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Mart Helme
Sad Truths
- Stonehenge is not a henge, despite the word being backformed from it.
- Bears do not hibernate.
- Berries: tomato, grape, lychee, persimmon, guava, eggplant, chili pepper.
- Not berries: raspberry, boysenberry, mulberry, strawberry, blackberry, cloudberry, raspberry, blueberry, cranberry.
- Not nuts: almond, brazilnut, cashew, macadamia, peanut, pistachio, walnut.
- Remember a time before "bad" meant "good"? You might be interested in what these words actually mean: terrific, awesome, fantastic, spectacular, incredible, apology, pathetic, nice, explicit, egregious, hospital, poison, stink, shrewd, nimble, smart, angel, success, knight, craftsman, cunning, awful, artificial.
- Red, yellow, and blue are not Primary colors.
- This box is not blue, unless you consider this box to be green or this box to be red.
- "This sentence is spoken with
- Michael Jackson was turning white before he started treating his skin, which was an attempt to even the pigmentation.
- Cold doesn't cause a cold.
- 1 is not prime, and 2 is.
- Cats and dogs are not colorblind, they are dichromats.
- Duct tape (which is not safe to use on actual ducts) may have originally been referred to as duck tape, during WWII.
See also
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