I am a web developer. I will never die, I will only become obsolete.
For every time someone loads one of my projects, Every time a page is loaded, Every time a link is clicked, Every time data is transferred from the webserver, My blood, sweat, knowledge, and my soul are reborn.
I am a web developer.
If you use my poem, please give me credit for writing it.
This user supports userboxes that display points of view.
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up their user page instead of actually writing something useful.
This user has made 1 user cry over the number of userboxen on their userpage. This user needs to add something other than userboxen on their userpage.
I'm the Owner of Varus Online, and its a small business. My business. I've had a couple legal threats come from out-of-state (outside Maryland) which I find hilarious, because they were threatening to sue simply because of the fact that I don't have a business license for Varus Online. Seriously, I'm not selling any tangible products directly, what I do directly sell is the Varus Online Service. Yep. The Varus Online Service is the website. I'm a transsexual, in transition from male to female. You won't get my legal name unless you run a whois query on any of my company's sevendomain names. Ask me for my name, and I'll say "Jessica Laurie H." because that's my chosen name -- who I really am inside this nasty male body. I don't wish to be an admin at any site other than my business ... that's stressful enough already. I'm an avid fan of the BeOS, its a little OS that's simply amazing. I love kitties, my family has 13 of them. I'm getting through my PHP books, reading every page, so I can get myself PHPCertified.
Hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt.
Screw with my user page and I will hunt your ass down and report you for vandalism. Fixing my language, userboxes, and linkifying my user page is alright. No vandalism, please. That's not nice.
I gots a cookie! I linkified Slowking Man's user page and he gave me a COOKIE!
Current Projects
Way too many. @.o
Recent Thoughts
OH THANK YOU WIKIPEDIA! FUCKING THANK YOU! I just discovered an entire listing of open proxy IP addresses ON WIKI-FUCKING-PEDIA! Now to ask an admin if I can use it. (Done! Over 15,000 IPs banned from Varus Online)
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