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Contributing to Wikipedia by creating articles for abandoned, obscure and mostly unknown airports. I make sure to maintain, and expand my articles. My first edit was made on 3 July, 2024, and my first article is this airport.
A guide on finding abandoned airports.
A guide on finding abandoned airports.


  1. All-Weather Airfield

Australia Australia

  1. New South Wales - Cooranbong Airport (2005)
  2. Western Australia - Wittenoom Gorge Airport (1966)
  3. Queensland - Gailes Airfield (1944)

Austria Austria

  1. Austria - Wien-Aspern Airport (1977)

China People’s Republic of China

  1. China - RAF Chengtu (1945)

Croatia Croatia

  1. Croatia - Šepurine Military Barracks (2008)

Cyprus Cyprus

  1. Cyprus - Kingsfield Airfield (Active)
  2. Cyprus - Lakatamia Air Force Base (Active)

Egypt Egypt

  1. Egypt - RAF Kasfareet (Defunct)
  2. Egypt - RAF Shaluffa (Defunct)
  3. Egypt - RAF Shandur (Defunct)
  4. Egypt - RAF Tura (1945)

France France

  1. France - Corsica Airfield Complex
  2. France - Lannion Airfield (1944)
  3. France - Vassincourt Airfield (1952)

India India

  1. India - Koirengei Airfield (1959)
  2. India - RAF Dum Dum (1946)

Iraq Iraq

  1. Southern Iraq - An Numaniyah Air Base (2003)

Israel Israel

  1. Israel - RAF Beit Daras (Defunct)

Libya - Libya

  1. Libya - Agedabia Airfield Complex (1942)

North Korea North Korea

  1. North Korea - Sinmak Airfield (K-20) (Defunct)

Pakistan Pakistan

  1. Pakistan - Sargodha Airfield Complex (Defunct)

South Africa South Africa

  1. South Africa - Stamford Hill Aerodrome (1950s)

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

  1. Saudi Arabia - Jiddah International Airport (1981)

Taiwan The Republic of China (Taiwan)

  1. Taiwan - Yilan Airfield (1973)

Thailand Thailand

  1. Thailand - Bhumibol Dam Airport (Active)
  2. Thailand - Chiang Kham Airport (1990s)
  3. Thailand - Chiang Klang Airport [1976)
  4. Thailand - Leong Nok Tha Airport (1990s)
  5. Thailand - Uttaradit Airport (1975)
  6. Thailand - Sra Pathum Airfield (1914)
  7. Thailand - Lanna International Airport (Proposed)

United Kingdom United Kingdom

  1. Northern Ireland - Killaughey Airfield (1944)

United States United States

  1. Texas - Kingsville Naval Auxiliary Fields (Defunct)
  2. Texas - NOLF Waldron (Active)
  3. Hawaii - Kamuela Airport (1953)



  1. Thailand - Loei Airport - Expanded


  1. Queensland - Executive Building (Defunct)
  2. Queensland - Bribie Island Bridge
  3. New South Wales - Joseph Timbery Jr
  4. Africa - Croisière des Sables Expeditions
  5. Greece - Mount Lykaion Hippodrome
  6. Ukraine - Chernobyl Reactors 5 and 6
  7. Wiki - Nucleopedia
  8. Spain - Fuentebella Village


I am actively working with KeyMen12 and RetroedJack012 to improve coverage of abandoned and obscure airfields.

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