Albia is the feminine Latin version of Alba, a Roman name for Scotland. I am a Communications and Culture Masters graduate, interested in ancient writing systems; transitions between oral and literate people, as well as the impact of mobile technology. I also enjoy learning about world philosophies, cultures and religions and have an interest in symbolism, both in art and in ritual. I have lived, worked and studied in Europe, Asia, North America, the South Pacific and Africa. I hope to complete a PhD by 2020.
Pages I have contributed to so far
Vipaka- because I have some formal knowledge of this topic and when I saw this stub I was sufficiently interested in the topic to research it for accurate quotes & links
Seicho-No-Ie- because I have an interest in this topic and when I saw this stub I was sufficiently interested in the topic to research it further
Pages I would like to contribute to in the near future
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