"I’m feminist with all my life experiences. I think being a woman in male-dominated society is itself a political fact, so everything that I am as a woman can be resignified by feminism, including being Muslim. Islam is integrated into my life and my political struggle, which is intersectional. It’s based on the radical idea that all women are people and we deserve equal rights and a world free of violence."
— Vanessa Rivera de la Fuente
I have been woman for a long time beware my smile
—Audre Lorde
السلام عليكم والعدل علينا al-salāmu ʻalaykum wa-al-ʻadlu ʻalaynā
Peace be upon you, and justice be upon us.
—Ryme Katkhouda, Pacifica Radio
This user likes to translate articles from Arabic to English.
This user likes to translate articles from French to English.
This user likes to translate articles from Italian to English.
ملا شدن چه ﺁسان ﺁدم شدن چه مشكل Mollā shodan cheh āsān; ādam shodan cheh moshkel
How easy it is to be a religious authority; how hard it is to be a human being!
—Persian proverb
In heart I am a Moslem; in heart I am an American; in heart I am Moslem, in heart I'm an American artist, and I have no guilt. I seek pleasure. I seek the nerves under your skin.
—Patti Smith
This user understands the difference between its and it's. So should you.
its it's
It's really not that hard to use each word in its proper manner.
Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
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