The People's Communist Republic of Wikipedia is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) in which participants play editors of a hypothetical online encyclopedia. The goal is to try to insert misinformation that is randomly assigned at signup, while preventing any contrary information from being entered by others. Players with similar misinformation will generally form "guilds" in order to
aid one another.
"If I told you I had a bucket and showed you the bucket, would you ask for a newspaper article to prove I had a bucket?" —-Anonymous
"Yes. Yes, we would. That's the way it works on Wikipedia." —-FisherQueen
"Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit." —-Wikipedia front page.
"Wikipedia is not a place where people have the inherent right to edit." —-Wikipedia founder, Jimbo Wales
A good way to start a flamewar is to hint, suggest, joke, outright state or otherwise insinuate that Wikipedia is anything less than the greatest academic achievement since the library of Alexandria. Thus, because of the Hivemind, Wikipedia has immunized itself against any criticism. Of course, the corollary to this immunity, according to themselves, is because so many people are part of it, it can't be controlled. And, that because of so many participants, real criticism will come from inside.
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