Gradually DNA became better known. Paul Doty told me that shortly after lapel buttons came in he was in New York and to his astonishment saw one with 'DNA' written on it. Thinking it must refer to something else he asked the vendor what it meant. "Get with it, bud," the man replied in a strong New York accent, "dat's the gene."
I'm also interested in helping to increase the participation of scientists and academics in Wikimedia projects, and to this end I helped run my first Wikipedia tutorial at the 2014 ISMB conference. As of 2015 I'm an accredited Wikimedia UK trainer and therefore am able to assist with Wikimedia events on request.
I publish the R code and data sources of graphical figures I create here; if you have a dataset you'd like visualised for use on any Wikimedia project, I'd be happy to put something together. Occasionally I'll write something Wikipedia-related on my blog.
If you need to contact me, please leave a message on my talk page, thanks - benmoore 17:19, 9 December 2013 (UTC)
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