I am Sr. Programmer at CoKreates Limited. I have 8+ years of experience in software development & can create high performance web applications with Java or php in my day-to-day work. I know ofBiz, Liferay, CodeIgniter,yii, basics of HTML5 and JS, jQuery and the Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework & also working with JOOMLA and WordPress in the past. Besides PHP, I have 4.5+ years’ experience in JAVA. I love R&D and learning new stuff. I have positive attitude towards teamwork. I enjoy working in a friendly environment.
Specialties: JSE, JEE, Spring, Hibernate, Oracle, Derby, XML, i-Report, Jasper-Report, MySQL, Android, ofBiz, Liferay, Ant, Maven, Gradle,Groovy, HTML5, CSS3, PHP (CodeIgniter,YII), UI Design, Eclipse, Net-beans, JOOMLA, WordPress, Graphics Design.
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