This user is able to contribute with a professional level of English, but this user hates English very much.
This user knows that because English is a living language, grammar and syntax are not fixed.
This user advocates good grammar usage, but is too lazy to worry too much about their's bad grammars. Because this user rely's on others better grammar too fix there article's.
This user rely's on others better grammar too fix there article's.
This user often makes mistakes while typing, and would like to take this oppurtunity to aoplogiae.
This user considers singular they standard English usage.
This user understands that armed peacekeeping is sometime necessary. But 90% of the time fighting for peace is akin to fucking for virginity. So stop invading other countries!
這個用戶認為漢字簡化是好是壞取決於漢字本身。 这个用户认为汉字简化是好是坏取决于汉字本身。 This user believes that whether simplification made a character more or less beautiful depends on the character.
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