The Areas of My "Expertise"

I have a B.A. in English, with a focus on British Romanticism. I've worked as a U.S. Department of Defense technical writer and logistician for over a decade. I enjoy reading about shipwrecks. Other areas in which I am interested and consider myself fairly knowledgeable:

  • Fairy tales and folklore
  • Psychology and mental health care
  • Sexual assault and domestic violence
  • True crime (particularly historic crime and serial killers)
  • U.S. missile systems
  • History of space exploration (particularly U.S.)
  • Polar expeditions
  • Aviation disasters
  • Absurdism
  • Archie comics
  • America's Next Top Model, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Seinfeld


About Me

enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
USThis user uses American English.
This user has an undergraduate degree in English with a minor in European history.
This user is a professional writer or journalist.
This user is a civilian in the United States Army.
This user thinks good grammar is sexy.
A, B, and CThis user prefers the serial comma.
... in.Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which this user will not put.
“,;:’This user is a punctuation stickler.
less & fewerThis user understands the difference between less & fewer.
fan-3 This user wholeheartedly believes that America's Next Top Model is the greatest television program in the history of the world and parts beyond.
This user believes that fuck is the most versatile word in the English language.
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