I am a devoted Christian and love American history with an special interest in Midwest USA topics, American Military History from 1945, Star Wars, and select 1980s Cartoons.
I have reviewed most of the statements made on the various talk pages at Wikipedia. I am curious as to the negative manner in which differing views are presented. I am not trying to pick a fight or anything. I am just curious. I understand everyone has their opinion and I believe that everyone has the right to be heard. Yet, do not see the need criticize and insult every view that you disagree with. There are any number of views in article in Wikipedia that I completely disagree with, but when I have an opinion I do my best to express in a way that does not insult the readers. Now not everybody is going to be completely satified with our wording. However there is a difference between expressing an opinion and wording opinions in such a way to provoke ill feelings.
Wikipedia focus is around on word: academia. Editiors freely discuss differenting views in order to make articles that are as thorough as humanly possible. Thus, when we discuss articles it is in the best interest to all that the following points be remembered:
1.)No human in the past, present, or future is right 100% of the time. This important to keep in mind as we discuss the various topics here at Wikipedia. I admit that I do not like to be wrong, but it is a fact of humanity. Thus, I do not get overly upset went something I though was a fact was incorrect. Another aspect of Wikipedia, academia, and life is that you never stop learning.
2.)Opposing an idea or viewpoint does not mean an attack upon the holder of the idea or view. When we oppose a view then we have a right to express our objections. However, we should think carefully on the way we object. We should word our arguments in such a way that do not attack another or provoke negative feeling. Now again, no human is perfect. We are bound to offend somebody at some point. However, there is no need seek an argument. Sarcasm, profanity, and personal attacks should be avoid on all article talk pages.
I am sorry for preaching. I have been part of Wikipedia for only a short time, but in that time I have seen a lot of good discussions become arguments because someone used sarcastic or insulting wording. I join Wikipedia because I want to contribute to this incredible work. I believe many here joined for the same reason. Therefore let us agree not spoil Wikipedia by allowing it to become a place argument and ill feeling istead of a place of learning and intellectual discussion. Let Wikipedia be a place above the offices, lunch rooms, and bars. We have enough trouble defending Wikipedia from vandals. Let's not worry about having to defend ourselves from each other. (Steve 21:37, 3 March 2006 (UTC))
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