdom - thumbnail of Eiffel Tower in the line for Small World, photo I took 2015-12-08, contributed to Wikimedia Commons as CC0.
- The_Pipettes - infobox image updated 2008-09-03 to photo I took at their free promotional performance on 2008-09-02 which I contributed to Wikimedia Commons as public domain.
terms added
- Permashortlink to PSL disambiguation page (2017-11-14 removed, disputed, likely due to no Permashortlink article)
articles to restore
- List of Google–O'Reilly Open Source Award winners (created 2011-09-17 as List of Google-O'Reilly Open Source Award winners)
- 2014-05-01 was changed to a redirect to O'Reilly Open Source Award which was then later redirected to O'Reilly Open Source Convention (see below)
- last version with content
- O'Reilly Open Source Award (created 2011-09-17 as Google-O'Reilly Open Source Award)
- 2024-12-10 was changed to a redirect to O'Reilly Open Source Convention, removing all content
- last version with content
content to restore
- User:Tantek/List of cancellations, closures and postponements in California during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic
- Email storm, specifically:
- Restore well-cited examples from 2023-03-03 version (view diff)
- Remove "may contain excessive or irrelevant examples" warning
- Perhaps cluster examples by year like other lists of historical events pages
redirects to restore or create
Redirects to restore or create whole articles instead:
- U-Stor-It (creation, deletion)
- likely more worthy of an actual article about the U-Stor-It company, and then maybe a media mentions section noting Snow Crash.
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